Guess what Briee?

RE: Ha Janice!

Okay "Miss 1441 posts to date", you are too funny!!!!! But in all honesty, I was amazed when this option on the new forum came into existence to see just how many people actually read each thread.

Now on a more serious note, how come I only have 21 people who have viewed a thread addressed to me and AJ has 133 (last I checked)???? I believe I'm going to have to work on more poetry or possibly some conservative rhetoric or ...........maybe I'll just start quoting AJ, yeah that's the ticket.

Hey AJ, just for the record, I think your the greatest and next to Cathe I believe I enjoy reading your "mish-mosh the most". (say that 10 times fast).

And Janice, my Slow and Heavy buddy, (that did not come out sounding quite right, but I can always count on you to be a S&H advocate to which I am ALWAYS silently cheering from my computer at home) I am close to the creatine endeavor, keep updating us please. And a quick question, is it REALLY completely safe, how long are you planning to stay on it?

Now I better sign off as the truth will surface....that I'm just fishing for attention here (thus the questions) so I can somehow get my numbers up for the number of times a thread is checked ha ha ha :7 :7 :7 :7

RE: Ha Janice!

Hey Debbie, I just thought of something, if I go in and out and check this site, I can bump up the numbers all by myself, thus looking like I'm really an interesting person when in reality I don't have a whole heck of a lot to say and lead a very boring and low key existence in the middle of the country in WI. (but God isn't finished with me yet!!! Good thing huh.... and I'm sure Cathe isn't finished either!!!)

Briee (I'm sure if I could just get jumpyman back a LOT more people would check out my threads) ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-)

What'd I tell you? 51 viewers and still going strong. Ha! Try this for your jumpy man! Below are the links for them in the same order. I lef spaces so they wouldn't post as jumpies. Good Luck!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You 2 are too funny! There should be some rule against trickery on the forum. LOL

And that's what you get for using the forum for "personal" pleasure! Just log in & e-mail if you don't want others to read. Ok, I'm being catty! Just playing though really! Really, I am. For those that will think I'm being a be-otch, I'm just teasing!!!!
GACK!!!!:eek: I've been exposed as a lurker of threads. I'm too nosey not to click on someone else's thread.:+ And Briee, you're just way too interesting too resist!

Debbie, you are one twicky wabbit.:p
Yeah I'm nosey to find out what Debbie has to say to you. ROFL! :D
(we all know Debbie just wants to get 2000 posts in before Spring. LOL)
Seriously, I never want to miss out on what you two have to say. Could be important. ;-)
RE: Seeee!!!!

Since this is basically a mindless Briee thread as it is I thought I would test jumpyman here.

Debbie, Debbie, Debbie, my dearest found jumpiman for me and I will forever be indebted. Jumpy, jumpy, jumpy. I'm so elated. Now is there any way that I can add jumpy without having to type that whole thing out? (not to sound ungrateful or complaining or anything) That's a lot to type each time. But, for jumpy I will do anything. Don't know why this never worked before.

Thank you
Thank you
Thank you
RE: Seeee!!!!

Briee, to make jumpy man a permanent fixture in your signature, go to the top of the page and click 'user menu'...then click 'edit profile'...scroll to the bottom and where it says 'signature', type in the jumpy man gobbledygook that Debbie gave you.:)
RE: Yes Briee!

Thanks you all for making jumpiman a permanent part of my being!!!!! It obviously worked, but I was shocked to see that it updates all of my postings immediately....look at all those jumpi's.


Briee and her jumpimen

All right, you've gone and set a nasty "cyber-trap" for poor unsuspecting lurkers. }( }( }( And of course you didn't have to twist MY ankle to get me in here.:+

Just wondering on this "important thread" what you all think of me posting a picture of my butt as a signature? Not that it's cute or anything, but heck, I'm just such a rebel}( .

Besides, I have to give other unsuspecting "nosey-parker's" like me something to "chew" on!

Staying tuned.

Hey! Help! I don't know how to make Jumpy's any more! Ugh! I feel like such a nerd!

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