Hardcore Extreme


Do many of you have this DVD? I think I want to get Hardcore Stretch max, Hardcore Highstep Challenge and Hardcore Core Max. When I was looking at them, I saw Hardcore Extreme. Would this have the whole Highstep Challenge on it? Do you think it would be a "replacement" for the Hardcore Highstep Challenge or would you get both?
I just bought the hardcore stretchmax, imax 3 , GS series and Hardcore Extreme. Already had the others in Hardcore series. The reason I didn't buy the High Step Challenge is it looks similar to HSTA which I have and love. When I got HC Extreme yesterday I watched it and yes it does seem to have most? of High step challenge in it but you don't get a premix to do just the high step challenge. I personally don't think I am missing anything by not having it only because I have HSTA. If you are not buying the whole bundle why don't you not order it and when you do Hardcore Extreeme if you like the High step challenge parts and think you'd like to do it in its entirety(spelling?) then order it. Hope this all makes sense.:)

I have it, it was actually one of the first Cathe DVDs I purchased. It is tough and I've actually only used it a few times. It does have all of Imax 3 on it (I wish I hadn't purchased that one at the same time), a lot of LowMax, Kickmax and Highstep Challenge. I think it's only part of HSC, I'm not sure since I don't own that one. I do use the leg conditioning drills from Kickmax off the dvd a lot. Not sure if that helps!
Thanks for your help. I purchased HSTA, Coremax, Stretchmax, and the new one Butts and Glutes. SHould be a LOT of fun!

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