Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Mon Jan 1

Just finished up a partial workout. I only did one step segment and one circuit segment of BB2. I thinky me hads to much fun last night. Feeling very dehydrated and yucky all of the sudden.:(

Amber- there is no way you could look as dorky as me. I'm like the queen of dork! LOL!

Char- That workout is a toughie! Some of the moves are ackward to go real heavy on. Wait until you get to Back and Biceps! That was the tougest of all for me. It might not be that bad for you since you have strong biceps though. I saw the most changes in the 2nd phase. Especially in the back and shoulders.

I've got to get something to eat and I'm on the water the rest of the day. No more 'fun' for me for a loooong while!

Suz - Sorry to hear about your neighbors dog, that is so sad! I would never think a dog would climb a snow drift, but I guess they would. Glad you seen the one in your yard.

Cool that you P90'ers are doing one arm pushups. They are hard. I'll be anxious to see how you all do with them. We can all work on them together!
Okay, okay, I brought it, showered and made my salads for lunches this week (well, the lettuce is in little containers anyway). That is a tough workout! All those pushups! And the one arm pushups - I wasn't going to even try on my toes but I thought what the heck. I could barely get down a couple of inches so I did a few like that and decided I might get stronger if I did them on my knees for awhile. After today's workout I think I might be sore again. And I wonder if my abs will be sore again like last time. I felt tired today too. I didn't have that renewed strength I thought I'd have. Could have been all the sugar I've had lately.

Amber and Debbie - Yup, the snow is just hard enough that it's just like walking on the ground if you're a dog and they can just walk right over the fence. After the first storm I could see their dogs pretty much just standing at the top of the fence and I even mentioned it to DH. But little did I know we had a spot like that in our own backyard. How scary. I just feel so bad for them and mostly for Zeus, their dog that is now left all alone. :(

Dallys - I hope you flush out your system with all that water.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey guys! Well, what a day. I took down all the Christmas stuff. Then the boys really wanted pizza so I sent them out with DH to get it and pick up a few groceries. WEll, they never made it. DH swerved to not hit a deer adn wound up in the ditch and hit a telephone poll. THANK GOD it was on a sharp curve so he was going slow so the impact was not bad. They are all fine. Chase was shook up but calmed down. The damage to the car (my car) is minimal. They are all fine. My sister had just brought home Pizza Hut pizza, so she gave it to the boys so they had their pizza.

SO, that sucked, but I am of course very thankful no one was hurt.
Oh and no one was really hurt at that fire call this morning either. Just some black ice. My core is quite sore and I have that annoying cough so that feels great!

Deb- that is an awesome goal you have set. You are half way there already!

Suz- so sorry about that dog. Hope you get your WO in.

Dallys- sounds aweesome and I love the pics! Seeing the whales must have been so cool

DS- now that was a late night!! I love Twilight Zone!

Char- yeah, faceplant on concrete would suck!

Lora- hope you have a good day at work tomorrow! I am sure you will be fine!

Randi- glad you are enjoying your S&H. I have seen some of them on Fit TV. Look like good burners.

Anne- are you sleeping today??? hope you are well.

netta- did you get your bike ride in???

Gotta get the boys ready for bed now.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

I did get in a workout this afternoon. I wasn't sure if I could get up the energy after 3 hours of sleep. I did Low Impact Circuit cardio and upper circuit no str, then Body Max2 Cardio & Weights Premix no w/up. I have been cleaning and trying to put things away in case we have people come to look at the house.

Suz, that is sad about your neighbors dog. I wouldn't have thought of that happening.

Maeghan, what a relief that your family is ok. That is scary.


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