Hardcore Fitness Maniacs Check In for Friday 5-26


Morning Fitness Maniacs-

This morning I did Amy Bento Pump. I went heavier and made it more of a low rep workout. I liked doing it like this the other day, as I had good DOMS. I really felt those Sunshines with the Fitness Ball. My obliques have been sore a couple days from the last workout. They really work your abs diffently. I'm liking this a bit more now that I'm used to it and I figured out how to do it with heavy weight and less reps.

Diana Sue - Did you do pull ups when you did P90? or did you use your Bowflex. I think I have the heaviest resistance band from Beachbody and last time I used it, it wasn't enough resistance for my lats. I might have to try to do assisted pull ups with the chair if I do P90X. I'm thinking I probably should do a bit of a recovery week before I start my new rotation. I'll probably do a week of functional fitness/aerobics/yoga before I start. Thanks for your help in deciding. Also, if I do P90X and don't do it for the entire 3 months, should I just cycle through the weeks one after another....like do weeks 1-3 the first week, weeks 5-7 the second week....etc?

Charlotte - How about Scott Stapp. Do you like him? or did you only like Creed?

Hi to everyone else. I'm working the early shift today cuz my boss isn't there. I like going in early...especially on Fridays. Too bad I have to work on Sunday.
Good Morning,
This is an precheck in for me. I plan on doing a treadmill workout and more of the Shatki dvd. School is out so I will have my grandchildren. The good thing with that is I don't have to stop before finishing something and run to school:) I still like to get done so I can do things with them. I end up with part of them working out with me. Sometimes it gets a little crowded. They havve their workout preferences though.

Lora, cycling the weeks sounds good. If you do a recovery week I wo do it either after the strength weeks or in the middle at two weeks. You would need to do at least 1 week of 9 and 1 of 10 because they are rotating weeks in phase 3 that would give you 4 weeks . Also, I used the lat tower on my Bowflex and did pulldowns instead of doing pull ups. For tubing though, I don't know how heavy BB's feels but I bought a heavy set from fwonline and the silver one is tough for upper body work. I know the tubing they sent with TJ is way to light if that is an indication.

I will check back later.

Hi to everyone,
Diane Sue
Good morning!

Oooo - check me out - posting so early! And it's my day off!!! I should be sleeping in. :( DH even took the puppy out about 4:30 so that I could sleep (well, I got up and fed him so that he would have a full belly. But then I couldn't go back to sleep. So I got up at 5. I should go do my upper body workout which is what's on tap for today.

Last night I rode 34.2 miles with my girlfriends. We did a TON of hills. I swear this seems like a pretty flat town until you go ride. :) We only averaged 16, but we got kind of chatty at times. Both of them are really strong cyclists, so they are good for me. They want to ride again Monday night (one of them is out of town until then). Yay!

Lora - what yoga tape are you giving away for the low, low cost of shipping?

I have a big mouth! I have a neighbor who is a very highly respected yoga instructor (I should go to her class). She's 10 years younger than I am, as a note. Last year she wanted to ride with me, as she has just taken up cycling. Well, she was a bit faster than me so she would get ahead of me about 1/4 mile and then stay there (sweet DH said if she was that much faster she'd have been gone). She'd stop and wait/stretch (rest?) every once in awhile. I could catch her on the hills though. This went on for 45 miles. If you're gonna ride with someone, you ride with them. If you're gonna ride alone, you ride alone. Well, anyway, she blabbed to my friend (who I rode with last night) about how we rode and she thought SHE would have to worry about keeping up with ME but it was the other way around. THEN she told her I was angry at her b/c I hadn't asked her to ride again - which wasn't true, as I called her the very next weekend and her husband said she was working (high school???). It was the end of the season so we never rode again. Last night I ran into her DH at the mailboxes as I was headed out and I told him I would call her to ride and he said she had a new bike (great! She'll be faster!) and she was ready. Now why on earth did that even come out of my mouth??? I really don't want to ride with her. I HATE when I do that. She told me on our last ride she's really competitive. She even told me at one point, "I tried to wait for you. Now try this time, okay?" WHAT???? Oh, okay because I haven't been trying! Grrrrr...

Okay, I'm better. Thanks! :)

Jeanette - have a BLAST camping and on your century!!! I can't wait to hear all about. I'm glad your dogs are excited to go (you're so funny!).

I hope you all have great workouts.

Sorry for the long post.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Suz - I posted yesterday that I had the following VHS tapes to give away. I only ask for a couple bucks for shipping. I have Crunches The Joy of Yoga with Sara Ivanhoe . I think its around 37 min. long. I also have Kathy Smith's Secret to a Great Lower Body and Secret to a Great Upper Body and Functional Fitness Peak Fat Burning. You can find descriptions of all at Collage. I recently acquired them on DVD so I dont' need the tapes.

Diana Sue - Thanks for the info on P90X. I'll probably do a month or so of Hardcore and then a month or so of P90X. My resistance band is a 40 pounder. How many pounds is the silver one you got supposed to be? I noticed BB has a black one now that is 50 #'s. They didn't have that before. I wonder if it would be worth it to get that or maybe I can just stand further away from it to make it harder? What do you think? I usually use 20-25 lb dumbells for my lats now.
I have to work this morning :( I usually have Friday's off but need to get billing done since Monday is a holiday.

This morning I did CTX Kickbox (cardio section) and then all of Cardio Kicks. I wore my 1 lb. gloves through both workouts and my shoulders were really burning by the end. I had an excellent workout and was sweating like crazy. Its humid here this morning, I guess summer is coming. I was in my zone for 50 minutes and burned 393 calories!

I want to do some abs tonight and possible yoga or a stretch workout. Hope you all have a great day!

Lora - I'm glad you are liking the Amy workout. I haven't tried All Pump yet. I love her ab workouts.
Debbie -yes, the gloves really made my delts burn also. I had some good DOMS from them. Heh....that's funny. That's why I have to go into work on Sunday. I have to do Payroll because Monday's a Holiday.
Good Morning Maniacs,

So glad it's Friday! Well I did it again got up this morning and did Lowmax. I love that w/o, cause you start thinking am I gonna get a good cardio out of this, and oh yeah, the sweat started pouring. It feels good when I work up a sweat! Feeling good so far, slept really well last night, and to my surprise my shoulders and neck are not bothering me like I thought they would! :)

Lora - thanks for the info last night on the yoga. I think I'm gonna start with the tapes that I have, but I am gonna get the one you suggested, it sounds like what I need to get started with the yoga! Lora you said you have to go in on Sunday to do payroll, well I do payroll too, and we are closed Monday so I have to get all the mgrs to make sure payroll is in first thing Tuesday morning! UGH! I love having Monday off, but then I have to keep on my guys to get payroll turned in first thing Tuesday and they just don't understand that payroll is not my only job to do, ya know!

Hello to everyone else!!! Hope you all have a great Friday!

Charlotte - are you out there? Are you feeling better today?

Sandy - Way to Go with the AM workout. See....you're on your way to being a morning exerciser. Keep up the good work. I knew you could do it.

Diana Sue - What did your Recovery Week look like when you did P90X? You did more Cardio, right? Will you kindly post an example?
Good Morning Maniacs!!!!

Yesterday I only worked out my abs. I was not feeling well after that. Today I am starting to feel better and will do my 3 sets of bbm and squats when I get home...probably will be a very late workout so I can be sure to have more tremors with my legs for dh when I go to bed! LOL!


I emailed you to your home address this morning. And yeah, got the Scott Stapp cd too. I took some advil last night as I was starting to feel really bad with that migraine....hated to do it, but I didn't want to puke or something.


I have neck and shoulder issues from time to time. Finially worked mine out over time. Lowmax is fun, huh? Like that one too. Have you tried the extended version yet?


Keep the burn coming...LOL, 393 million cals burned? Good grief!!!!!
:7 Way to go!!!!


Well that is not very nice of your neighbor to do that to you. The girl that got me to start running earlier on would always stay with me even though I would fall behind her. So your working my favorite body parts today..upper...have fun!!!!

Diane Sue,

I bet your grandchildren have a hard time keeping up with you! LOL!

Hey to everyone else that follows

Hi Charlotte,

Yeah, I'm hoping that one day the pain subsides somewhat. I think this is something I'll have for the rest of my life though. Narrowing of the Cervical Spine. I'll just be as carefull as I can and keep moving, that seems to help more than anything. I can't take meds the docs gave me due to another issue I have that cause that to flare up...soooooooooooooo. I'll look to excersise as long as I can! :) It helps to know that you gals help each other out here, and have suggestions I really like that!
Yes, I do love Lowmax and this morning all I did was the premix of the step portions and that was 44 mins. I haven't done the entire dvd with the blasts. I'm working on it though. Charlotte what is bbm???
TGIF! SO anyone have any big plans this weekend? I don't and I am glad. I can just play it by ear and workout and do what I want when I want :)

Today will be a upperbody,BSB and some kickmax and some KPC blasts. I may try for a run too but it is hot!!!

Hope you all have a great weekend and looks like somegood workouts going on here!

Sandy - GREAT JOB working out another day in the morning. You're on a roll!!! I'm really proud of you!

Charlotte - I'm glad you're feeling better. You amaze me b/c you get your workouts in no matter how late you have to do them. Yeah - my other girlfriends stay with me, yet push me at the same time. It wasn't even as much that she took off as it was the way she said it to my friend (or the way it was relayed to me anyway). It's those little things in life that shouldn't bother me b/c there are more important things. :) But sometimes...

Jeanette - I forgot to answer you - yes, DH can pretty much eat anything he wants and not gain weight. But he IS only 35! Wait til he's my age. Hehehe. For example, it's a semi-cheat day since we're off and have to rototill (sp?) part of the yard. So he went and got bagels. I had 3/4 of one and he is having three. Now b/c of all the carbs, I will have to watch myself today and he will eat lots more later no problem. He's also one of those natural athletes. He only runs 3 miles a few times a week in the winter (bad knees), yet has one of the fastest times at the police department and always gets awards. He doesn't ride the trainer in the winter, yet when he starts up his cycling again, he blows everyone away. He's amazing.


"Until one has loved an animal, a part of one's soul remains unawakened." - Anatole France

Good morning ladies,

Just finished my workout, it was Power Yoga For Happiness - Magically Hips premix. Love this one. I'm taking an easy day today due to my century ride tomorrow. Looks like it will be a COLD century, boo hoo. However, you're never cold while climbing hills. I've ridden this ride several times and done it in real heat too, so guess it's just my turn.

I need to get moving as I have shower, shopping, load trailer, stuff like that to do before DH gets home at 5:00. I'd like to just pull out then, but it's never that easy. Will spend the night in the woods and then drive from there to the bike ride (about 1 hr.), leaving around 5:45 a.m. We plan to start riding about 7:30 a.m.

Lora, glad your boss isn't there. Much less tension, I understand completely. Did you get the PM I sent you yesterday? Sorry you have to work on Sunday :-(

Diane Sue, I'm really looking forward to my Shakti DVD coming on Tuesday. Glad you won't have the interruption of having to pick up kids. You must be a godsend to your own children for taking care of the grandkids so much. Bet they do appreciate it.

Suz, sounds like your ride was very good yesterday! So nice to mix up the effort with fun at the same time. Just stay away from people that don't make you feel good about yourself. Remember, that your cycling is not your self-worth so don't let anybody make you feel bad. I used to do that to myself with my horseback riding. Bad, bad. Guess I am competitive but I need to channel it the right way and take the activities for what they are, just activities. I would love to cycle with you! I think we would be very good ride partners. Maybe some day... I didn't sleep in very long as DH gets up at 4:30 so I made his lunch, checked the forums, took a little snooze on the couch and then back up to workout. I need to get my butt moving now as I have tons to do. Not fair that your DH can eat whatever. Mine used to, but not any more. He's 53 but he's losing some weight and watching a bit better what he eats. I haven't seen any bags of pigskins hanging around lately. He loves those.

Debbie, I like CTX kickbox. You did well on your calorie burn. Is your plateau broken? You look awesome.

Sandy, way to go on Lowmax. That workout really makes me sweat buckets for some reason, think it's all the leg work in it. I do need to get it out some day.

Charlotte, hope you are feeling better from the migraine. Don't think I've ever experienced one, thank goodness, but I sure feel sorry for those that do.

Terry, sometimes it's nice not having anything in particular to have to do on a long 3 dayer. You can just play it by ear.

Must go get in the shower and start moving on my list of stuff to do today.

Jeanette - How is that yoga? You said its the Magically Hips one, does that mean there are a lot of streches for the hip area? I'm looking for something along those lines. Let me know.

Yes, I seem to have broken my plateau. I notice today how loose my jeans are starting to get again. TG! I was worried there for a while. I'm getting good calorie burns too, not sure why. Probably because my cardios are now over an hour. But I don't mind, it doesn't seem like they are that long which is good.
Debbie - Not Jeanette here...but Magically Hips is my favorite premix on Eion's DVD, Power Yoga for Happiness. Yes, it has tons of hip openers. Also, Erich Schiffman has one out called Lotus. It is about 1.5 hours of various hip openers and such. There is a description on his site, I think it's MovingIntoStillness.com, but not quite sure. It's a good one because it can be used in 15 minute segments if you wanted to.

Speaking of yoga, my new Duncan Wong Yogic Arts ones just came. I can't wait to get home and preview them. I posted about these a while ago. They sound really different. It's a yoga/martial arts mix and it's sounds good for people with neck and back problems.

In case anyone's interested: here's info...


his credentials --

I posted about this before, but I especially wanted Sandy to see it cuz it sounds like this might be good for our conditions with our necks.

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