Gym Style Legs Results ?


Active Member
I would really, really love to slim down my thighs in particular, and the entire lower body in general. The Gym Style Upper Body workouts have been superb in giving me definition in my arms. I am just wondering if anyone has any visible results on their lower body using Gym Style Legs ?

I run quite a bit -- 25-30 miles/week, but I don't have those nice, lean runner legs :( I am looking for some lower body workouts that would give me a leaner lower body rather than bulking it up even more. I don't have any jiggling parts, but my legs are just not as lean as I would like them to be :(

What would be your suggestion ? Please help !
I would think that GS Legs might help b/c it is more of high rep, endurance workout rather than pure strength. Also, the floor work at the end, using the band is a burner, just like almost all the other band moves in this series. You can combine this with the floorwork from PLB for a pretty tough leg toning/workout (as Cathe did in this month's rotation). Also, you might look at the leg conditioning drills at the end of Kickmax, I've notice leaner, more defined limbs as a result of those and the frequency of doing them in last months fat blasting rotation.
Good luck,
Running 30 miles per week should give you nice lean legs. By all means do leaner Legs and GS legs, but look to your diet and to cardio mileage to help shed the fat that surrounds the muscle.


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