Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Mon April 30


Morning Maniacs-

I'm off to do some weights and cardio. Hopefully some yoga too. Be back later.

Meg - good to hear from you. Glad you got a new kitty. I know we're really enjoying ours in this household. Hope you start feeling better soon.
Good morning, today is chest, triceps and abs on the M&F rotation. I think I will do a step workout. Have errands to run today. BBL

Lora, sorry your disc was defective. I know my Sweatfest cardio is kind of low on the volume level. I haven't said anything though.

Maeghan, I hope you get to feeling better. Good to hear from you:)

Good morning Lora and DS. I took some pics of the kitty last night ans will post them. I can feel the DOMS starting to set in from ME last night. I am not sure what WO I will be doing today. I souldn't be to busy, so hopefully I will get a decent one in.

Deb- you look amazing! YOur WO's are really paying off. Great job!

Char- I am glad things are falling into place at the new home. The two pics I did see look really nice.

Anne- sorry for all your appliance troubles! I hope everything is in working order now.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics to NYC GTG and Christmas Albums 3/6/07

This morning I did Legs & Glutes. Had a great workout. I used about the same amount of weights Cathe uses except went higher with a few exercises. I used 2½ # ankle weights. I was actually able to do all the Outer Thigh/Glute Sweeps with no problem this time. Kind of weird, I usually struggle through those.

Hope you all have a great workout today!

Thanks Meg!
I ended up doing Tracey's Sculpt Sweatfest (all of it except for part of it where it skipped in the first session). I then did 35 minutes of Hi/Lo Sweatfest. Workout was a total of 70" and I burned 425 calories. I then did Mark Blanchard's Sedona Series - The Foundation - it's 85" but I skipped over a few parts and only did about 70" of it. It was tough. I think I would like his practices much more if I did it one day as a workout in itself, as it's a bit much when you're fatigued.

I really liked the 2nd session on Sculptfest. The first session felt a bit easy. I will probably add ankle weights, etc next time and even add weight in the 2nd session. I liked using the Bosu. I couldn't balance on the stability ball and hold weights too. I used my Bosu instead.

Deb - Don't know if you saw my late post last night, but I stated you looked amazing also. Your delts are awesome! Can't wait to see more pics.

Meg - no I never did. Don't you have to have an account to look? I don't have one. I sure wish they'd play around here. They are in the area a lot this Summer but not coming around here yet. They were supposed to play here on 5/18 with Papa Roach but they backed out .....due to problems with Papa Roach, supposedly.

I need rotation ideas.

Have a great day everyone.
Morning ladies... Today is my fvorite... Biceps(choking))) and cardio
I saved them all for thyselves..Thou shalt build the biceps...
I will do this if it kills me and it probably will...

I am going to do the rest of GS biceps... then probably cry.. I am heading to match Cathe's weight today.. Wish me luck...

Meagan , nice hearing from you...
Missed ya girl..

God, i am so tired this morning...I could really sleep...Well, coffee is calling my name. Talk later..
Hi Ladies
Just got back from Pasadena Ca last night. Went there to visit my brother and SIL. It is so beautiful out there. Went shoping, to the beach and out to some night clubs. Took 3 days off of working out figured it would be good for my body. Never cheated once when I ate out there so proud of myself:)
Going to start Debbies get ready for summer rotation looks awesome!
Missed u guys:)
Have a great day everyone
Today was BM2 double upper body. Tried to go heavier then Cathe just couldn't do it! I forgot how tough it was. The last two months were gym style and slow and heavy so I thought I was stronger! I just now figured out what my weakest body part is, my chest. I still cant do all the push ups that cathe does on my toes. But for like bench press the heaviest I can go is two 25's, it doesnt make since! It's good to be back on here missed u guys!
I got my workout finished and am getting ready to run to the bank and pick up my grandaughter. Today I did CTX All step w/up and cardio, CTX step and intervals cardio, then MIC interval blast and stretch adding a couple minutes to make my total cario one hour, then I did the M&F rotation chest,triceps and abs, I followed this with Butts and Guts abs using 10 1nd 15# and a pair of 5# ankle weights, I finished with Yoga Shatki shoulder openers and inversions.
M&F rotation(I couldn't do this exact because I do not have a spotter to help get in the forced reps)
bench press 65# 8 reps plus 2 reps negatives 2 sets
incline dumbbell press 35# dumbbells 8reps plus2neg 1 set,35# 10 reps 1 set
dumbbell flye 25# dumbbells 10 reps 1 set
cable crossover I did this with the bowflex lat tower and one handle doing one side then the other 40# 10 reps 1 set
close grip bench press 60# 8 reps plus 2 neg. 2 sets
lying triceps extensions 20# dumbbells 10 reps 1 set
bowflex tricep pressdowns 90# 10 reps 1 set, 100# 3 partial reps
Reverse crunch 15# med ball 15 reps 2 sets
crunch 25# 20 reps 2 sets
cable crunch kneeling on Bowflex 160# 20 reps 2 sets
added 1 set barbell rollouts on toes 70# 15 reps

Anne, good luck with those biceps today:)

Randi, good for you sticking with your diet.

Debbie, what did you do on this rotation with the spotter stuff?

Lora, I have been trying those soaps I bought from Villainess. The only one I like so far is shanghaied. I also kind of liked the sample of silk and cyanide. Villainess does not apeal to me at all. So how did you like the sweatfest workout? I think with some added weight here and there it is pretty good. I have been using portions more as add ons. Lots of core work in this which is something I like. Have you bought any of Aromaleigh's new spring collection? I got some of the stuff in it. I really like the finishing powder.

Diane Sue - I have to do Sculptfest a few more times before I make a decision. Also, need to see if I'm sore at all tomorrow (which I doubt). I will add weights to the legs next time. I missed about 5-10 min of it when the DVD skipped. I don't like a lot of Villainess either. The only ones I care for are the ones that are Gourmand or foody....like vanilla mint, spun sugar, decadence, silk & cyanide, etc. I got my BPAL soaps and they are very nice. Not huge but lather very well in the shower and are very moisturizing. I looked at Aromaleigh's site the other day, but my days of spending are pretty much over. Ebay has changed their rules and I guess you're not allowed to sell perfume decants anymore, so there goes my shopping income.
Today was Biceps, and my arms are killing me. I matched Cathe except for con curls, i did 12# and 15.
Partial reps i used 10#.
This was hard. My tri's are killing me...

Then i did CC#4.. I quit...
Lower body has recovered. Doing legs tomorrow...

One of the girls just came in here. She put blue Sharpie on all the last 4" of her hair. I have seen it all....


Hey Maniacs!!!

I swear I just did butts and guts today. Was having so much fun with the drill yesterday and then had to put the curtains up..time got away from me. I feel good to workout again. Tomorrow is chest/back/shoulders. I also applied at a fitness center alittle further away as there are no jobs here. I hope they call back. The girl there was extremely nice and took down the hours I wanted to work, etc and thanked me for applying.


Great to hear from you again. I will take some more pictures later.


Awesome Avatar! Love it.

Lora - Thank you for the compliment, I went back and read it. I've been so behind on this forum lately. Just too busy to do anything. Not liking it. Anyways, you had a great workout today!

Randi - Hope you like the rotation. Let me know. Isn't the Double upper body premix more like endurance rather then heavy weights? That might be why you couldn't go as heavy as you wanted. It makes a big difference when you're lifting for strength versus endurance. I honestly haven't even seen BM2 yet. Sounds like you had a great weekend, wish I could go to CA just once. I'd love to visit there.

Diane Sue - When I did that I just used negatives where it said you needed a spotter. I don't have on either. Just work to failure safely. Excellent workout!

Anne - Great going with the bicep work! Woo hoo!

Char - How's come you have to work?? I hope you get what you want, that would be awesome to work at a fitness center.

We bought new furniture for livingroom..new diningroom set, new curtains, new stereo system, new sound surround system for tv in livingroom. We have bought..bought..bought and someone has to pay now. lol. We are broke..broke..broke. lol.That would be the most awesome thing to work at fitness center. Hope they call and it works out. Dh is worried I will get hit on, but I look at it this way..if I don't want to be bothered then I will just say.."don't bother me". It isn't hard. lol

I just did 35 minutes of Katina Hunter's Interval Party. Step Party, Pump Party and Interval Party came today. I read about these on VF a while ago and preordered without even knowing the instructor (looked at a clip). All I can say is that I really enjoyed it and I'm quite pleased. The workout was easy enough to follow but interesting. It was classic hi/lo and I really like her personality. I previewed a bit of Step Party and it looks fun also. Maybe I'll do a bit tomorrow. I have to review the Strength workout later.

I also did Classical Stretch Oceanside Express 30" workout and it felt excellent on the upper body. Lots of opening up between the shoulder blades and in the back and a bit of upper body work done on the beach. It was very nice. I'm really liking these Classical Stretch routines for my evenings.
forgot to mention - BPAL's Rose Moon & Blue Moon LE's are live along with a few other LE's - here -


Also - if interested, an entire new Exhibit when live under the Salon Blends.

Blue Moon was a very popular blend in the past. It has been revised but sounds similar. I think Rose Moon and the other LE sound really good.
Hi ladies! Tonight's WO was Drill Max Scrambled Cardio Premix. I had not done that one before....whew! :) Trying to eat more today and tweak my diet and I hope that and more cardio will do the trick. Thanks for all the feedback and encouragement the past couple of days...I really appreciate it! :)

Randi-Glad you're back and you had a great trip! I am doing the same rotation, except adding more cardio in between the weight work.

Meg-Nice to see you around! Too cute about your kitten. Have you posted pictures yet? (I am too lazy to check-LOL!)

Have a great night!


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