Hardcore Fitness Maniacs for Fri April 20


Morning Maniacs -

Off to do some total body weights, cardio & yoga. Must hit it all today since it's my last day of training before Vegas. I'll be back in a bit.

Toasty - I finally ordered BPAL soaps - they just restocked them and I didn't buy the first time around. I paid $10 for a bar of Snake Oil soap. I guess Beth posted on the Forum that she had to up the price to cover the cost of the amount of oil they put it in. I also got a bar of Dorian.

Diane Sue - did you get your Villainess yet? Next you'll have to be brave and try a bar of Snake Oil soap. Toasty said they are really good. They are the ones by BPAL available thru the Trading Post (link off of the main BPAL site - it's Tedwin's shop who is Beth's fiance).

Must get busy!
Today is my rest day and Avon delivery day. Nice outside. Bout damn time. No rain or snow. First time in about four months I think!

Have a great day everyone!
Morning ladies...
Doing a quick checkin.
Last night was CC#4. I liked it , getting tougher as they move up.
Got another stupid wart on the side of my foot and i ahve been digging and acididng and foot was a hurting, but i did it..
I like the intervals.
I forgot my watch and went by percieved exertion. 400 cal not too bad.A little over 3 miles. I did some running and some elevating...

Char, hope house is coming along.
Send me your new addy...please..Nice abs in the new photo.

Diane Sue, you look awesome, so whatever trainig you are doing it is working. I have a hard time on over an hour a night right now. Too buisy and tired..I heard Mr. Bill was ordering you some Richard Simmons???

Where is miss Meagan???

Hi , Deb, Dallys, Lisa, Marietta and Suz,,and who am i missing.
Brain warp.
Have a great day....
Off to bathe to work x..
Good Morning, I really wanted to sleep in this morning but Puddle is getting in the habit of waking me up. Today is M&F rotation shoulders and abs. I am going to run on the treadmill as well. I may do the balance premix off of Sweatfest Sculpt as well. I am going to try wobble board that I bought for my grandchildren on the standing work since I do not have the bosu. It has a maze and I can balance and try to get the ball through the mazeLOL.

Lora, I posted yesterday about the soaps. They came while I was doing Kickbox. I had to stop and eat the chocolates that came in the box:) It was hard to decide which one to open:D It was nice because I could smell the soap in the bath and hall for quite awhile after my bath. Snake oil sounds interesting. $10.00 sounds like a lot for soap. Are they the standard 3.5 oz. I paid $14.00 once for Bliss soaps, but they were 10oz bars. Lasted a long time.

Debbie, enjoy your rest day.

Anne, Richard Simmons should whip me into shape LOL

Hey Maniacs!!!

Did bicep curls with grocery bags..does that count. 1 set of 6 though. lol. Burning the cals..dh and I both lost some pounds. For me, I am not happy about that. Worried about muscle lost. Hauling in toy boxes out of truck and computer too so maybe I can throw something on my back for my legs..he he.

Later girls.

I will catch up more later this evening with personals, etc..

I ended up doing P90 Masters Sculpt 45" and Gay Gasper CIA - Infused Step 45 or 50". I started to do the ab/core segment, but my abs were very fatigued from yesterday (even though they aren't real sore) so I skipped it and did the cooldown and stretch. I also did Power Yoga for Athletes with Kim Fowler 55". Total weight and cardio workout was 1 hour and 45 minutes and I burned 610 calories.

I take back my comment about Gay's CIA having the best music out of the new group. I actually like the first few songs a lot.....but then it goes more top 40ish with recognizable songs -- one's that I don't really care for. I like the more funky/hip hopish tunes that are on Kimberly Spreen's Absolute Kickboxing (best music) and Kim Miller's Step Euphoria's music is the runner up.

www.Xflowsion.com ...........was released this morning with a limited time price. In case anyone's interested.

Diane Sue - Duh....that's right. I meant to ask which ones you liked out of the order. I always give the chocolate to my DH .....so whenever Villainess comes, he gets happy. At Halloween, she even included a chocolate marshmallow one. I'm not sure how large the Snake Oil and Dorian soaps are. I think the website says....www.blackphoenixalchemylab.com and then click the Trading Post link. They just restocked. Beth explained that they cost a bit more than traditional soaps due to the large amount of oil they put in each one. Toasty has tried them and said the day she used her soap, her entire house smelled like it and I think it lasted on her skin. She said they are worth it (I think). Question -re: P90X nutrition plan. I was figuring out how many calories I can eat if I burn 500-600 calories a day and I wanted to know if you follow that way or do you eat a lot less than that. I've never really read the Nutrition Guide (my bad) and I'm going to! (just read the part about Puddle! How nice of her! Brookie was climbing up my yoga pants to bat at the tie the whole time I was doing yoga. I had to tuck it in my pants!!....then she just started jumping on me and playing. She thinks I am a large toy!)

Deb - have a great rest day.

Hi to everyone else.
Hello Ladies!

What a crazy week! I've still been at it with the crazy cardio 6 days a week and the weights 3 days. I did Bootcamp the other day to mix it up. This morning I lifted upper body. I'll do cardio tonight. I thought I'd switch from doing cardio this morning to doing this evening. Not sure why. So I'm still at a weight plateau BUT I've lost an inch and a half off of my hips and an inch and a half off my waist. I don't get it. I know we're not supposed to worry about what the scale says, but if I'm lifting lighter than before why isn't my weight budging but the inches are. Don't get me wrong, I'm happy about the lost inches, but I'm confused. Anyone know?

I had my doctor appointment. Surprise! No pap necessary, BUT I do have to have a pelvic exam yearly since I still have my ovaries. Darn! Oh well. At least I didn't know it until I got there so I had a blissful evening last night unaware. :p The nurse told me that my BMI was 20 and that I better not lose any more weight or it would be unhealthy. She was kind of mean about it. The nurse was quite overweight so I ignored her. Then my doctor asked me why I was losing weight and that I better not lose any more b/c I'm bordering on being too skinny and that I will only cause more health problems for myself (I will worsen my breathing problems and my migraines). She said it is not healthy and asked me what I was thinking. I felt like a little kid in trouble. Now this floors me b/c I KNOW I am not too skinny - as you all know I'm 5' 8" and I weigh 134. I can SEE the fat on my body. I'm from LA and in LA TRUST ME I would be one of the heavier people. And Char - sorry darlin' but you must be invisible. :p

Back to work for me since I spent the morning getting in trouble for my weight - which I will continue to try to lose.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Hey Maniacs! Finally, I get a moment to catch up. I'm so happy that it's Friday! I've been really burnt out lately with work. I'd love to have a month or more vacation on a secluded island with just dh and myself. With good healthy food and all the other things one needs to be pampered and spoiled...

Anyways, back to reality. LOL! I need to do some kind of cardio today. Hope I have the energy later.

Suz- Sounds like you got verbally abused at the Docs today. Don't let it get you down. You ought to be proud of the inches lost. You've done really well the last few weeks. Sounds like you already know not to go by the scale, but I know how you feel. If the numbers don't drop even a little bit, we panic and feel defeated.

Lora- Have fun in Vegas! Win some big money!

Debbie- So happy to hear that the weather is good for you on your day off! It's about time! LOL!

Diane Sue- That wobble board sounds fun!

Char- Your new pic looks great! You'll get back to "normal" workouts in no time. Don't you guys have to help FIL move too? Dang! That's alot of moving.

Off to find some food...

http://www.thesmilies.com/smilies/sports/barbell.gif ~Dallys~

Speaking of BMI's -- does anyone know of a calculator that takes your frame size into account?

Jen - no rotation advice - I don't plan the year.
Jen - sorry - didn't mean to cut you short. My DH was kicking me off the computer. I will say that I just finished that short Barry's rotation which is high rep work and when I get home from Vegas, I will be trying some of the newer stuff I haven't played with yet and then I'm planning on doing low rep, heavy weight. Still trying to figure out what rotation (or if I even want a rotation) to follow. I really got burned out on Cathe rotations when I first became addicted to Cathe.

Another slow day here.

Netta - re: that BMI stuff. I spent all afternoon looking for a calculator that takes your body frame size into account (as I am very small boned) and I couldn't find one. It always says I'm good too, but I know I need to lose about 7 pounds. People think I'm nuts when I say that, but we know what we are comfortable with. Did you try Squeeze yet? I hope you like it. What did you decide on the Passionflower Poem's? Did you get it?
Got my workout in and then dh and I went to Home Depot to do some shopping. I did not have to pickup grandchildren today.
I ran on the treadmill 5 3/4 miles, then I did the M&F rotation shoulders and abs adding in the wood chops, I finished with Tracey Staehle Sweatfest sculpt balance premix and stretch. It worked fine for me using the wobble board for the one leg squats. Hope you all have an enjoyable weekend.

Workout was:
barbell shoulder press 45# 5 reps 3 sets
widegrip upright row 45# 5 reps 3 sets
dumbbell lateral raise 15# 6 reps 2 sets
bentover lateral raise 15# 6 reps 2 sets
barbell shrug 35# 5 reps 2 sets
dumbbell shrug 15# 6 reps 2 sets
Abs: hanging leg raise 5# ankle weights 15 reps 1 set, 10 reps 2 sets
decline crunch 10# 15 reps 1 set, 15# 15 reps 2 sets
wood chops on stability ball 25# 15 reps 3 sets

Lora, when I did the P90X rotation and followed the nutrition plan I pretty much stayed with phase 1 and I ate what was on the meal plan. I ate larger portions at times and I never used a recovery drink or the protein bars. But basically that is all I did and did no math figuring calories in and out. It worked well for me. If I lost to much I ate a little larger portions. I made the recipes in the book. I did make a few subs on the soups because I did not like the cold ones. I just used the roasted red pepper or miso soup. I made it ahead and froze it in serving sizes.


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