Gym Styles and Slow and Heavy



I'm trying to decide on my next Cathe purchase. I already have the Gym Style DVDs and love them. Do I need to get the Slow and Heavy DVD? I read so many great comments about S&H, but wonder if it is really that different from the Gym Styles. I am mainly focused on upper body opinions.

Thanks so much! Have a great day.

S&H is very different from any of Cathe's other workouts. I really like the upper body workouts in the series (but prefer other lower body workouts because my knees don't like the slow barbell work.).

"Need" is a very relative term, and somewhat depends on your goals. I'd say S&H is the best series for strength gains, and if that's what you goals are, then maybe you "need" it, LOL!
Thanks Kathryn,

Weight training can get confusing for me with the varying opinions. And I haven't been at it long enough to know exactly what works for me yet. I have in the past been mostly a cardio person. I consider myself to be very advanced with my cardio.

I am quite lean, low body fat, veiny and somewhat muscular arms. Not as cut at Cathe... yet! LOL!

I am looking to improve my definition. I imagine that goal will be a nice side effect of increasing my strength?

I have read some people say they have gained the best definition and strength gains with S&H.

I understand Gym Styles is considered a strength workout (like S&H) but it has an added component of endurance because of the bands. So it brought me to my question of whether S&H was a "must have" to achieve my goals.

But ya know - it's true what I read everywhere. Eventually I will have all of Cathe's videos!



>S&H is very different from any of Cathe's other workouts. I
>really like the upper body workouts in the series (but prefer
>other lower body workouts because my knees don't like the slow
>barbell work.).
>"Need" is a very relative term, and somewhat depends on your
>goals. I'd say S&H is the best series for strength gains, and
>if that's what you goals are, then maybe you "need" it, LOL!

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