Anne - You crack me up with the boring treadmill thing. I'm sure you can't wait to do some normal workouts!
Diane Sue - Do you get M&F? They have a great 12 week program in there I'm thinking of doing soon. Its laid out very well.
Meaghan - Sorry about your weekend. Today is a new day. Eat clean!
All the kids are home around here too. It was -4 this morning when I got up. Went down to -18 last night.
Lora - Great calorie burn. You are really burning it up lately.
Amber - Same here. Very cold, all schools are closed. Wish I was in school.
Thats hilarious about your doctor terminating you as a patient. I didn't know they could do that. I terminated one of my doctors a while ago because she pissed me off. Wrote her a letter and everything.
Janie - Those premixes on Push/Pull and Supersets are awesome. Its the only way to do those workouts. Great going!
Suz - I missed where you hurt your back. I hope its feeling better. I know all to well the pain you are feeling. SUCKS! Ice does help tremendously. I usually ice my back pain.
Dallys - Sorry about your elbow. That has to hurt. My left one gives me fits every now and then.
Char - You're getting up there with your chest work. Great going!
Randi - You are so funny! Glad you liked Drill Max!