Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Sat June 17


Morning Fit Ladies-

This morning I wanted to do my Super Cycle DVD, but the DH was using the bike....so I did the next best thing to zero impact...Rebounding. I listened to Buckcherry and did Interval Bound Rebounder workout for 50 minutes and then I did Winsor Pilates Circle 20 minute workout followed by Cathe's Total Body Stretch (10 min) and then Body Wisdom's Yoga for Back Pain and Tight Hips (32 min).

I did the rebounder and yoga today for my sciatica. I think the 53 min workout on the Body Wisdom DVD would have been better (or better yet Eion's, Magically Hips, which I'll do tomorrow) but I'm short on time today. I have a lot of E-bay business to take care of today since I'll be gone all day tomorrow.

I thoroughly enjoyed the rebounder. You'd be amazed how high you can get your HR on that thing. Last year around this time, I got that stress fracture in my foot and ended up doing my aerobics on the rebounder the rest of the year until it healed. I think that's why I haven't been pulling out the rebounder so much...as I was burned out on it. I think that's the same thing that happened to me with Cathe workouts. I go gung ho and then I don't do it for a while.

The Pilates ring workout was good, but too basic. I need to find some harder ones. I didn't like that she explained each move...as it was down time and since I had to listen....I couldn't start without her.

A while back Susan posted a link for some Pilates workouts that I believe used the circle. Does anyone remember what they were? Or does anyone know of any workouts that use the Pilates Ring? Also, the ring that came with the kit, is not as hard as the one I already owned. I'm glad I have the harder one.

Susan - ARe you out there today? Do you remember that set of Pilates workouts you were looking at?

Have great workouts everyone. We're going to see the LakeHouse today and then I have to go try to find a pair of shorts for the picnic tomorrow. I don't have any that fit or look right...believe it or not. I never wear them cuz I hate my legs. Off to soak now.
This morning I did Gym Style Chest and then followed that with Gym Style Bi's. Had an excellent workout and went heavy with both body parts. I'm back up to using my 30's for chest press in this one, took me a while to get back up to that. My muscles are fried!!!

Lora - Great workout, I love Body Wisdom, I have that but haven't done it in a long time. Need to get that one out again.

Diane Sue - Yes, Avon can be very frustrating sometimes. They did this to me several times last year and I almost quit. I'm a very high seller ($1,500 per campaign usually) so my district manager helped me out a bit. Haven't had a problem since the middle of last year. It better not start up again.

Hope you all have a great workout and weekend!
Diana Sue - To answer your question. Yes, I did the P90X Lean Rotation when I first go it. I think I gained a couple pounds. That's why I'm nervous about it.
Good morning;
I am getting a late start on my workout today. I had to run errands before my workout this morning. I am off to do I Max 3 and probably a little additional cardio then Abs my own and Tough Core Premix, then Stretch Max.

Lora, maybe if you try making sure some of those cardio sessions like Low Max are more intense ones will help. After 2 weeks if you see you are gaining weight then switch it up. I always try to go back over workout logs, remembering what I did at a time when I got some of the results I am currently working on.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Good afternoon,
I just realized my post came out with my dh's avatar. We are have some networking and computer problems. Hopefully it is straightened out Monday when I have someone out. This morning I did I Max 3 and then a 2.25 mile treadmill run, then Core Max tough core premix followed by 2 sets of 20 reps hanging leg raises, 15 reps with 35# barbell rollouts, and 50 reps resisted crunches on the Bowflex. I was going to try and do the ab segments from Amy's A Team Boot Camp. I am spoiled by Cathe because it is hard to go to each drill segment and fast forward to the ab sections. I did two and gave up.
Diane Sue

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