Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Sat Nov 11

Suz, my salads change depending on what I have on hand. I add whatever protein source I have to the salad. Beef like grilled steak(usually thin steaks or fajita strips) go in a salad with sometimes rinsed and drained artichokes from a can or jar, onions, salad mix, spinach(usually there) and other veggies on hand fat free cheddar is added at times and then I use a balsamic vinegrette or fat free ranch dressing with low carb barbecue sauce. Ground beef usually ends up with southwestern seasoning like salsa and fat free ranch dressing and fat free cheddar, Chicken can go with sweet or other. BBQ sauce and ranch work well as do a raspberry vinegrette or honey mustard. I like to make my own dressings if I can because I can control the salt & use either Enova oil or olive oil. Fish is tricky on what works depending on the fish. Also you can add eggs to these. It is hard for me to do eggs as just whites on salad. This is when I just use one boiled egg.

Dallys- your funny. I try to be a good little enabler!! I want that Exotic Collection but I can't justify adding to my ever growing mound of makeup upstairs. Between my MAC, BE, BPAL and Fitness DVDs.....they are overtaking the house!!

I've got to go to bed cuz I have to be up early for work in the AM.
Hi guys!

Char-- HAPPY BIRTHDAY!! It is nice to see someone else my age here!:p
I truley hope you have a good one. It was crazy warm here too, not 80, but warm.

DS- so do you mix the ranch and BBQ? I have been getting bored with my food, but those mixes sound really good. Is this always lunch, or dinner too? Have you ever tried Ken's dressings?

So, I managed to squeeze in a 2 miles on the TM. I dind't feel like running so I put the incline at it's highest and walked fast. i was sweating real good. My hams were hollering! I am planning for a good intense WO tomorrow. I also had........drum roll please...........ABDOMINAL DOMS!!!!!!!! Amazing!

I also was having a bad body image day. I sat down at the diner for a minute on a stool and it seemed like my legs were REALLY big, and I am not talking muscle! I am sure it was the way I was sitting, but to see that really upset me. I have been liking my legs lately. So then I started scrutinizing everything. Not a good idea I know. I am frustrated with my arms. I know you can't choose where to lose fat, but I know I have great def in my upper arms, but there is still too much fat there. I have always hated my big arms. I say big, meaning fat. Now I have worked so hard for the muscle, and I still can't see it the way I want. I wouldn't mind the "biggness" if it weren't fat!

OK, sorry for all that, but I feel better now.

I hope you all had a great day, and that tomorrow is even better.

Oh, and Anne, I hope you feel better too.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Maeghan I mix the bbq sauce and ranch dressing when I put it on my salad. I mix the salsa and ranch sometimes as well. I have tried some of the Ken's Steakhouse dressings. They taste great. I have to read the labels closely though. Sodium is high in most and fat is up there even in the light dressings. I prefer Newmans Own or sometimes there are odd brands that fit the bill. Hidden Valley ranch fat free or light is pretty good. It is very hard to find a low sodium ranch dressing though unless you find a recipe and make your own. I think I did not mention that I love to put mandarin oranges that I rinse to get rid of sugary syrup and feta cheese on a romaine or spinach salad mix with some onion.(apple or pear diced works as well. This is one of my favorites and you can put some chicken or mild fish with it. I eat salads a lot of the time for lunch and dinner. A lot of time I will add a large helping of a vegetable as well for one meal.


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