[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-01 AT 02:30PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-18-01 AT 02:30 PM (Est)[/font]
Hi Everyone,
Ladies here is my situation
I am feeling so guilty for not continuing my workouts like I said I would at the start of this pregnancy.
Well I am now 21 weeks and am in a slump has anyone ever experienced fatigue during your entire pregnancy,This is my 3rd pregnancy but the first time I have experienced this level of fatigue.
I am always tired, my question is do I force or push myself to workout or do I just relax and keep hoping that one day I will desire to workout like I used to.
Any advice would help ease my mind
Thank You,
P.S.Hope all is well with everyone,I live in brooklyn and my husband works just 4 blocks from the WTC and I tell you I'm so close but yet everytime I see the news it just seems like another country,I just still cannot believe that this tragedy could occur anywhere never the less in my own backyard.
My hearts and prayers go out to all the families affected by this tragedy.
I hate to ask questions at a time like this but like the mayor of nyc said "we should try to get back to normal as soon as we can"
Hi Everyone,
Ladies here is my situation
I am feeling so guilty for not continuing my workouts like I said I would at the start of this pregnancy.
Well I am now 21 weeks and am in a slump has anyone ever experienced fatigue during your entire pregnancy,This is my 3rd pregnancy but the first time I have experienced this level of fatigue.
I am always tired, my question is do I force or push myself to workout or do I just relax and keep hoping that one day I will desire to workout like I used to.
Any advice would help ease my mind
Thank You,
P.S.Hope all is well with everyone,I live in brooklyn and my husband works just 4 blocks from the WTC and I tell you I'm so close but yet everytime I see the news it just seems like another country,I just still cannot believe that this tragedy could occur anywhere never the less in my own backyard.
My hearts and prayers go out to all the families affected by this tragedy.
I hate to ask questions at a time like this but like the mayor of nyc said "we should try to get back to normal as soon as we can"