Hardcore band question

When doing the Hardcore workouts, would it be ok for me to use the type of band that is in your high step circuit DVD and on your basic step/body fusion DVD? Will I get the same results and can I do the same moves with this type of band? Thanks for your time!
Hi Digitaljtothea! Yes, you can substitute that band. The handles and thin tubing may make certain exercise feel a little different (in some cases maybe even a better grip) but if you find the handles getting in the way, just use the tubing portion vs putting your hands in the hand grips.

This purple tubing was made by another company and each company has their own degree of tension making a certain exercise harder or easier. Aim to tighten or losen the amount of slack you have on your band according to how you feel with the given reps. IE: If you are tiring or can't maintain full range of motion for the exercise, give yourself MORE slack (easier). But if an exercise is too easy and you feel no challenge then choke up on that slack a bit (harder).

Good Luck!

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