Half Marathoners/Marathoners


Hi all,

I know there are several of us that are training for races this fall. I thought it would be nice to just have a little "check-in" and progress report.

I am working on my first half marathon which I will run on September 19 in St. Charles, MO. I am ready to run it now and wish it weren't 3 more weeks of training. I am ready to cut back on the running and get more weight work back in my rotation. I have been using ME, but as my mileage it getting up there, I am going to have to drop the weight work for the next few weeks, to let my muscles rest.

What do you experienced racers do to taper as you get closer to a race? When do you start your taper?

Best Wishes,


I usually do my last long training run a week and a half to two weeks before a half marathon race and taper the weekly mileage the week of the race. I have a half marathon planned for Sept 11th.

Good luck to you and let us know how it goes.

Have a great day!!


I was planning to enter this very race (half marathon too) but my training has been horrible this summer. So I'm gearing up for the winter training runs. Question for you. Have you heard anything about the runs at Forest Park (Frost Bite Series) or the one in Chesterfield (just remembered the name, couldn't think of it for the world yesterday, Snow Ball Series)? I was trying to locate info on the Frost Bite series because the park is a shorter drive for me and I think there's access from the Metro Link. By the way, I live in Fairview Heights, IL. Which as you can see, why I don't put too much emphasis on the Lewis & Clark. That's an hours drive for me one way.

Good luck with your training!

Oh yeah, last year I trained with two runners from Team Winsor who live in Illinois. They tried to talk me into the half but I didn't think I could do it. But 2 1/2 weeks before the race I ran a little over 12 miles!! That's when my running buddies started tapering back. My purpose of running with them was to increase my long runs - I couldn't seem to get past 6 miles on my own.

Any best wishes to both of you! I'll keep checking in on you two!

Hi Tina...good luck! I would agree with run4fun about tapering. It has been awhile since I ran a half-marathon but I have done alot of them. I was planning on the Malibu marathon this Dec, but not sure I want to go to LA again this year. So I will train for a local marathon in Northern Cal on Jan 1st. I am also doing a 20 mile trail run in Pollock Pines on Labor Day sunday. This is a great trail run that I have done one of the 4 distances (8 mile, 20 mile 50K and 50 mile) for the last few years. And another 30K trail run in October which is local. I think a running check-in would be fun as I see more and more posts about running....I think tapering for a marathon is a bit more drastic than tapering for a half-marathon, meaning for the marathon you really have to cut back alot on your running the last 3 weeks. I lift also and usually just cut back on leg work, I continue with upper body as I think it helps with the marathon distance to have a strong upper body....:)...Carole

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