Growing old with Cathe


There has been a question nagging me for some time now: "What will I do when I get old enough that my joints and stuff start giving in and I can't do Cathe anymore?" I mean, the older I get the harder I have to work just to keep weight off. I love being in the greatest shape of my live, but I wonder what will happen when I can't work this hard. By the way, I'm 37 and I love hearing from those of you that are a few years older--it gives me great hope.

Anyway, it dawned on me this morning that Cathe will be getting older, too (although I doubt she will ever look it--or slow down). So all we have to do is just grow old with Cathe and try and keep up with her (and the pre-orders), and she will lead us along into old age. It was a very comforting thought. I hope she's planning on producing workouts for the next 40 years.

Here's hoping,

Carol F
Hi Carol,

You've got a long time to go before you & Cathe get old together! Plus, the earlier you started, the better, I think.

I didn't really start exercising until my 40's, and I didn't start trying to clean up my diet until last year...I was 49. So I think all that will count "against" me. And I smoked for 25 years. Yikes!

However, I've decided that I will NEVER give up & will continue to do what I can for as long as I can. I know people at my Nanny's nursing home who exercise every day, and they are in their 70's through 90's.

Charlene Prickett is one of my greatest comforts...she's around 55 or so, & is one of the strongest people I've ever seen, and she still prefers a really hard workout.

Anyway, more than you wanted to hear I'm sure...stay with it!

:D I have been working out with Cathe for 14 years and feel as though she is my best friend! I will turn 40 this February and hope she keeps producing videos or I am done! No one compares to Cathe in my book! She keeps me as young as I can be and fit! She is a great motivator for me!
That's so funny, because I've had that thought about Cathe too. I mean...I figured out that she's got to be about 39 (because I read she was 24 when she made her first video in 1989). That's 2 years older than me and she looks tons better than she did just a couple years ago.

She'll be this little 75 year old lady saying things like, "take in the's free"
I agree. I will keep exercising with Cathe as long as she keeps making the tapes.

However, I do believe that she will have to make one adjustment for us older exercisers (I'm 46) and that is to use BIGGER TYPE on the back of the DVD cases. It cracks me up that I can do Viper but I can't read about it on the back of the case!!!! x(

I am certainly being punished for every joke I made about my mom and dad scrambling for their reading glasses. I now keep a pair in every room including my workout room.

Oh well, my eyes may be going but I still look least I think I do ... now where did I put those glasses?

Oh my gosh! That is so funny! I can't read the back of the Dvd's either! I never thought about it in that perspective before.

I don't know...for some reason that just cracked me up. :p
I think Cathe will always inspire us and when we all reach the young age of 85 together, we will still be working out with Cathe..........seated in a chair, working our upper bodies (weights on each end of our walking sticks), and performing squats and lunges using our walking frames as balance

Thats my plan anyway

(I bet she will STILL look better than me........ damn it!!)

I'm 55 and have just discovered Cathe and love her. I don't see any reason why you can't exercise intensively until the day you decide to leave the body behind.

There's a book out there called READY, SET, GO dealing with exercise as you begin to age and how to keep yourself young, etc. I'd really recommend you reading that book.:p
I think of this a lot too, I am 38 and often wonder how much longer I will be able to workout at the intensity I do now. It scares me to get older, I hate every minute of it. But I did see something on the news a while back. They featured this 65 year old woman who works out at a gym and she just looked awesome. She was doing pull downs and her shoulders and back were so well defined, not a bit of wrinkled, loose skin hanging on her anywhere. This was such an inspiration for me and I hope I look like her when I'm 65. So I guess there is hope for us to keep working out as long as we want and I know working out keeps your bones strong so thats a plus.
Debbie in OH
If you keep working out with the intensity you are now, I don't think you'll ever have to slow down (unless you get pregnant, which is probably not in your plans, right?) If you STOP working out, then you'll get old and feeble. THAT's the main reason I got back into exercising - the fear that I'd need help getting out of a chair someday or have to have those handles on the toilet seat. The thought of that is way more of a motivator to me than having ripped abs.
:( I have also found that as I am getting older I have to modify the intensity of certain movements. I am actually looking forward to the low impact workouts! My knee joints have really taken a toll with the years of stepping I have been doing. I wonder as we age if Cathe will start adding in more lower intensity workouts? I still like a good blast of high intensity though and can modify. I am scared to grow old and it bothers me that I am not as young and attractive in my eyes.
Looking forward to aging gracefully with Cathe!

At 41, I'm in the best shape of my life and have Cathe to thank for that ;-)
Donna--I just had to laugh out loud. I had an instant mental picture of an 85-year-old Cathe saying "I know you're old, but JUMP HIGHER!"

Carol F
Your joints will actually benefit from consistent exercise as you age. They won't be too stiff or tired to workout, as long as you modify as needed and take care of yourself. They still recommend exercise as the best thing out there to take away the pain and stiffness of arthritis. The trick is to keep the joints moving, and also to strengthen the muscles that support them.

I'm 47 with known very bad arthritic knees, and although I am now finding I have to modify most of the cardio, I will never stop. I'd be a fool to do that. That's the quickest, surest way I know to head for a double knee replacment one day. No thanks.

Exercise has so many long-term health benefits, and they don't disappear as you age. In fact, you will find you probably age better and certainly more healthier than your same aged counterparts who do not exercise. Cathe is 40. She's right there with us!!

I'll be hitting the big 5-O in a few months and am still going strong and in great shape ... thanks 100% to Cathe!

I do my step workouts on a 10" step, match Cathe or go heavier on weights and haven't had any joint problems at all ... and I've been using Cathe tapes since I turned 40.

I hope Cathe continues - I need her!! It's nice to know I'm a decade ahead of her ...


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