Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Wed May 31


Morning Fitness Maniacs -

This morning I only had time for Turbo Jam Fat Blaster (1/2 hour). I have to work the early shift because I'm going for my trigger point injections later today. I wore my 1 pound gloves for the workout.

Have great workouts today everyone. I'll check in from work later.

I got my new pillow last night and used it. I had a hard time falling asleep and the pillow feels a lot softer than my old one (used to have a cervical pillow made out of memory foam) and I need to get used to it, but I seem to have less neck stiffness this morning....so I think it's going to be just fine.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Yesterday turned out to be a different kind of a day for me. It was blazing hot here so when DD got home from school early, we headed for the local pool...it was closed so we then came home with her boyfriend and another friend and went to the stream across from our home. Talk about refreshing water! WOOO! It felt so good. We were all pouring water all over ourselves in the stream with buckets and bottled water bottles. I didn't see any snakes so I was glad. Later we all played some tennis in the backyard and I showed her friend some moves on the stability ball cuz he wanted to know what I do with a big ball like that. I think the heat got to us as we all tired out a few hours later and her friend went home, but boyfriend still hung out and finished off the crabs for dinner with us. Didn't get in chest/back or plyo's, but I got a workout chasing the tennisball around the yard so I guess you could say it was a cardio day. Today I have to clean and then do chest/back and my plyo's. Tomorrow I will mow and friday DD graduates!!!!!


Glad you got your new pillow and you seem to like it.


Where are you. No emails from you and not seeing you around here anymore. So now I am starting to feel neglected and rejected. ;(

Good morning,
I recieved Turbo Jam Cardio Party Remix and Booty Sculpt plus abs, so will do the remix one, then run on the treadmill & preview the Booty Sculpt one, I will probably do the ab segment along with other ab work, then I want to do Bowflex and Free weights Back, Shoulders, & Biceps. I have errands and we are getting our trailer opened up for the weekend. I took a lot out of it since dh was gone for a year so I need to replace things.

Lora, I hope you have good results with the pillow. I would like to know how it is. I always have a problem sleeping when I change pillows. As far as your workouts I agree, you are doing some things you have not been doing for awhile.

Debbie, I like that combination of doing SJP and the all of SB. It is a great way to get in an hour of cardio and you don't have to swithch dvd's:)

Jeanette, I can get those levitaion holds with push up bars. I bought the second yoga block and I could get my legs off the floor. Those things are hard. I can feel my core though, so that is what counts right?

Sus, it sounds like you got in a good workout yesterday. I have all of the Turbo Jam's but one. I would get that one but I think it is packaged with Cardio Party 2 which I already have so will wait for a good discount then I can pass it on to one of my daughters. Most of them are cardio. Punch Kick and Jam has a very short tubing workout at the end. Turbo Sculpt uses Tubing and has some exercisers using weights, I have used it as an add on. You do get a burn with it. The last time I upped the tubing strength and used dumbbells for part of it. The newer ones use weighted gloves as an optional prop to up the intensity. They are more intense than the originals. Fat Blaster is a short intense fun cardio. 4 intervals(Turbos) this is probably my favorite.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Hi to all you Maniacs out there!

This morning I did Pure Strength Shoulders adding an additional set to each exercise to make it three sets. Wasn't a great shoulder workout even though I went heavy. Not sure why.

Then I did all of Pure Strength Legs. This is an awesome leg workout. I was burning big time near the end. I like this one. I can't stand the music in this series, though. I also did the Abs from this workout.

Diane Sue - I love the premixes on the Body Blast series. They are all awesome!

Hope you all have great workouts!

This morning was Bryan Kest's Power Yoga - #3 Sweat (though I really didn't). Don't think I've done this one before. Will do a bowflex upper body workout tonite with DH. Last night was Cardio Coach #3 on my road bike, which I LOVED! I really liked the sprints! Now I'm wanting to get more CC's.

Lora, hope the injections aren't too painful. Sounds like your migraine is gone? Hope so. Keep us posted on the pillow. My stiff neck seems better and better each day.

Diane Sue, thanks for the tip on the levitation holds. I need to get some kind of blocks. I think I will need props to go further.

Debbie, good job with PS. Shoulder work, I like doing it, but it's probably my weakest set of muscles. Getting better but still much room for improvement. I like doing the front raises on the Bowflex (laying flat) as I feel more supported. I'm so afraid of injuring my shoulders as poor DH is recovering from shoulder surgery in January. He's doing really well but I really watch over him when I work him on the Bowflex.

Must go now, where did everyone go? Nicole? Dallas? Terry? Marietta, Susan CM?

Hi to all that follow, I'll check in after work.

Good Morning Maniacs,

Well, last night after work I had to go pick up dd. She lives about an hour away from us. She is here with me today helping with work. She needed extra cash and I needed extra help, so all's good! Last night we got home around 9 and I did my w/o. I did Imax 2...OMG! I did the entire w/o. Probably only the second time that I've been able to do that. I usually do the premix and do just the first 5 intervals. I was sweating buckets! This morning I got up and did Leaner Legs! So hard to do in the a.m., but I did! I'm trying to follow the June 2003 Fat Loss and Definition Rotation. I have to sub out some w/o's cuz I don't have all that this one calls for. Can any of you tell me a good sub for MIC? These are the dvd's I have.
CTX Express
All the Blast w/o's
Low Max
Pure Strength
Power Hour
Muscle Max
Slow and Heavy

Lora - Glad you got your pillow, let me know how you like it? Hope your injections go smoothly today!

I'll be back later to check in again.

Hello to everyone!!!
It's quiet here again today. It seems like a lot of maniacs left us.

Sandy - I'd say you could do some aerboic parts from CTX to sub for MIC. Is there a high-low cardio on there? I can't remember.

My migraine is still here. I'm debating another Zomig. I'll probably have it all week since it's TTOTM. I'm having major stomach problems today. I don't know what's wrong with me. I hope I'm not coming down with something. Maybe I'm just nervous anticipating my boss coming back tomorrow and the injections tonight.
Hello Everyone!!

Bet you thought you'd gotten rid of me huh....no such luck!!

I had a really crazy week last week. I was out of the Bank quite a bit and I just had some things I had to work through.

My half-marathon is Saturday...don't know if I'm up to it or not. I'm kinda concerned about the weather...it is supposed to be really hot so that could be a challenge. Not to mention that I only made it to 10-miles with my long runs. I wanted to get to at least 12-miles. Oh well, I'll give it my best shot.

Lora - Hope the pillow works wonders!!

Toasty - sorry I've neglected my poooor baby...I won't do that again.
You know when I don't work...It's really hard for me to respond.

Diane Sue - Sounds like you have gotten all kinds of new stuff to preview. Are you and your dh going to be traveling soon?

Hey Debbie - I feel you on the shoulder workout. I need to do shoulders today. I very seldom feel like I get a really good shoulder workout...

Netta - I have CC5 and have had it since April...haven't tried it yet...shame on me!! Maybe after the half-marathon.

Sandy - Hi! I haven't had the opportunity to welcome you to the group....or maybe you should be welcoming me, since I haven't been here (smile). I think you could sub any steady state cardio be it step or otherwise for MIC. I would lean towards SB/SJP. Good job on IMAX2 last night...I did that this morning and was sweating like nobody's business!

Hi to all that follow...I'll holla later!!


Well it is about friggin' time!!!!!!!!!!!}( :D I hope you worked everything out you needed to. Was thinking you packed your bags and flew the coop. Glad you didn't. I hate feeling all alone in this chaotic world.

Well the 1/2 marathon is only days away now. I will pray that the weather will not be so scorching hot for you. If you can do 9 miles, then just a few more you can handle....remember..it is all a headgame. Just what you told me. Pretend it is snowing and your sweat is ice water. You can do it no matter what the temp, your too tough not to!

Hey Lora - I think there is a hi/lo portion in there. Thanks, and hope you start feeling better soon!!!

Marietta - Welcome! Back that is. I see you have been missed here! I'm sure everyone is glad to hear from you, and thanks for the welcome! I'm really lovin it here, lot's of good advice! :)
Thanks for the suggestions I think I'm leaning toward doing SB for this one. :D Looking forward to getting to know you.
Good morning!

This morning I did Cardio Coach 4 on the bike - outside - HOORAY for no wind! I think it's about 40 minutes. I rode for a total of an hour and 25 minutes - a little over 20 miles - I had to stop briefly b/c my chain fell off. x( All in all it was a great workout though. My legs were fried after CC was over! It was a long ride home. :) My average was only 15.8, but I won't worry about it on an interval day - or hill days for that matter. My glutes are super sore after yesterday's walking lunges. Yay!

Lora - I hope your injections go well. I do hope you feel better today.

Charlotte - sounds like you're enjoying your time at home again. :)

Diane Sue - thanks for the reviews on TJ. Did I tell you I was showing DH your pics b/c I think you look awesome. We were talking about how you eat. So if you don't mind, can you share? DH would love it if I would just eat pizza and cookies with him all the time. He doesn't gain weight. Not fair!

Debbie - you're just getting too strong! That's why shoulders were too easy for you. I showed DH your pics too - I'm just amazed at your muscle!

Jeanette - I'm off to look at my e-mail. :)

Sandy - all I can say is WOW!!! You had every excuse to get out of working out last night and you didn't! PLUS - you did Imax 2 this morning! You're AWESOME!!!! Way to go!

Marietta - welcome back! We've all missed you so much. You will do great on your half this weekend. You are so dedicated and I know you will push yourself and get it done. Good luck! I'm sure you'll surprise yourself. You're all making me want to do Imax 2 again. I try not to do any cardio other than cycling during cycling season. But maybe a little Imax 2 won't hurt. Doing too much can be hard on my knees, which aren't even bad! But mixing it up can't be all bad. Heck - I started this season stronger than last year and I know it's all due to Cathe workouts.

Have a great day everyone. It's crazy busy at work today and I'll be in Denver at a seminar tomorrow so unless I can sneak back today, I won't see you all for a couple days.

Hello to all who follow!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Toasty - I like the way you think!! You're right...it's a headgame and my head was trying to get to me....not gonna let that happen! Thanks for setting me straight...

Suz - Awesome workout!!! Sounds almost heavenly in my book...I strongly believe that doing some of the Cathe workouts (particulary the IMAX workouts) have resulted in some decent improvements in my running. Not to mention that the workouts keep me off the pavement and allows me to mix things up. I don't think a little IMAX2 will hurt you one bit during your cycling season. You are definitely on the right track though...

Sandy - Hey...thanks! Looking forward to getting to know you also!

Marietta - welcome back! Missed you! Good luck on your marathon! Woo Hoo!

Suz - my shoulders are my weakest body part (or use to be anyways). I used 15's for the Arnold Press and was able to do all of them. I was happy about that. I usually use 12's for overhead presses. I hate that exercise.

Diane Sue - I'd be interested to see what you eat in a day as well. I'm having a hard time losing these last 5 lbs. I upped my calories this week to see if that is the problem. Watch I gain 3 more! Oy! I'd die! This week I'm eating around 1800-2000 calories. Usually I'm at 1500-1600.
Hi all,

It's been so busy here. We had 4 baseball/softball games in a row and two b-day parties over the weekend. This week has been insane. I've been up at the school everyday. I'm getting ready to leave again. We have our next round of games starting tonight. Fun, fun! I've still been working out, just not much time for the computer. My sil's dad passed away, so I'm helping as much as I can with her kids too.

Good news, I ran an hour on the treadmill Monday. That was my first time since I got hurt. It felt wonderful!!!! I'm ready to take it outside again. My PT said one minute of running and then one minute of walking.x( Doesn't seem like I'd get much of a workout that way? I'm also doing S&H again.

Marietta ~ Good luck with the marathon. I'm not sure I'll get back here? You'll do great!

I have to run to the school again. I'll do LL, CM segment, and some cardio when I get back. I had to be at the school too early today, so no workout this AM.

Hi to everyone else! Looks like some great workouts as usual!

Charlotte - "All alone in the chaotic world"........didn't you get my email on Monday? You're NOT all alone. We're all here for you and you can PM/email me any time also!!

I am just having another mood swing day, that is all. Once I get done working out, it will set me straight...always does.

O.k., I am done. I increased my bench to 75#, but only could do 3 reps in 3 sets. Overhead extension with 50# in 3 sets of 5, db flyes with 25# (same, in 3 sets of 12)...should have gone to 30 in lower sets..next time though. Did 20 pushups without stopping! WOO HOO! Next time will try for 25! Lat pulldowns with 80# in 3 sets of 8's...that is a toughy to increase as I can only increase to 90, not 85 on the smith machine. One arm rows with 30# in 3 sets of 12)...need to buy more db's...30's is the highest I have. Will do 500 crunches in my air conditioned room this evening. It is blazing hot in the sunroom where I just worked out! Gosh!

Awesome weights, Charlotte! Damn, girl!

I have one 40 lbs. dumbbell to use with plie squats and my highest for bench in dumbbells is 30's. I need to get some 35's soon.

I'm so pissed. I went to eat my protein yogurt mix and the freakin' yogurt had a HUGE moldy spot on the top. How disgusting. It doesn't expire until June 5th. So now I can't eat my meal #3 and I'm wondering if I should just eat it with my meal #4 since I won't be getting all my calories in for the day if I don't. What a bunch of crap! :(
GRRRRRR....Charlotte! You TIGERESS you!!! You are da woman!!!

Debbie - I did a 40s last week on the bench...I'd never gone that high before. It was moe difficult getting them suckers off the floor than it was to actually lift...did feel good though! That sucks about your meal....if meal #4 doesn't feel satisfying then add meal #3....but only if you feel you need it....JMHO.

Dallas - An hour on the treadmill....you go girl!! You should listen to the PT on the outside running method. If you hit the minute hard....you might be pleasantly suprised. I think it will be a great workout.


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