Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Thurs Jun 1


Morning Ladies -

This morning I did CIA Bosu Blast with Seasun Ziegler. Wow...what a workout that is. My HR stayed pretty high the entire time and it was tough on the core. I also did the core work on the Bosu (abs). I've never done ab/core work on the Bosu and all I can say is Wow. It was tough. I couldn't even do all of the reps. It's totally different than being on a stability ball because of the angle and part of your body being on the floor, etc.

I wanted to do some Pilates also, but I'll have to try and squeeze some yoga and pilates into my evening. Speaking of evenings - I could not fall asleep last night. I don't think I did until 11:00 pm, so I only got 3.5 hours of sleep last night...ugh and my boss is back today. It's gonna be a long day. I'm sore from my injections also. I got 10 of them again. Mostly in my upper back and trap area.

ETA: What does everyone think of the June rotation? Is anyone doing it?

Have great workouts everyone and I'll try to check in from work.
Good Morning Maniacs!!!

Oh, I am loving being home! Yesterday I cleaned and then worked out chest/back. I did all kinds of ab work to different videos...I waited for the evening for this as the sunroom was much too hot and even pour Stinky (english bulldog) could not bare it. The clock in there stopped working due to extreme heat. Gosh!

So today I am working out to leaner legs. I only did this workout once before and I like the burn that comes with it! }(

I ordered the new Animalpak DVD "ARMS" for hubby and myself. You all can check it out on animalpak.com if you like. Suppose to be just for the "fellas", but I ain't shy! LOL!

Have a great sweaty day!

Wow, had a real crappy workout this morning, not sure what happened. I did Rhythmic Step and it was all I could do to get through it. My HR was in the high 140-150's through the whole thing just about. That NEVER happens. I could not wait for it to be over! I was getting dizzy a lot and at one point towards the end felt like I was going to pass out. I ate a Zone bar before I started, I wonder if that had anything to do with it? Maybe the sugar spiked my glycemic index or something. I was starving so I wanted to eat something. That never happens either, I'm usually good until 8:30. Hmmm, not sure what to think here, I'm glad I have a rest day tomorrow.

I was in my zone for 50 minutes and burned 348. This is extremely high for me with this workout, usually I burn around 250 calories with this one.

Sandy - the other day you asked about cardio & weight training. Here is a link to this exact question you asked and I thought you'd like to see the conversation about. I frequent this site and its awesome:


Hope you all have a better workout than I did!

You think it might be the heat? Is it hot there in Ohio? It is roasting here...I feel like I am in Mexico or something!

I eat the Atkins Advantage bar as I think the Zone bars have too much sugar in it for me. You burned alot more calories doing this so it makes sense that you would be more hungry...good job though, maniac!!!! You stuck with it, but just make sure you get in alot of water too when you start to feel dizzy. Sometimes I will go thru a gallon of water in just one work out. Eating more calories too should help you keep your weight down as well. I usually eat 1800-2000 a day.

Hi everyone,

It's an early check in for me (even though I've been up for hours)!
Did you guys see Cathe's June rotation? Looks great! I plan to follow it with maybe a few exceptions of the weights. I may choose two muscle groups to work instead of just upper body.

Nicole, I got a kick out of Cathe's BBW? Kind of like your BBM. hahahaha Where are you????

Yesterday I did BodyMax step twice and the power circuits plus 500 or more walking lunges with weights. I did more since I skipped Tues. there were too many county workers near by and my neighbor had landscapers. Usually I dont care what people think, but this was just too many people. I also did GS C&T.

So Charlotte, no more job? Good for you. I have today and tomorrow, then I'm off to work next week. It really stinks. Are you going to sell your "funeral" clothes on ebay?

Debbie, do you think you could have been just tired this morning? I've had similar experiences and thought I was tired or had too much caffeine. Hmmmm.

I'll check back a little later.:D

Susan C.M.
Good morning,

Not much time this morning, did CTX 10-10-10 and then Yoga Shakti (25 minutes). Have a bike ride after work today. Worked out on the Bowflex last night. DH too tired and said he was sore so may help him tonite instead.

Must run now, good workouts.

Good Day Maniacs!!

This morning I was very undecided about what I wanted to do...ended up running on my treadmill and inserted some hill intervals. I ended up doing a little over 4 miles. I'll get in a chest workout later today.

Oh...the worst thing happened! I left my cereal at home this morning. You guys have to understand that I'm an extreme creature of habit and that I ALWAYS have my Kashi Heart To Heart cereal for breakfast along with a protien drink. How could I have forgotten to pack my cereal is beyond me!! There is no way that my day can be good now....this sucks!!

I haven't had a chance to look at the June rotation, but I will as soon as I get done posting. I'll let you guys know if I'll follow it or not.

Lora - I really need to look into BOSU workouts. I've got one and it's just sitting in the corner now getting no attention at all. You're peaking my interest...

Toasty - I'm glad you're happy...that's the most important thing. Maybe having the job for a little while is making you appreicate being home even more. Enjoy Leaner Legs...haven't done that one in while. I was watching Legs & Glutes while running on the treadmill this morning it was on Fit TV...made my run a little easier. I'm gonna check out your Animalpak...wanna see what it's about...you maniac!!

Debbie - Maybe that missed meal yesterday was affecting you this morning...or what did you ever decide about that? Well....at least you burned a bunch of calories!! Maybe it was just one of those things...

Susan - Hey you!! You are really working those walking lunges...good job!! I love the BodyMax step routine...great workout. Oh boy, the countdown is on....back to work next week. After about an hour on the first day, it won't even feel like you've been off at all...funny how that happens.

Netta - Sorry you don't have much time this morning. Sounds like your workouts are going great. Have fun on the bike ride tonight...how far are you guys riding??

Hi to the Maniacs that follow...I'll be back.


You are such a maniac...watching legs and glute while on treadmill. LOL! I know how you would feel forgetting your cereal. My food is like my security blanket. I would get a good forearm burn just bringing all my food to work in my bag! LOL!


So you like walking lunges to? I was doing about 500 walking lunges with 20# db's last summer. I have just been getting into different things now. I like walking lunges better then static lunges. Static lunges bother my knees if I am not careful.


Don't you just love riding your bike? It is terribly hot here so I don't think I will again until it cools down alittle more.

Diane Sue,

Appreciate you listing what you eat yesterday. You know we are all so curious.

Have a great day everyone!!

Good Morning Maniacs!

I didn't get a w/o in this morning. It's okay though, I do plan on a good w/o this afternoon after work. I'm gonna do Step Blast. Leaner Legs just kicked my butt yesterday morning.

Charlotte - Good luck with leaner legs, it's a killer. I'm sure you know that! Have a good w/o!

Debbie - Thanks for the link! I looked at it and it was very helpful. I added that link to my favorites. In January I was at my lowest weight at 140, I'm 5'7". I started this journey 2.5 years ago, at that time I was at an all time high of 163. I cleaned my diet up and excersised regularly, that's when I found Cathe. Long story short, I did so good at maintaining at 140 until February of this year...don't know what's going on, well my diet could be cleaned up a bit and I need to get back on a schedule whether I w/o in the a.m. or the p.m. and just stick to it again! :) Your w/o sounds like I feel with mine at times. Glad you stuck with it though!

Lora - Sorry you didn't sleep well, kudos to you though for still getting up and doing something!

Hi to everyone else! I'll be back later! :)
Morning All!

Has everyone seen the June rotation? That looks great!!! So, who's going it? I may just have to dive into this one! I may have to make some modifications here and there....don't want to re-injure myself.

Ok, yesterday was way too busy and I never got that afternoon workout in. :-( So, I did it today. I did PLB (standing) instead of LL, walking lunges, CM#2 (love that one) and S&H biceps and triceps (this was my workout for today). Don't even ask what time I was up to do this. I think I beat Lora today. lol I didn't plan on it, it just happened.

Susan ~ Wow! You're really working it with those lunges! Way to go. Yes, Cathe's BBW reminded me of BBM. When do you go for your biopsy? I know it's this week. You start work too?

Lora ~ Sorry about the sleep. I don't know how you get through the day?

Debbie ~ You know I felt like that one time during BC and sure enough I got sick later that day. :-( I hope that's not the case for you.

Charlotte ~ Have fun LL! Ha ha about Mexico. It's been hot and humid here too. Yesterday, I looked like a rock star...I have natural curly hair and it was wild! :eek: My dd saw me at school and she asked what I did to it. lol

Marietta ~ Aren't we all creatures of habit?! I think people who work out are. Sorry about your breakfast. Do you have a cafeteria in your office? Yes, please report back after your race. You'll rock!!!!

Suz ~ Did you ever go to the doctor?

Hi Sandy, Netta, Diane Sue, Terri, Nicole!!!!!

Have a great day everyone! Another busy one.....

Shoot! I was at the bus stop and thought I forgot someone...."HI Christine!!!!" I think we should have two check ins (part 1 and 2)...this one is getting so big! lol! How are you?

Debbie ~ You are quite popular on the rotations forum! I went to print out the June rotation and saw two threads addressed to you.

Last day of school!!!! Now what?! LOL! Pool, here we come!!

Lora - I checked out the June rotation but I don't think I'll do it. I'm enjoying my one body part a week rotations.

Charlotte - I'm checking out Animalpak.com - sounds excellent to me! I'm not shy either when it comes to using weights. You'll have to let me know how it is when you do it.

Susan CM - EXCELLENT workout! Damn, BM step twice? Thats torture! Go Maniac!

FixMe - I HATE when I forget my food. I was so upset yesterday when my yogurt was moldy. Nasty! I did end up eating my protein yogurt after dinner. It was so good!

Dallas - I'll have to check out the rotation forum. Some of the ladies always want me to do up rotations and even though I seem to be good at doing them (?) I don't like doing them! LOL! But maybe I'll do another one for my fans.

Diane Sue - thanks for sharing your diet, not sure you seen my message yesterday.
I checked out the June rotation and I like it. I will print it out and do it after I am done with my current rotation.


The DVD will come just in time for DH's birthday. He will be 41 on June 7th. I am getting something else too and I suppose we will go to his favorite place to eat.

Hi Ladies ....It's busy here, but I wanted to pop in to complain. It's so hot and humid here. My AC doesn't work very well at work. My injection sites are hurting so bad, I feel like I'm going to throw up, plus I have other "usual" pain on top of that. I think it's making me sick to my stomach!

All of this rotation talk has me second guessing the one I'm suposed to start next week.

Diana Sue - do you still vote for the Hardcore Rotation 2 weeks of Fatloss & 2 Weeks of Strength?

Marietta - Can you make a rotation up for me to follow? It doesn't need to be right away but in the near future. I posted a request to Cathe for a June rotation that was an updated version of the Fat Loss and Definition one, but she didn't do it. Maybe you can make me an updated version of that. My goals are to gain definition and lose weight. Let me go find the rotation to post for you so you can see it. I'd really appreciate it. I'd really like one that has some of the newer DVDs in it.

Here it is:

July ’03 - Fat Loss and Definition
Hey Ladies!

I just went and picked up my packet for the race Saturday...I guess it's official now!!

Lora - I'll take a look at this rotation and see what I can come up with. You would happen to have a list of all the workouts that you have (at least the ones you like) do you? If I recall correctly, you have an hour to work out Monday-Friday and longer on the weekends. You also like to do yoga a couple of times a week...right? What else can you tell me that would help me come up with something that you'd like?

Hi again!

So, I have a “funny”. This morning my dh was looking out our dining room window and he says how he’s been mowing every 2-3 days (we’ve had lots of rain) and can’t understand why there is a “line” in yard. He’s says the grass is so flat right across the whole lawn! My ds says, “that’s Mommy’s path!” hahahaha BUT, dh stopped home for something later in the morning and I was outside doing my lunges, he say’s, get this, “try using some REAL weight when doing those.” Grrrrr….. I was using 5 pound db’s.
I was tired from yesterday AND I had just finished IMAX.
After I did abs from a Firm dvd. Oh my! My core is so weak and those exercises where SO tough! I had to do them TWICE! }(

Marietta, I have done the same thing with my meals. I would bring oatmeal every single day. Once I forgot it! :eek: It through me off ~ what to do!!

Dallas, my son’s last day of school is 6/23. Hey!! I think that’s Nicole’s Birthday too! Yeah, I go to the doctor and back to work on Monday.

Lora, I’m going to do the June rotation. How do you like the BOSU? Did it take getting used to using?

Gotta run, again. Have a great afternoon.

Susan C.M.
Marietta- Thanks so much for responding. I have most everything of Cathe's except for a few of her older cardio tapes, but that's no big deal....cuz I could substitute if necessary. I do favor the newer series....like Hardcore, Intensity, Body Blast, but if they are good workouts, I'll do anything old also.

To make things easy....let's just say I have about an hour to workout every day and on the weekends, I'll just add my yoga/pilates workouts on Sat/Sun. I'd like to squeeze a mini yoga in the middle of the week, but I could live without that for a while. I'm going to try to squeeze a midweek yoga in in the PMs, as well as Pilates. Thanks much.
Good afternoon,
I am going to try and rush throught this before my family starts showing up. We are having dinner here and a family gathering as my son in law (Candy's)dh is leaving for Afganistan tomorrow. I have been baking cookies and trying to load camping stuff up all day. This morning I did Hard Core Extreme Hi Low stopping at the Kick Max segment, I then did MICardio intensity blast segment, I wanted to stick with the step today instead of Kick Box, I followed this with Yoga Shakti Flow 1 for 1 hr and 10 minutes. I started feeling pressed for time so quit. I even did some of the easier versions of the handstands.

Lora, I would still go for the Hard Core Fat Loss rotation. That would be good if Marietta could come up with an updated version for you. I know I change most of these rotations some myself or use parts of them.

Debbie, I answered your last question last night if you were referring to the one where you asked how tall I am. As far as dizziness and hr I have done that a few times. Usually I think it is more from not enough water when I am sweating and working hard. A couple of times I think it was a combo of too much coffee or tea and lack of sleep, I was just to fatigued and I don't think anything would have went well with that combination.

Susan that's funny about your "path":) I do my walking lunges through the house. I can go back and forth once and it is 50. The grandchildren like to follow behind me though and when I turn back around I am facing all of them.

Hi to everyone
Diane Sue
Hey Maniacs!!

I've got a little more time now...

Hey Debbie! Do you mix protein in with your yogurt? I think your rotations are awesome...I've checked them out and have actually refer to them from time to time.

Dallas - Dang girl!! You had some heck of a workout didn't you? So what time did you get started? Inquiring minds want to know....

Toasty - I like the looks of the June Rotation...just might start it on Monday. So you DH's birthday is coming up? Still haven't checked out the AnimalPak website...**on list - will do later**

Susan - Making paths in yards are we? Why don't you just make a path across the whole yard and then you DH won't have to cut as much...LOL!! That's a cute story though...When are you going to start the June rotation?

Sandy - Step Blast is one of my Favorites after the IMAX workouts. LL is a butt kicker...literally!! You'll back on track...find the best times to workout that are good for YOU and make it happen!

Hi Diane Sue!

Where is Terri, Nicole, and Sabrina??


Thanks Diane Sue! I did see your post from last night. I thought it might have been the water as well because I didn't get in as much as I usually do the day before. Thanks for the input!

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