Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday Nov 20

Hey Maniacs! Eating lunch here. Mexican casserole again.

I started with doubles. Go for it! You'll know instantly if it's too much. I've burned 12,3364 calories today and I haven't even worked out yet. LOL!p) I have the most unbelievable metabolism. NOT!

You switched your avatar! I like it.:)

you are having another hairspray moment. It's suz who burned the mega calories doing Bootcamp.:)

You cracked me up with your egg comment in the other thread.}(

She's jealous and she's tying to stop your progress. You go girl!keep up the torture!:)

Sorry if I miss anyone, DH is lurking and hovering over me. I hate that. LOL!

Great workout Meg!

Just finished working out chest. Will just do back tomorrow. Kinda at a loss as to what to do until I start P90X. I don't want interruptions when starting this. My house is too busy right now.
Anyhow, here is what I did:

3 sets/8 reps/60 sec rest
Flyes on decline 35's
Flyes on flat 35's
Flyes on incline 30's

3 sets/6 reps/60 sec rest
BB on decline 75# (6/6/4)
BB on flat 75#
BB on incline 70#

Did about 20 mins of cardio fusion. Did not finish on purpose. Afraid I would not have enough energy for weights later on. I need all the energy I can get when going as heavy as I can go, but that is just me. Energy is like money. You spend too much, you are broke, etc.

Charlotte - Great going, you are up there with the dumbbell weights for chest now! Excellent you Maniac! :)

Dallys - thanks! the other one looked smooshed and made me look fat.
Thanks, Deb.

Just finished core work. Tried out the Core Syner from P90X. Just did the ab work only. The chararunga..I was like OMG! I need to practice alittle more for those, but I know I will get it probably next time around. I really like the Dreya Roll and Banana Rolls, Supermans, etc. This workout is kicking butt. I usually don't sweat doing ab work, but I am sweating now. lol

Charlotte - Chataranga is a power yoga move!! What happened to the yoga girl???? Hey, I've always got way too much energy! Want to borrow some of mine ??? ...then maybe I won't be so hyper!! Right now, I'm a bit energy depleted though, but usually I'm like a 9Volt battery! It's TTOTM just in time to go out of town Wednesday evening for Buckcherry! The Joy's of being a woman. (BTW - My cat, Hollywood does banana all the time. We call him banana boy!! ) Did you see my email from work? I won a bottle of Trick 2 and I have a bid on a bottle of Trick 1. I'm gonna be so broke. Did you send the MO for the auctions?? cuz I'm a gonna need it! Now I'm on a quest for Formula 54. If I ever find that, it'll probably go for $100.

Suz - how long do you have to wait to start doubles? I never read the doubles program cuz I don't work out in the evenings.

I just ate some chocolate.......TTOTM and chocolate = dopamine bliss high!! Me bloated and irritable! Need to go lay on my balls soon.

My new Turbo Jam's came. I don't know what I should do tomorrow? Maybe Kickin' Core? Although it's only 1/2 hour aerobics and 15 minutes of cardio. If I get up early enough (yea...right) I can do 45 minutes of cardio and 15 minutes of core.
Ok, the hairspray is getting to me, or the overtraining!!!!LOL
I can't read, am dislexic and fricken sore. I am skipping tonite. My abs and legs hurt and i am really tight. Muscles sore for some darn reason.
I did groc store x for the rest of Thanksgiving.
Char, I am making stuffed shrimp as we speak. Low fat version. Put a little flax seed in there. DH will know it tomorrow...LOL

The Karate club lady is coming in the am to let me pick out gloves.Guess there are alot of different kinds.
Now, that is service. (She only has to walk a 100 yds...)
I think i started something in open discussion.
Glad i am not PMSSING!!!
I need to go to school to be an atourney to see what i can type online...
Have a good night. Gonna try to get to bed early and w/o in the am.
This week is gonna be crazy with Thanksgiving and the Cinderella dance Wed night...UPDO haven. Teenagers. GEEEZZZZZ....
Finally I have time to check in with my workout:) I started as planned with w/up and cardio and lower segments of Amy's Bootcamp, Body Max2 power circuits and bonus cardio, Low Impact Circuit cardio blast add on, the Gym Style Standing legs and stretch. I eill do another lower body workout later in the week incorporating the floorwork of Butts & Guts and Drill Max lower and cardio so I can get in some firewalkers. I want to get in Gym Style upper body workouts and abs tomorrow. I will see if I can get up early enough as I have an eye appointment.

On Body Max 2 I used a 45# barbell and 15# dumbbells
I used the 45# barbell on Amy's as well
Gym Style 70# barbell and a pair of 25# dumbbells, silver band. On the slow motion lunges I used 10# dumbbells.

Debbie, you will like Cardio Coach 4. I think they just get better:)

Maeghan, that should be taken as a compliment and I agree with the others keep it up you are doing great.

Suz, if I got that kind of calorie burn doing bootcamp I think I would do it every day. Then I could eat anything:) I think I am going to do a cardio coach on the treadmill on Thanksgiving.

Charlotte, way to go on the bench. Funny I always kind of had a dread factor of Core Synergistics. I think I must really look silly rolling around on the floor doing the banana thing:p

Anne, I could no way see me competing. That is such a great compliment though.
Debbie - You'll love CC#4! Congrats! I need to get some more.

Meg - I posted this earlier from work, but it didn't work. I hope I didn't offend you. I certainly didn't mean that since I said I saw fat on my body that I thought YOU were fat. I didn't mean that at all. I do think that people get envious and they don't want us to look better than they do. I'm glad I can give you something to aspire to with my calorie burn. :)

Char - awesome workout!

Dallys - that's what I'm thinking - to just jump right into doubles. Thanks for the advice. Darn - you blew me away on the calorie burn. I'll getcha tomorrow! :p

Lora - I'm thinking the doubles don't start until week 5 or 6 maybe??? Too late for me.

Storm - I'll have to see what trouble you've stirred up on OD.

Diane Sue - Another great workout. And those increased weights!!! My Thanksgiving Day workout has changed. It will be a cardio only day for me so I think I'll do Imax 2 (although CC sounds tempting) and then take the dogs for a walk since we'll have so many people here and I want to rid them of some energy first. :)


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Well, I finally squeezed in Core Synergistics. Had a full day today.
It's a fun workout. I'm sure I look like a total nerd doing some of the moves. Skin and fat deposits flipin and flopin every which way. LOL! I did learn something though, I look much better in the daylight, than in the floresent lighting at night. Geez, what a dissapointment that was.:(

I got my sponges and they look different than on the website, it's got like a blue and pink piece of material sewn around it. Haven't tried it yet. I also got my bare escentcials. Love that. Still waiting for my TJ's. You sound in a good mood today.:)

You little trouble maker! You got the offical self appointed forum police women after you. LOL! Whatsername needs to get a life, like you said.

Diane sue-
Great workout today!

Maybe we should all do a Cardio Coach on thanksgiving. I was going to do Core Synergistics again, but that can change. We will all do one or 2 and Diane Sue will do like all of them. :)

How'd ya like Core Synergistics? How do you like any of them so far?

Dallys - you're too funny! I'm sure you look just fine. We're so hard on ourselves. I about puke every morning when I see myself in the mirror working out. I'm like WHY AM I SO FAT????? Then I remember what I ate! :)

I'm up for a CC on Thanksgiving. Diane Sue can do 4 of them, Debbie will do 2 or 3 or 4 and you and I can do 1. Although you'll probably do two also since you've been doing P90X! That would be kinda fun to all do CC's on Thanksgiving.

Gotta go hand address a whole bunch of envelopes for the animal shelter now. I'm putting it off!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hi Anne
I am not sure if you and Lora, Diane Sue and Deb are still on this message board. A friend of mine was googling me and found your post. I am the girl on page 126 of Oxygen. I am very honoured to be your fitness idol - how are you doing with your fitness goals. I continue to compete, getting stronger and more confident each year. I do hope to hear from you; if you would like to email me - [email protected]

>Morning ladies....
>Lora, fwll asleep on your balls. LOL. Good w/o for not wanting
>to get up...
>Cardio fusion is a doosey . You are gonna like it...
>i found my fitness idol.
>Page 126 oxygen. Lori Franze. Packed on muscle and not manly
>ripped. 135 # and looks great. So, if i build more muscle, i
>would only have to loose 4# and look great.By summer. I am
>heading back onto the weights this week.GS it is...
>Diane Sue, you could compete... Deb, you could too...
>Well bathy and worky timey...
>Hava a great Day..
>Aka( Storm)

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