Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Monday Aug 7


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning my rotation called for Core Synergestics and I did just that. I'm really quite sick of it though. I used my ankle weights and med ball. I think I may start subbing some Core Secrets here for some days, as I don't even get sore from Core Syn any more and I think my body is too used to it. I did most of the pushups but subbed a couple sets of chest flies for 1 or 2 sets. I overdid the pushups on Friday and my disc pain is flaring pretty bad the last couple of days. I get a really deep spasm like pain all the way down my left intrascapular region and it takes a while to ease up. (I'm really confused regarding training my chest with my injury cuz I've been told chest presses and flies are not good for me because I have rounded shoulders and those exercises are bad for me and I'm told to do pushups for the rounded shoulder problem, but can't do them because of my disc injury.....it's frustrating!! - so I do a little of both?)

I'm so depressed cuz it's Monday. At least my boss won't be back until tomorrow. She went to NYC for the weekend.

Megadoo - Sorry to hear about your son. I hope he bounces back quickly and no one else in the house catches it.

Stephanie - I forgot to ask you (since your from Toronto). Are you into Lush? I'm a huge Lush fanatic, but I don't have a store around me. I know you have one in Toronto, right?

Charlotte - I meant to mention the other day....did you hear that Shaun Morgan (Seether) entered drug rehab the other day? The radio is saying that Amy Lee left him cuz of his drug use and so now he's trying to get clean. I feel for him. They're out on tour too.....doing a bunch of Summer radio festivals with Buckcherry and a bunch of other bands. I wonder how that will work out?

Hello to everyone else and I'll be back later. Have great workouts everyone.
Its a holiday here in Toronto, but my puppy got me up early as hell.
Lora, you must workout early, if you're at work and already did core syn! Good for you. Its only 7am here. I have yet to get into P90X, but i'm hearing such amazing things. Try to get through Monday!
We have a few Lush shops here, and i'm flying to London on Thursday for vacation and you would freak, they are on every corner there. I can pick something up for you and ship it if you like!
Megadoo, i too am sorry about you son, i read last night, i work with many patients who get coxsakie, dont worry about the spread, i can find out more if you like.
Charlotte, nice to meet you!
I too love Guns n Roses!
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday I did a breakdown circuit. I did 10-12 reps for each body part I worked (see yesterdays post) Everyone one was working out yesterday. My dh took over and was personal trainer for dd's boyfriend. Son worked out too.

Today I will ride my bike with my son and then do legs and glutes.


Have a nice holiday! So many have the P90X system. Is on my list to get. Have fun with it!Gosh, wish we had shops. We only have Wal Mart...how sad! LOL!

Oh, Lora gets up at 2:30 am to workout, don't you Lora? She is crazy.


That is really sad to hear about Shaun.

Not me Charlette.
Took a rest day.
it was groceries and a day at Idewild Park with the grandson.
We pooled it and waterslide , then hit the kiddie rides.
Today is GS chest and back and coremax.
2:30 am , oh, my,,,,,,,,
I would be seep walking.

You went to Idlewild? I been there before. Nice, huh? I use to live in Pa and Delaware. Going to Water Country next week. I can't wait!!!

Well I am getting ready to take off on my bike now. Son doesn't want to go...too tired. You should see my house...ew! I got to get back and clean too.

Hi again
I realized i havent posted my workout to be yet! Today calls for Imax..2, plus i'll do lower body and abs, i was a bad fooder on the weekend, now I have to make up for it!
Charlotte, can i just say Stinky might be the cutest dog, next to my 2 i have ever seen!!!
This morning I started the second week of this T-Nation rotation. It is the same exercises as last week, except its antagonist training (supersets). I was suppose to increase my weight 1.25-2%. This is what I did, went up in weight with everything except back and biceps.

Each SS is done 3 sets/8 reps:

SS #1:
Flat Barbell Bench Press - 80# (up from 75#)
Lying Dumbbell Row - 30# (same as last week) (did this lying face down on my bench, saves my low back)

SS #2:
Squats - 95# (up from 85#)
Hamstring Curls - 45# (up from 35#)

SS #3:
Standing Hammer Curls - 20#
Lying Tricep Barbell Extensions - 45# (up from 40#)

Then I did supersets for my abs:

SS #1
Leg extensions on Power Tower - 12 reps
Straight Arm Planks - 1 minute (this was HARD!)

SS #2
Lying Straight Leg Lifts w/8 lbs. between my feet - 16 reps
Crunches w/5 lbs. on chest - 20 reps

I was drenched with sweat, I can't believe how much I sweat with this rotation. I took a shower and was STILL sweating! Hope that means my metabolism is revving up!

Meaghan - I hope your son is ok. How scary!

Hope you all have great workouts!
Well Debbie distracted me for a moment. Forgot to mention that I just got back from my bike ride and took pictures too along the way. They are posted if anyone wants to see. It is under "Bike Routes". I didn't take any thru the hollows...mostly wooded there and pictures would have turned out really dark.

Toasty - got your PM and answered you. I'm still really down .....and mental.......I explained further in the PM. Thanks for asking about me.
Idewild is 20 min from my house and the water park is really big now. Next year season passes. It is great for smaller kids.
It is a great picnic place.
No metal detectors like Kennywood.
Grandson had a blast....He was soooo tired....
HAve a great day .

Lora--hope you are feeling a little better
Deb-- kick ass WO! You go woman!
Stephanie-- thanks for offering to get info for me!
Anne--SOunds like you had fun with the kids
Charlotte-your pics are so pretty! It looks like the PERFECT place to ride!

Just got back from the docs. Connor is going for a head catscan on wed. then to a ped neurologist, just to rule out any underlying cause of these seizures. He is alright today, just doesn't feel good and has a sore throat, but the tylenol and motrin are helping.
Thank you all of you for the well wishes!

I also saw my rheumatologist and I am having a flare up from my sarcoidosis. She bumped me back up to 5mg of prednisone from 1mg. Sucks since I want off that drug, but i won't complain because it could be worse, as long as it makes me feel better!

Soooo, as for WO, my rotation calls for a circiut, maybe BC or SJP. I will play it by ear since I am REALLY tired and achey right now. I definately want to WO, but it will have to be later. I will report back afterwards!

Thanks again to all of you!

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Okay - I hate posting this -- especially right under Maeghan's *legitimate* problems.

I can't snap out of this mental state I'm in. I'm severely depressed and mental. I'm really antsy and there are things bothering me....that I won't go into...cuz they're stupid...but still. More exercise isn't the answer cuz I just started practicing my running and I'm sore from that half hour run yesterday, as well as the power yoga and Core Synergestics this morning (my legs...at least). As you all know....I usually buy stuff when I get like this (from the amount of workouts I have) but that's not an option cuz I don't have any money and the little bit I do have, I'm saving for certain things upcoming.

What does everyone do *besides eat chocolate, spend time with pets, or exercise* when they are feeling like this? (if you even get like this)???

As I said above, I feel like this is so trivial compared to Maeghan's above post.....but still.........

ETA: I know my pain level is contributing, but I shouldn't be this bad...I don't think.
There are no such things are legitimate problems, if they cause you feel like crap, they're legitimate!
We all have demons, and i think how we deal changes. I exercised like nuts, then cleaned my house like crazy, then walked the dogs for 2 hours, and still the problems are there! These are distractions. What i'm figuring out is that if I sit alone I can figure out exactly what's bugging me. I tend to make excuses for people, and i dont do that anymore either!
I broke my foot in October, and couldnt exercise (i tried, but the cast got in the way :), anyway, i freaked!!! Didnt realize how much i was avoiding issues. Now i see a shrink, it helps. Is that an option? I know i dont know you very well, but there must be something coming up thats really bugging you, an upcoming event...birthday...work thing...something?
Why don't you get a massage or get your nails done. At least a massage would help especially with the problems you have with your disc, etc. I was thinking of getting a massage myself.

Good afternoon,
Todays workout was pretty much the same as last Monday except more cardio. I started with Kick Max w/u and low impact, then ran 3 miles on the treadmill, I did Pyramid Upper body stopping after each bodypart and adding two sets as follows, Pushups, reversegrip barbell row, over head press, lying triceps extensions, and concentration curls.

Charlotte, it looks like you have a great view when you go on your bicycle rides. That is great that your family gets into working out as well.

Anne, it sounds like you had a nice rest day with your grandson.

Debbie, great workout. And you increased poundages!! I bet you get some results:)

Maeghan, glad to know that your son is better. Let us know how the tests come out. I hope you get to feeling better.

Lora, I don't know what to tell you. I often think if I just go to bed I will wake up with a better outlook sometimes it works. I sometimes will work on paintings or knitting or something that keeps me busy with no hands to eat:)

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue

Lora- PLEASE don't feel bad! Of course your issues/problems/feelings are legitimate. I hope you can figure it all out and get some real relaxation. I don't have much advice, but I do hope you feel better soon.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

New pics added in July 25 2006 and Fitness album!!!!

http://www.3fatchicks.net/img/bar072/slider-but3/lb/203/145/154/.png[/img] [/url]

Hey there everyone!

I haven't been around lately, but thought I'd pop in and say hi and address your question Lora. I hope you don't mind my intrusion.

I don't know what your beliefs are, but prayer is what helps me through many things. I don't know what I'd do without God in my life. I'm a pretty happy person 98% of the time even though I had some really crappy things happen in my childhood (which could have really screwed me up), then I struggled with infertility and was never able to have kids even though I wanted to have kids more than anything. But I'm blessed with a WONDERFUL husband, family, fabulous animals, great friends and my health (except for my few non-life threatening chronic issues that aren't fun, but could be worse) and I know that I owe my happiness to God.

That 2% of the time when I'm not happy might be when I have a migraine or something else. I know that when I'm sick, I don't feel my best and things can tend to get me down more. I know you have chronic pain and maybe that's making you more depressed than you normally would be???

Therapy was also mentioned and I work with a gal who is recovering and she lives for her therapy sessions. I think it makes a world of difference in her life. In fact I know it does.

I hope you're feeling better soon!

And Meg, so sorry about your son. I hope that they figure out what's going on and that he gets better quickly.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Charlotte - Nice pics! Wish I had a place like that to bike ride through.

Lora - I can't give you any advice because I've never gone through anything like that. But all I can do is send you a huge cyber HUG! Take care of yourself, girlfriend. We love you.

On a bad note - my dh threw his back out again today. He was healing fine, he had to go pick up the kid we baby sit for sometimes. Now I told him I'd get him but noooo. So he goes and by the time he gets back he can hardly walk in the house. His right leg is numb again. I feel like crying for him. I'm so mad that this happened to him to begin with, he doesn't deserve this pain. :(

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