Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs June 15


Morning Fit Ladies -

This morning I struggled to get out of bed (with my short hair LOL) and did Seasun's Bosu Blast. I am feeling a bit tattered this week. My sciatica is flaring like crazy. I probably should have done a rebounder workout or something lower impact. My face was sooooooooooo red when I was done. Does anyone else get like that from high intensity aerobics? Oyyy!! This really is a good workout. I like the Bosu and I like Seasun.

Does anyone know what to do for sciatica besides stretching and yoga? I think it's flaring partially related to hormonal pain and the fact that I'm not very accepting of some things in my life right now. I read (in a Kundalini Yoga book - a while back) that not being "accepting" of things in your life can cause your back to act up. The book (which was interesting) was the Eight Human Talents by Gurumukh (of the Goldenbridge Yoga place in California). Kundalini yoga works with all of the chakras and the book was about your chakras. So...I must have a majorly blocked chakra and now I'm not only fat, but I have short hair! LOL.

Diana Sue - I went back to look and see what you did for your abs yesterday cuz you said they were sore (and I know Jari Love couldn't have possibly done that). Geez...I see why they're sore. Your amazing.

Debbie - What rotation did you finally decide on? I can't remember. I've been doing some reading lately and I saw a couple women say that they lost their last 10 pounds by doing a split heavier weight routine with less aerobics. I'm wondering if my body is getting too used to aerobics and thinking I should try the other approach...but then I worry about gaining more weight if it doesn't work. Oh ...I wish I could figure out what my body likes already. I'm way to old not to know this! I also read recently that stress can make you store fat in your belly due to cortisol and I think I can blame my boss for my "pregnant" looking belly. I've really got to learn to let that go over my head when she's rude, etc.!!

I have to make my appt to go to the Retina Specialist today cuz my eye won't quit with this problem I've been having and my eye doctor says I have scarring on my retinas that needs looked at. Now I have to worry about getting out of work early cuz they don't have any "after work" appts. I really wish these little annyoying health problems would quit already. I know I should be grateful I don't have cancer or something, but geez!!

Have great workouts everyone. I'll, most likely, be able to check in from work. My boss is coming in for a meeting. Hopefully she won't stay though.

ETA: I thought Toasty would be back by now? Anyone know when she's coming back. Where did she go?

SORRY THIS IS SO LONG - I guess I have a lot on my mind......venting.
Good Morning,
This morning workout plan is supposed to be cardio, abs, and yoga. I need to fit some calves in too somewhere this week. I have to preview the Amy Bento Bootcamp that I have planned for tomorrow so I can see if any are incorporated there. I also am on the fence on abs today. I am still mildly sore so have to decide whether to give them another rest day.

Lora, no it was was definitely not Jari's workouton the abs. That one is very short and not intense at all. I even did it with my jolies and weighted gloves.

Suz, I will talk to dh about getting a pic of the new puppy. Probably won't happen till his hands and arms heal more from his accident. The puppy has done remarkably well, only a little whining last night when we went to bed and just before I got up this morning and took her outside. The leash training is going to take some real coaxing. She is housebroken so that is a plus. I know puppies are a lot of work. So are house rabbits LOL. I never saw anything like my rabbit for chewing on things when he feels slighted.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Good morning everyone:

My early day today. I go to work 1/2 hr. earlier so I can get off 1/2 hour earlier for my ladies night bike ride. Should be a fun time.

Today's workout was Pyramid Back, Muscle Max Back and then CTX 10-10-10. Perfect cardio for me and I went a bit heavier on the barbell pullovers, which I love. I just really watch myself that I don't get injured on these. Tonite, after the bike ride, will work DH on the Bowflex. He seems to be happy with me telling him what to do (wish it was in all phases of marriage) on the Bowflex. Sometimes he actually thanks me!

Lora, sounds like you enjoyed the workout, but frankly, you sound like you are beating your body up. I was wondering if maybe you just need a different cardio, like swimming or power walking or something different, with less impact and intensity. I may be all wet here, but that's what it sounds like to me. I'm enjoying short cardio sessions, like CTX. The 10-10-10 was just right and any higher impact was modified down so as not to jar my joints too much. Do you have time after work to do something other than exercise that would be fun? Or do your cardio then in the form of something like cycling or walking. Bike riding is great. Sometimes a person doesn't live in an area conducive to riding, but a bike can be put in a car easily (take off the front weel) and hauled to an area that is. Same with walking. Like I said, I may be way off here but pesonally, I've got to have some FUN and enjoyment in my life, things to look forward to. I hope you don't take offense, I just soo want you to enjoy life. Re: the sciatica, have you tried accupuncture? My massage therapist has been going for her hip and after a few sessions is doing quite well.

Must go now, great workouts to all that follow.

This morning I had a really fun time doing cardio, which is odd because I've really dreaded cardio lately. I did the step premix of Step, Jump & Pump and then did the step premix of Cardio & Weights. Then I did the abs from C&W. Got a great sweat going and no blast sections which was a nice change. I was in my zone for 49 minutes and burned 340 calories!

Lora - I'm going to do a one body part a day workout for a while and less cardio. I've been reading the same thing about cardio. So I'm not following any particular rotation, I'll just wing it for a while. How on earth do you even workout with sciatica? I've had that on and off for years and when it strikes I can't move. Damn, Lora, you are something else for continuing your workouts the way you do! You are such an inspiration!

Diane Sue - What did you do to make your abs sore? Thats one muscle group I can't seem to get sore no matter what I do.

Jeanette - great workout!

I really wish you can see what everyone writes when you hit reply on these threads. I like to comment on other posts and unless I write them down I forget about them. On the bodybuilding forum I belong to, when you press reply and scroll down, all the messages show up that pertain to that thread. Its very handy.

Hope you all have great workouts!
Debbie - My sciatica is very mild right now....it's not "throw your back out and can't move" sciatica (although I have had that before also) it's just a nagging spasm in my lower back/hip that I know is sciatica cuz the pain is in the radiation of a classic sciatica.

Netta - thanks for trying to help. I don't have a bike, but I've been thinking I need to use my stationary bike more (but I dread it and the ellipitcal for some reason). I also don't really have time after work to workout. The only thing I look forward to are my weekends and my movies. Oh and I look forward to spending time with my lovely cats. I love them more than you could imagine. They are spoiled rotten.
Hi Ladies,

Today is PUB and the Bonus butt workout. I will also do a run. Most likely on the treadmill. It is so hot here!

Lora-Accupuncture worked for my sciatica. That was 7 years go and it rarely flares up now.
Debbie-What does your rotation look like, I mean as how many days cardio?
Netta-Sounds like you have a good day planned.
Diane Sue-I ordered the turbo jam maximum set. What other TJ's would you suggest I add to this? I have ab jam I won on e-bay.

Good Morning Maniacs!!

This morning I just walked on my treadmill and read a book. Just a little something to wake me up this morning. I'll do the elliptical at lunch and possibly arm work.

Diane Sue - Awwwww....a new puppy! I like dogs but don't like housebreaking them....looks like you don't have that worry. Can't wait to see a picture.

Netta - I'm sure it was interesting for your guages to be out of wack...I'd be so scared that I didn't have any gas and would get stranded or something...glad you got it taken care of. So...what were you shooting at with your rifle? I work at the FRB of Kansas City and I support our Human Resources application. I work out during my lunch hour and eat at my desk...works out wonderfully! hey...enjoy your ride tonight!!

Hi Suz - yep, legs so fried that I'm gonna take it somewhat easy today. You've had some great bike rides lately....I think it's awesome that you have friends to ride with...keeps you motivated.

Lora - Keep us posted on your appointments. Sorry I don't have a clue about sciatica...can't help.

Diane Sue - No calf work in Amy's workout that I can recall...you'll probably have to do an add-on or something.

Debbie - Glad you had a good cardio workout...I know how hard a time you've had lately...feels good to get in a good one doesn't it? It is very hard to respond w/o writing notes...I agree that it sure would help if we could see everything.

Terri - Enjoy your workout....I have been making myself fun in the heat to get acclimated, but I also still use my treadmill. I used to do horrible in the heat, but I am able to tolerate it better now.

Hi to everyone that follows...I'll be back later.

Terri- I'll probably try to get at least 3 days at an hour of cardio in. Thats my typical.

Marietta - Yes, my cardio has sucked lately, not my calories burns or anything, just my mood to be doing them. Trying to find some other cardio workouts to do, maybe that will help.
Hey Everyone,
How are ya all doing??? Today I am going to do one of my firm cardio's on the incline. My Butt was so sore yesterday from doing Super charged sculpting on Mon. that I decided to take the day off. Although I did do my pitching to the boys.

Netta yes I am pleasantly surprised how switching things around really does keep the FUN in working out. I am taking time off from Cathe. So when her new ones come out it I will be ready.....Although I do have to say I am missing her. No matter how many dvds I get Cathe is the BEST!!

Dallas how was last night??? Hope you had a good time!!!

Susan I posted to you yesterday. Hope your knee's are on the mend!!

Diane Sue CONGRATULATIONS on the new addition to your family. When I was a kid I had a Great Dane and he was the nicest dog!! A good book to get is by Sara Hodgson. We taught our dog to ring a bell when he has to go outside.

Lora as I have said in the past the best thing for my sciatic was when I did power hour. (Not to heavy though) I did PH 2-3 times per week for about 1-2 months??? and that did the trick.If it is really severe see a DR. Good luck!!

Terri can't wait to see how you like your TJ's!! Enjoy!!

Marietta what book are you reading??? Sounds like my kind of workout LOL

Debbie I was more of a weights girl until these maniacs got me into cardio. You know who you are][/URL]:7 Still love my weights though!!

Good morning!

This morning I slept in a little bit. I only did biceps, triceps and back. I lifted as heavy as I could go though. I WANT GUNS!!! I couldn't do a Cathe total body workout b/c one of my friends wants to ride in the morning so you know what that means. I better have fresh legs because she really pushes me. I love it! My Amber (dog) is sick this morning. She didn't want me to leave. She stood between me and the door and has NEVER done that. She tried to leave with me. Poor baby. I think she ate too much grass. She was barfing a little and her little legs were shaking. :( DH will go home for lunch and check on her.

Tonight is knitting night. A bunch of us (about 10-12) get together at Barnes & Noble and sit in the big comfy chairs and knit (and a couple crochet). It's a big gabfest. It's a blast. It's brought a lot of different people together. My friend and I started it (she was involved in one when she lived in Yellowstone) and she's met some of my cycling friends and has started to ride. :)

Lora - I agree with Debbie. You ARE an inspiration b/c you workout through whatever physical and emotional stuff you're going through. Keep up the good work!

Diane Sue - I'm so glad the puppy is doing well. How did you end up with an already housetrained puppy? Thanks for reminding me I need to work abs tonight. I hope your DH is feeling better soon.

Netta - I need to be more like you. I need to work out on cycling days too - other than just cycling. What is CTX 10-10-10? I always worry that my legs will be tired and I won't be able to keep up with everyone. Maybe I worry too much! I think since I'm watching it more this year that my legs are fresher for my rides.

Debbie and Lora - can you tell me more about this more weight less cardio thing? I've been doing more cardio lately b/c of cycling season and I just lost another pound. But when cycling season is over...

Debbie - I just open two Internet Explorers and then one I use for reading and the other for posting - I just switch back and forth - if I have the time. :)

Hi Terri - I think we are having a break in the heat today. Only 75. No wind YET! 10-20mph predicted. We'll see. We still need to figure out a date to meet.

Marietta - I think that's great that you can work out at lunch. I come in later and work through lunch 3 days so that I can work out longer in the mornings.

Nicole - glad you had a sore butt. :p That's such a great feeling!


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Thanks Suz:7 Kathryn has posted the positive effects of doing lunges on the incline, and you are right..... it does feel nice to know I am hitting the area I most want to get at ha ha I hope your little Amber will be feeling better soon.
Suz and Netta - yes, that's one reason I don't use my stationary bike that much......it makes my legs really sore.

Suz - I just was reading on another fitness forum and there was a thread titled -- What rotation helped you lose weight - and multiple people posted Cathe's Gym series with 3 days cardio or P90X. I also read other posts (in the past) about women losing "the last 10 pounds" by upping their weights. I'm not sure if I have that body type, as I seem to gain weight when I lift heavy (espcially my legs), but maybe I need to stick with it a bit longer. Right now, I'm experimenting with varying my cardio intensity. Then I will try the weight split.

ETA: I keep forgetting.....

Diana Sue......awww a puppy. I just love animals. It's especially exciting to get a new pet. They bring so much love and joy into the home.
Suz - I've read a lot of info about weight training helping your burn more fat than cardio. Its actually quite interesting but I think it also depends on your body type. I seem to lose fat quickly when I'm weight training. When I was in my 20's I never did cardio and only weight trained and I was so lean back then. However, I don't think cardio should be taken out of the equation totally, it is needed to strengthen the heart and all and it does aid in fat loss.

Thats a great idea about opening two windows in explorer. I will do that from now on.
Suz - sorry your doggie is not feelin' well! Poor baby! Give her lots of extra attention tonight. That always helps.
Good afternoon,
This morning I did 2.25 miles on the treadmill, Step Blast w/o the warm up, then Yoga Shatki Dancing Warrior #2&3, SP FLow 2, lunge, supine poses and inversions 51 minutes. I had so many errands to run. I think I will do my calves and abs with the Amy Benuto Bootcamp tomorrow.

Marietta, thanks for the heads up on Amy's workout not having calves.

Nicole, I will have to check out that book. That is a good idea teaching the dog to ring a bell to go outside.

Terri, I really like the Cardio Party Remix and the Booty Sculpt plus abs is a nice addition to doing the 3 T workout. I like all of them though. I think you will enjoy them. Lucky you winning Ab Jam. I like this one alot too.

Sus, we lucked out on the puppy being house broken. The people we got her from said it was easier to have her house broken, since they kept them all in their house. Lucky us:)

Debbie, I can rarely get my abs sore. It was the combination of the barbell rollouts on my toes and the super slow hanging leg raises. I held my legs up for a pause before lowering them. I am sure I will get used to it and then have to find another way to increase the resistance or something new.

Diane Sue

Afternoon All!

Well, it was a late night, so I didn't get up at 5A to workout. That's OK because we DID have fun last night!! There were nine of us who went. Madonna....what can I say will always be Madonna. She does like the shock and awe type of deal. I have to keep that in mind when I go to one of her concerts. ha ha! I can't get passed the part where she sang a song hung on a cross. I was like, what?!??!!? I'm still trying to figure that one out?!?!? She also called the audience words I can't repeat! ;-) :eek:

She did a little George Bush bashing....more words I can't repeat.:eek: I guess she's a democrat. LOL! Most of the songs were from the Confessions CD. Only a few old songs. :-( She was 75 minutes late and she had the air turned off in the United Center. We're in a box, so that didn't seem to affect us. :p I have to say she's in incredible shape for 47!! She's all muscle. I wonder what her training involves?

We just got back from swim lessons. We stayed because a lot of our friends showed up. So, we had lunch and made a day out of it. I'm planning on working on when my dh gets home shortly. I never did get to KPC, so I'll do that and I'll see what's on the rotation for today.

Lora ~ I'm sorry about your haircut. That happened to me when I went to a new girl about two years ago. x( I looked like Shaun Cassidy! LOL! Remember him? I'm the one that made the comparison and my dh agreed! I wanted to cry too. :-( ((((HUGS)))

Diane Sue aka abs of steel ;-) ~ Awww, a new puppy! We (minus dh) want a puppy so badly! Can you post pictures?

Terri ~ How are you liking the June rotation? I think it's just you and I following it? I see you've been adding on cardio.

Nicole ~ Way to go on the burn! }( Now you have me interested in the workout. :)

Netta ~ Enjoy the bike ride. I'm working up my courage to bike with my ds3 on the back. There's a lot of hills around here. I think that would be a leg frier.

Marietta ~ What was your leg workout? I'll have to go back and read...

Susan ~ I hope your knees feel better.

Suz ~ Poor Amber. :-( Have fun with the girls tonight!

Debbie ~ I'm glad I finally realized the importance of cardio, weights & yoga/stretching. I wish I knew that all those years I just was doing cardio.

Hi Sandy and anyone else I may have missed.

Dallas - Sounds like a great concert but she played songs from the worst album she made, I hate that album. And what is up with her and that cross? That is just plain weird. Why did she turn the A/C off? That doesn't make any sense, I would have thought she'd be burning up. I would have loved to see the Bush bashing, though. Always room for Bush bashing! LOL!

Which rotation are you following?
Hi ladies,
Better late than never. Just got back from our ladies night ride. 3 of us out there. We had a nice time, 26 miles but more at an easy pace as one of the riders had climbed Mt. Whitney on Saturday/Sunday and was still recovering. This was her third attempt (the other 2 she tried to do in one day and the altitude made her sick), using 2 days to summit. I'm really proud of her.

Debbie, glad you enjoyed the cardio! Sounds like one I'd like, except I don't have SJP (yet).

Lora, I love my weekends too and know how you feel about your cats, only it's our dogs with us. They are super spoiled and go everywhere with DH and I, even plan our vacations with them. Sickening, huh? Seeing any good movies this weekend?

Terry, Happy Belated Birthday! Sorry, I forgot. How is the butt workout going?

Marietta, what does FRB stand for? At the blackpowder shoot we will shoot at targets, but interesting ones like tootsie pops sticking up on a log, charcoal hanging on strings, chains, a metal duck moving down a cable, etc. It's really fun. We also throw a tomahawk and knives at targets too.

Nicole, I was away from Cathe for a while, just needed a break, but back now and loving it again.

Suz, the knitting sounds really fun, something I would enjoy going to. Bet you talk about lots of stuff. Enjoy your ride in the morning. Yep, fresh legs help. I just need to do a little more with mine. Hope Amber is better. I hate it when my girls don't feel good. CTX 10-10-10 is Cathe's Cross Train Express workout that has 10 minutes of kickboxing, 10 minutes of hi-lo and 10 minutes of step. It's fun, fast and effective and goes great with adding on some weight work.

Diane Sue, I'm really looking forward to some yoga in the morning, along with my workout. I've missed it this week.

Dallas, glad the concert was good. Do you have a tandem bike? One of the keys to doing hills when you start out is to be patient and not let your heart rate get up too high. Keep your gears low.

Must go, am sipping a cup of coffee. No work for me tomorrow so I don't need to worry about falling asleep fast! My favorite night of the week (Thursday)!!! Will get a good workout in in the morning, then start packing some stuff for our camping trip. We won't be able to leave until DH gets off work. Will be something super easy for dinner like beans & weanies probably. Now where'd I put that can opener?


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