This morning we had a super shocking, extra rocking bootcamp class. Covered every angle of the room...and then some!!! Honorable mention goes to her 60's and never missed a beat. Way to go Janet!
Wow Cathe. You are my hero! Seriously you must have a hidden Superwoman Cape or something? Just the description of the class makes me feel like breaking out a sweat. I so wish you could be cloned so that I could take a class here in California! Today I'm gonna have to settle with doing Gym Style Leggs.
Sounds like a great class! Way to go Janet! Can't wait to do a live class with you someday - hopefully when/if the Road Trip makes it to Chicago. In the meantime, I will settle for working out with you in the comfort of my workout room.
Give Janet a high five from me. I am very inspired by the "mature" athlete.
I ran a 10K a couple of weeks ago and met a man who was 76 years old. He told me that he started running at the age of 62. I told him that I wanted to be like him when I "grew up". He laughed and blushed. There was also a man in his mid 80's walking the course. Truly inspiring. I'm 48 and hope I'm out there in my 80's!
Tonight is Dis 16 for me. I am loving having the tower for this roudn of STS. It has been really nice so far for M2. So much easier for the bench presses than having to get up and down holding the barbell. Also liking it for chin ups and pull ups. I can get about 8 or 9 chin ups in, but still working on the pull ups. They'll come, I suppose.
Tonite for me is suppose to be HSTA but I am going to do High Step Circuit instead like the wt. work in HSTA but not the cardio. MIL had gallbladder surgery today so I have to go to the hospital tonite and check on her so workout needs to be short. I am really like this months rotation and I think I am going to repeat it next month.
Love this thread, and love to hear about people like Janet, rocking it into their 60's and beyond! I'm 41 and hope to be like her in 20 years!
Muscle Max for me today, and I'm excited because my recovering shoulder is getting so much better that I can do more upper body exercises with very light weights.
It's fun to hear what others are doing for their workouts! I just finished STS Disc 13 (Chest/Shoulders/Tris) and I can barely type. I was going to do the 3 1/2 month rotation, but decided to extend it and repeat each week in Meso 2 'cuz I was REALLY feeling the burn last week. Off to get some food now!