GS Back & Bicep premix...WOW


I did this premix today and it alternates the back and bicep exercise which made it easier for me to go heavier on some of the exercises!!!! I might pay for it in the morning, but enjoyed it while I did it...:)...Carole
Hi Lunacat...Thanks for the email...:)...It is the total Back & Bicep part of the workout so yes very challenging especially as I increased the weight in some areas and you go quickly from back to bicep so there is less recovery time between sets....:)...Carole
Oooh... I should try this. Haven't played so much yet with the premixes in the Gym Styles. Thanks, Carole.

And that coffee icon of yours... it just reminded me. I haven't had coffee in a week. Serious! My husband has been travelling so I've been both mom and dad to my boy. Taking him to school in the morning is tough! I make my oatmeal, gulp it and go. No wonder I'm bloated and dragging myself around half-dazed. I'm less crabby though.:)

Pinky....without coffee for a week???? OMG I would go nuts!!! I bet it is tough being Mommy and Daddy to your little guy, but I know you do a wonderful job...:+ :) ...Carole
Just curious why you say "no wonder you're bloated", from no coffee??
I have never had a cup of coffee in my life and I'm 33. I figure if I'm tired I should get more sleep but I never really feel like I need anything to pick me up.
>Just curious why you say "no wonder
>you're bloated", from no coffee??

It's not from not having coffee. It's from trying to get my oatmeal down in the least number of spoonfuls so I can run out the door and get the day started.

Thanks Carole,
I have been doing the GS as is but this sounds like a good one to work in.
Diane Sue
I did that today too, it was great, though very fast paced. Good thing I had everything prepared. After that I did MM back and biceps, it was a good finish.
I think you'd like it Diane Sue...:)...but Mari...WOW...great add on with MM! I'll have to try it...:)...Carole
I just "skimmed" the back/bicep premix, but I like that split. ONe thing I noticed is that the transition between exercises (if you could even call it that at times) was almost non-existant (at least on the couple I noticed). Did you have to pause the DVD quite a bit to do this premix?

I did have to pause the DVD a lot during this premix, but it was worth it because I really liked alternating back and biceps.

Last night I did the Chest/Triceps Superset Premix. That was a great workout and I didn't have to pause the DVD at all. There was plenty of time between exercises.

Kathryn..I just checked what weights I used for the last time and had them all lined up, but did pause the DVD a few times when I thought I could increase my weightload. Still a great workout. ..:)...Carole
I was prepared too. I actually enjoyed the fast pace. I could not do that w/chest though. Mari

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