Grocery List


I know this has been done before, but when searching I couldn't find much. Sooooo.........

I'm headed to the grocery store this afternoon, what are some ideas? Clean eating ideas, that is ;-) What are some things you just can't live without? I'm going to stock my cupboards and get moving on some clean eating and losing weight.

This is a typical shopping list for the abs diet:

whole grain bagels & whole grain bread
almond butter
unsweetened almond milk
some kind of cereal--any kind of cereal!
whole grain pasta & sugar free marinara
skinless, boneless chicken
Healthy Choice turkey lunch meat
baby spinach (this is like THE most versatile stuff in the world!)
And my favorite dessert: Vans whole grain waffles w/frozen vanilla yogurt

Crap, I'm making myself hungry!
I usually just shop the perimiter and get the heck out of there. I wish they would start putting caution tape on the chips and cookie isle!

Stock your kitchen with lots of fresh friuts and veggies. Wash and cut everything when you get home so it is easy to use all week.
i like hummus w/ veggies
boca burgers and/or chili
my fav quick dinner is kashi
egg whites in the morning
tons of frozen veggies (so don't go bad)
fruits (did i say that again) :)
cottage cheese
NO tomatoes right now :)
Sweet potatoes

Go to the veggie section and choose one that you have NEVER tried before and get it see if you like (same with fruit)
I agree with the frozen veggie idea for us single women. Frozen foods are very, very helpful.

But nothing tastes as good as the fresh stuff. Think summer. Salad, a big bowl of fruit (no sugar!!!). And when I say salad, I don't mess around....

Dark lettuce or spinach
Lots of bright colored veggies, like red bell peppers and carrots
Beans - canned beans are helpful here, but make sure you rinse them well to get rid of the extra salt
Zuchinni or yellow squash - yes, raw! And sliced thin

And if you want, top it with a nice blob of low-fat cottage cheese. Mmmmmm.

Whole grains - try something different, like millet or quinoa if you have a good natural foods store.
Walnuts (good Omega 3 source)
My shopping list is usually pretty short, since I avoid packaged, processed foods, as well as the meats, and I make almost everything from scratch. Generally though I will get staples: fruits and veggies, beans of all kinds (a must have! Homemade soups and hummus are easy and nutritious) spices, maybe some cheese and yogurt. I'll also sometimes need nuts, popcorn, rice and peanut butter.

Moring Star Asian Veggie Patties
Broccoli Slaw
Kashi Go Lean Crunch
Light soy milk
Fav. veggie mixture of zucchini, yellow squash, sliced baby carrots, mushrooms and garlic
WW cheddar cheese (like that they are pre-measured)
Wheat 100 cal. English Muffins
Whole Wheat Pitas
Boca Chili (occasionally)
Carrots and Parsley for juicing
Egg Whites (topped with onion, spinach and tomato)
Ingredients for home made salsa
Peanut Butter
Almond Butter
Whole Wheat Tortillas
Salmon Burgers
String Cheese
Cottage Cheese
All different kinds of veggies

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