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Does anyone know what kind of non gym equipment based exercises are effective for developing hamstring muscles? I'm having trouble balancing out quads/hamstrings.
Stiff legged deadlifts (the only kind of deadlift Cathe does)-- both fuller deadlifts where you take the weight beyond the knees (according to your flexibility) or quarter deadlifts where you take the weight just below the knees and only come up 3/4 of the way.

YOu could also try leg curls with ankle weights. I'd go heavy with the weights myself.

If you have Cathe's PS Legs, the last exercise really hits the hams (& butt). It's where you lie on your back with your feet up on the step. Then you push your hips up- know what I'm talking about? I forget the name of them.
Along with what has already been suggested, I'd add kickboxing!
Now~all kickboxing is not created equal! I'm talking about the high intensity/advanced type of kickboxing. Not only will it shape your hamstrings and quads, but if done with true intensity, you'll see improvements in your upper body as well.
The key to kickboxing that I think a lot of people miss is the need to punch/kick hard, with intensity. There are some kickboxing videos I cannot do the day after weight training because they work my legs and arms too hard.

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