GS Back - Pull Overs


Hello everyone,

I have noticed that when I do pull overs in GS Back, I feel it more in my chest than my back. I know my form must be off. Any tips?

HI Gina, its normal to feel it in your chest too, as it works both groups, plus a little bit of shoulders. Just focus on contracting the sides of your back (the lats) when you pull up the weight. Also, if your chest is burning, lower the weight until you can safely do the movement without feeling it so much there.

Good luck! -Christina
Hey Gina, the lats attach to the upper portion of the humerus (upper arm bone) so if you retract your shoulder blades and keep thinking 'lead with your elbows' you maybe able to isolate them more and get that sensation at the back wall of the armpit. HTH:)

Take Care
Pullovera are definitely an exercise that requires you to 'put your mind in the muslce,' since they can work either chest or back (as well as some synergists for both muscle groups).

I find that if I focus on pushing my lats down into the step while I'm pulling, I hit the lats more. Also, limiting your range of motion so you don't pull up much beyond perpendicular to the floor (beyond that really seems to hit the chest more).

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