Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Saturday Sept 9

I finished up my workout. I did AMy Bento Abs#1 then 2 sets of 50 Bowflex 100# resisted crunches, 15# med ball hanging knee raise 10 reps, 20 hanging oblique raises, 25 side lying obliques with 10# med ball, then I did MTV Pilates I have 2 of these and have never done this one, it was ok for core work I don't care for either one, then I did Amy Bento Stretch #1

Charlotte, this time I did 2 sets of 8 reps as that is what Cathe does on GS. I have done more reps with 45# using other workouts though. Great workout Charlotte.

Adri, I could really use some of your energy. I haven't been sleeping to much and I think it is slowing me down.

Diane Sue

I drink GNC probolic sr. I really want to see a picture of you Adri. You said your 14 or 15? Get a picture of yourself girl. I wanna see all this hard work. You aren't taking steroids are you cuz I just find it hard to believe you can throw around that kind of weight at your age. I work out with young guys and they can't do all that now. Come on now, keep it real for us, will ya? Gosh! lol.

Charlotte I'm totally serious. I can lift all that weight. I work really really hard at the gym. I take it really seriously. The only reason why I can really do BB bench presses w/ 90# is because I used the Smith Machine (the machine where the BB is connected to it and you just flip the latch and do whatever. Then it hooks back in) That machine allows me to go heavier than a regular BB bench press. I would NEVER EVER lie to you guys. Hey I never believed you could squat w/ 175#}(}(LOL I'm trying to get some pics. just my stupid damn cam (LOL) ain't wokinx( Gerrrrrr

Well, I'm going out to eat with my Mom. Will BBL to check in again.

Diane Sue- I'm sending you some of my energy!!!!;-)

Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-

I have a great idea!!! Since my cam is broken right now, I may just borrow my aunts. Its the same one and everything. Then I should get some pics in by next week:7 :7

Charlotte- If I showed you my pics would you believe me then?? Maybe I'll take some pics of me BB bench pressen 90#}(

Its kinda late so if none of you see this I'll post it tomorrow. Have a good night!
Laugh and the world laughs with you. Cry and you cry with your girlfriends.
-Laurie Kuslansky-


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