Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Fri Jan 11


Morning Maniacs -

I overslept a bit and then had a severe case of ADD trying to get ready to workout, so I got started a bit late. I did Cathe's Legs & Glutes followed by Kick Punch & Crunch abs on the stability ball. I think that Legs & Glutes workout is longer than 51 minutes like they have it listed on the back?? I don't think I used heavy enough weights. I used what Cathe used and my legs don't really feel worked......but maybe I'll feel it tomorrow. I didn't have time to add anything else on. I burned about 265 calories. I was so hungry during the end of my workout that I had to eat a banana and some almonds right after I finished! I don't know why I'm so hungry. I just finished TTOTM but I was 10 days early and I'm really due to start this weekend......so let's hope I'm not going to go twice this month!!

Suz - I bet your not in proper alignment with your hips during the sun salutations. I have to be careful with my sciatica during those. When you square your hips in Warrior I, do you feel awkward? If so, perhaps your squaring them too much and forcing your bad hip into an awkward position. Also, is your back foot pressing into the floor and if so, do you feel the pain coming from that push of the back foot into your hip? If so, you might need to keep your back foot a back more released and not press so much. Depending on what limitations and injuries your body has, you might need to modify some of those poses slightly. I know if my sciatica is bothering me, I notice that those are the two places during sun salutations that I need to adjust. Also, yes ...if the Half Moon and twisting version are bothering you, omit them, but I bet it has to do with your foot alignment more than the actual posture and again the angle of your hips. When you're in Half Moon face your knee down towards the floor and see if it takes the pressure off of your hip. Your hip might not like that rotation of the knee cap to the side....it can make it awkward on a bad hip. One last thing is hand/foot alignment. I know when some instructors teach twisting poses, they'll have you step your back foot over towards the side where your hand is on the floor and this helps with your stability thru your hips and spine and makes it a safer place to twist from. If you don't understand any of this - feel free to PM me. Play around with your alignment and see if you understand what I mean once you're actually doing the poses and trying what I suggest.

I'm running late.......gotta go get ready.

Charlotte - I finally got my Lunar oils. I love Lyacon....however, it's much lighter than I'd hoped. I'm wearing it now. I also LOVE the 2 Salon's I got. I got the Cupid kissing Venus one (or whatever), and The Arrival of the Sabbath one.

Have great workouts.
Morning Maniacs!

No workout for me today, back to delivering Avon. Oh joy. And its raining again. Oy!

Randi - I'm glad you like my rotations! I just put another out there at the beginning of the new year. Just letting you know.

I did skim over all of yesterdays posts. Very chatty bunch you guys are! I'm sorry I can't get on more and respond more. It bums me out!

Hope you all have a great day and great workouts!
Good morning gorgeous ladies! I have only one second to write here...

Today is a 3.5 mile run and PP.

I will be back on later!!! I hope to be able to chat more with everyone today since I won't be out running around. A whole day spent at home, woohoo! :7

Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday was Yoga and so I didn't get the crane move this time. Kept bumping my head to the floor. lol. Did soooo much better with Royal Dancer and the Wheel (holding longer in wheel)

Today is maniac legs..alittle bonus I will do and then some. Seems like I keep getting interruptions now. My FIL likes to come in and peek at me and tease me. This irritates me. I guess I am too serious all the time? Workouts..yes! My mind is somewhere else when I workout..when he comes in, brings me back and then I lose focus. Screws me up. I will have to tell him nicely to stay out.


So do you like Wolf Moon? You didn't say. I think Cleo May is the most sexiest smelling perfume I have ever smelled. I might have to get another one. I believe this one has got to be my favorite, but I can only wear it on special ocassions}( :p :9 cuz of the effect is has on me. lol

Deb- that's OK, we know you love us! DOn't get wet.

Missy- enjoy your day at home. You are a SAHM like me? Have a good wo.

Lora- sounds like a fun WO this morning. I hope you have an enjoyable Friday at work, and remember ignore the jerks.

I am actually feeling some DOMS in my bis. Can't believe it. My shoulders too.

OK ladies, I really need to rein in on my eating. I am not eating horrible things, just to much of it I think. I hate that I have to always be mindful of what I eat cuz it goes straight to the belly. Oh well, that is life.

have a great day. WO will certainly be CARDIO today.

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Morning Char- I know how you feel about interruptions. I have had to get used to them from the boys though. Can't really tell them "now don't talk to mommy till I am done", but DH on the other hand....He is usually alright, but I hate it whenI am stepping and he trys to talk to me about stuff.
Good job on the yoga! Will you be wearing Cleo May tonight?:p }(

Maeghan AKA megadoo

Added pics 12/1/06
December and Christmas Albums

Good Morning, todays workout is P90X chest, shoulders and triceps. I may do the back from legs and back. Cardio will be a interval workout. Our ice storm is supposed to hit this afternoon. I am not looking forward to that.

Suz, I am praying for your Dad. That is tough, especially when your parents live away from where you are located.

Good Morning Ladies
I'm going to do all of B&G this morning. The weather is suppose to be get bad tonight freezing rain and snow. And I work till 7 hopefully it starts after I get home. My mom and I are going to work on getting more pictures on here tonight or tomorrow. We'll see if we can do this:)
I have the worst PMS it makes me so irritable, depressed and I have terriable (social) anxiety. I'm on Paxel for that but it just gets way worse during my PMS. Also I dont think Paxel is helping very much I'm either not on enought mg. or I need something else. My insurance kicks in the first of next month so I'm going to talk to a dr.

Debbie thinks for letting me know you put up a new rotation. I'll have to try it maybe next month. I made up my own slow and heavy rotation for this month:) I wrote it on my Cathe Calender;)

Have a Great day everyone
Quickie here - off to the basement for legs and back X. It's MINUS 13 here with a wind chill of MINUS 39!!!!! I wonder if it's a little warmer in the city? Not that it matters b/c the college I work at it at the other end of town and not in the city. :p

Lora, thanks for answering. I'll take a look at what you wrote. I skimmed it. I think I feel really good during Warrior 1 and all those poses - I even have a big mirror and I think I look pretty good (if I do say so - just kidding - I mean my form!). I'm just so completely unlimber that some of those other ones are really painful and I do have to modify. But I'll read more closely what you wrote later. I appreciate you taking the time. I'm running late so I better fly on my broom down the stairs. DH jokes every now and then that I have one. :+


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

I put http://www.picturetrail.com/gallery/view?randidiane"> in my homepage under user menu and its not showing up still when i post. Am i doing somthing wrong?
Suz, I totally need your encouragement and advice. I am so frustrated and hurt by people who make comments about Lucy. I just went on a run with her and this lady stopped us. She started petting Lucy and commented on what a beautiful dog she is. Lucy was loving on her and she said, "oh, what a sweetie! What is she?" I told her she was a doberman/pit bull mix, and she goes on to tell me how dangerous pits are and that they are going to get banned and for good reason, they are bad dogs to have (even though her son has one).... did she not just get done saying how sweet my dog was? I get this so much - people love her, and then when they find out what she is they question why I would have her around my kids, even though our golden is the one with behavior problems. She has proven herself to be a great ambassador for BOTH breeds. I feel like if I have to hear one more person lecture me on how dangerous my previously submissive and docile dog is, I am going to scream or strangle someone. Pit bulls aren't bad dogs!!! I admit that some are walking time bombs, I totally admit that, but people won't accept the possiblility that other PEOPLE may actually trying to MAKE their pit bulls mean and are bad pet owners and that's how most dogs get aggressive!!! x( ;( x( ;( x( ;(

Okay, rant and cry over. Almost.

Suz - Didn't you say your problem occurs in the first 45 minutes of P90 X yoga? If so and it's not the sun salutations, please tell me some of the other poses you are doing and which ones really bother your hip.

Charlotte - I only sniffed and tested Wolf moon. I will wear it tomorrow.
Good morning maniacs..

I have to be quick, on my way out.

Missy that is so sad, I know Suz will have some good advice for you.

P90x'ers- Yoga, I can't believe it is getting a little easier...I forced myself to do the whole 90! I was still very sore from the previous day though.

Dallys...I bought the wrong book, by Phillips. I read it last night and wish I could return it. I want the other one,and will go back and check your post to the get the name right. I'm such a ditz! I don't eat meat, but do eat fish and seafood and dairy (mostly eggs and cheese) so I think the other book will be much better.

Debbie..we are supposed to have snow on Monday..maybe it will stick this time!

I have two windows open this time ;)

Lora, I am hoping that TTOM comes twice this month for you, either! I have had that happen before after kids. It really sucked!

Debbie, I also get really bummed out because it feels like I don't have much time to post, either. Are you an Avon lady?

Meg, I AM a SAHM, but that really doesn't fit the description of what I really do. I am really an EVERYWHERE AT THE SAME TIME mom since I get to do things with the kids at school, and girl scouts and baseball and taekwondo and soon to be baseball and poms and library... And I actually do tell them to LEAVE MOMMY ALONE UNTIL I AM DONE!!! Do you want a nice mommy or a mean one? :p

Char, is FIL lonely? Maybe you guys could do lunch sometime. I love the crane!!! After a few months, I could go from Crane to head stand... don't know if I still can though. I just started incorporating yoga back into my routine... LOVE IT!

Randi, are you enjoying that Cathe calendar? I didn't get one. The stickers would end up all over the walls. ;) Where do you work?

DS, I hope the ice storm doesn't hit too hard... but could you send a little in the form of snow our way? We haven't had ANYTHING happen here since... well, since last Feb!!! It has never gone this long w/o snow before. It has been a really wierd fall and winter. Thanks, El Nino.

Suz, do you guys all have to work when it is that cold? I would think that my skin would crack as soon as I stepped out the door! I hope your hip gets figured out.

Amber, have fun while you are out and about! Your protein sources sound very much like mine, but I am really trying to cut out the cheese. Even if it is from heaven!

Well, the run was awesome, the wind was not but I love the feeling of it! It is so strange because when you are running into the wind it feels like you are going super fast: your hair is flying behind you, you feel strong and like you are working hard... and then you turn around and come home and you feel like a turtle because the wind is blowing your back, you feel like you are going nowhere and like you have to work harder - anyone know what I am talking about? Am I crazy? :p I have tons of laundry today and nothing to do tonight, yippee! We are staying in and doing meatloaf (for fam), mashies and greenbeans. :)

Morning Maniacs! It's cold here and supposed to get down to like 2 degrees this weekend! I'm off work so today is filled with alot of X's. I've got a CCX and yogaX to do, HaircutX, eye apptX., errandsXgalore, etcX. All I want to do is curl up and watch a movie and drink hot tea.:)

Suz- I cannot believe you are still alive in -13 degrees!! Wow! It gets cold there! I'm going to die when it gets down to 2 degrees. Are you using a Yoga block during some of the moves? I found this helped me alot in getting in better alignment on the twisty stuff.

Lora- I can't seem to get my legs a good workout either. It's like they never get sore anymore.

Debbie- I can't believe it's raining on your day off again. It's a curse!

Meg- I'm still having the same eating problems as you. I'm just eating to much and I hate thinking about it all the time too. I'll rein in with you. I think my whole problem is not having enough good stuff at the ready in the house. I need to prepare better. I've been slacking at that lately.

Char- The Crane with come. I know you'll be doing it all the way through by the end. Kill those legs today! I hate inturptions also. It's so annoying.

Randi- Does you mom workout too. Have a great workout!

Diane Sue- An Ice Storm sounds scary. We don't get them here. Just snow and cold.

Missy- People are so weird with dogs. They just don't get that it's the owners of some of these Pitbulls that have ruined their reputations. When I owned Whippets, you wouldn't believe how rude people were. like right to my face, WTF?. They'd come right up too me and tell me how ugly my dogs were. They say, "Why would you want such ugly, gross, skinny dogs?". These comments came from complete stangers! It happened ALL the time. I'd just say, "I think they are georgous, beautiful, graceful, elegant dogs and I love them, but thanks for your comment, it tells me alot about you." LOL! I also had Afghan hounds and got alot of comments about them. I got the "You are starving that dog!" Once on a Horseback ride, my Afghan went down a real steep hill to a campground and I couldn't get my horse down to it. The people at the campground wouldn't let my dog go, said I was starving it! I finally got down to the camp ground and they and my dog were gone!! I finally found him at the dog pound 2 weeks later! It was terrrible! They just stole him and then took him too the pound.Anyway, You'll always get comments, so just try to come up with a good comeback. LOL! Or make up some name like he's a Rare Dobebull Pinchier. Don't even say he's a mix.:)

Amber- So did you buy "Eating for life" by Bill Phillips? That's his cook book that followed "Body for life". It's a really good cook book for easy cooking. I really like it. The "Eat to live" book by Fuhrman is a totally different approach. It's not a cookbook. But, has some recipes.

Talk later...:)

Randi - Sorry to hear you are having a bad bout of pms. I wish there was a natural miracle drug that would ease the pain for people who go through that. Hope you feel better soon. :) Keep a smile on your face, that helps.

Suz - Whats going on with your dad? I missed that post as well. Oy! And damn is it cold where you are! We're suppose to get snow and cold next week. Looking forward to it. I must be demented!

Missy - I use to get that alot when I raised Rottweilers. They are the most docile animal if they are trained right, yet the protection they gave us was undeniable. I don't have any advice for you, though. I use to just walk away from people that would say stuff like that me. I loved those dogs, miss them sometimes.

Amber - I hope we do! I'll believe it when I see it! LOL! Excellent run today!

Dallys - I got lucky. So far no rain since I went out. Looks pretty good for the afternoon too! Yay!!!

Went to Trader Joe's and stocked up on my salmon and other items. I love that store. I always spend way too much, though. Anyways, they have the best salmon there, its called Chimichurri Salmon and it has some greenish marinade on them. Man, are they good! I love it. I got some Mahi Mahi too. Never had that before so that should be an experience!

I need someone to get me to eat more fish. Maybe FIL will catch some. He loves to fish. He knows what taste good. Enjoy the food. I love Costco's, but haven't been in awhile.

Just finished cleaning the side of my garage as algae was building up. It isn't too cold yet and not raining yet.

Sounds like some of ya are having some freezing cold weather. Don't bring it here. Hate it. I thought it might get to 70 on Sunday, but now it looks like it won't make it..oh, well.

Hi Maniacs,

I'm back, colored my hair with the Revlon, ammonia free stuff this morning. Bam...even after premedicating with oral benadryl and coating my ears and neck with hydrocortisone I am again full of hives and scratching like crazy. I just took 2 more benadryl...and put more ointment on again. This is unreal, I'm not sure what to do next. I will not be grey!!!!

Dallys...I take it you read both books, I agree the Phillips book, I already do all that stuff, eat 6 times a day, portion control, healthy carbs dadadada. The recipes were ok, but there was a lot of sodium in many of those and like I said I don't eat meat. Do you recommend the Furhman book? many people on this forum are crazy about it? I never see it at the book stores...I found it on e-bay, but will wait for your opinion.

Debbie, you are so funny...I don't run, would love to, but my knees hurt too badly and I am a clutz if there ever was one.

office just filled up...gotta run.


Sorry to hear this. Did it even cover the grey well for ya? I don't blame you for not wanting to be grey. FIL ask why I dye my hair??? Well if I didn't would look like a skunk head, thats why. So I hope find something that will work for ya. Maybe Anne can help again. Ms. Beauty Salon Woman.

Amber- That totally sucks! So, this alergic reaction just started the last couple of times you dyed? Yeah, maybe Anne can help.
Regarding the "Eat to Live" book. I have a review on it that I'll send you. My daughter is in the dietetics program in college and she got it for me. It's a review by the American Dietetics Association Spokes person. She seems to think it eliminates to many foods but likes the push on vegies and fruits. I'll pm you with the link. Maybe it will help you make a decision on if you want to buy it. I liked it and started eating better after I read it. But, I didn't follow the eating. Too restrictive for me, the food lover.:)


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