<---grew a mustache and a mullet; got a job at Chick-fil-A


<---Yawns, and says, "good morning, all"
<---hopes everyone had a great weekend
<---wonders when autumn is going to get here--it was VERY hot and humid here
<---has been so slack regarding working out
<---makes an effort, but not a real good one!
<---needs the ladies to be her drill sergeants and give her major sh*t for not getting her butt moving!
<---blames it on hot flashes...they do make you lazy, mean, and bitchy
<---will be EXtremely busy at work today but will try to check back with you BEA-u-ti-ful gals later!
<---waves GM to the OAL ladies
<---had a good weekend, but thinks it went to fast
<---was happy to go grocery shopping for the first time in 3 months
<---says no, she is not exaggerating
<---isn't sure how we have survived
<---also spent a little quiet time with her pool yesterday saying "goodbye" for the winter (sniff, sniff)
<---tells TeTe she needs a drill sergeant too
<---tells Beavs she is here because she LOVES us!
<---waves hi to the cute little slug from KY
<---needs coffee NOW!
<--waves good morning to all the sleepyheads
<--is also a sleepyhead
<--is super busy this week and probably won't be back
<--did some retail therapy yesterday and bought super cute shoes!
<--can't find a pic on the 'net to show you, but guarantees there would be ooohs and aaahhs
<--wishes all a happy week!

<---thinks Beavs needs more sleep;)
<---had morning bread with a chick who was in my class years ago, and who has recently joined the ranks of administrators
<---had to listen to her try to tell me work is "not a job, it's mental stimulation"
<---should have told her to "Stimulate this" while slapping her silly
<---wonders where administrators get this clap trap and who they think they are fooling
<---doesn't apologize to any administrators in the Cathenation
<---is done being Ms Nicegal
<---(wonders if anyone would care for a nice, warm, freshly baked chocolate chip cookie?)
<--waves to Robin and says yes please to that warm CC cookie :D
<--is said for Liann saying good-bye to her pool
<--hopes Anne's busy week goes by fast and is stress free
<--says coffee is finally kicking in and <--is starting to feel human!!
<--tells Liann <-- is always happy to visit the OAL chicksters
<--is just sick of the age old threads on "cheat meals" sugar, bulking up, etc etc
<--tells Robin more sleep would be nice zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
<--- must have smelt the warm cookies from over here - perfect timing, thanks Robin!
<--- has been a MIA OAL gal recently
<--- is glad to 'see' Catherine, Anne, Robin, Beavs, Liann and Teresa
<--- has been feeling just like Teresa, just been cruising on the workouts and maintaining
<--- shook it off this morning with GS C&T, upped the weights, knocked off the push-ups (with extra breaks) and feels fantastic!
<--- waves bye bye to Liann's pool
<--- is with Beavs - never goes near any posts to do with food, diet, etc. etc.
<--- is working on an A-level PE book at the moment which is fascinating - learning lots of things about training, body composition, etc.
<--- hopes Anne's busy week shoots by
<--- joins Robin in slapping her friend silly (just for the heck of it) :D
<--- is glad Catherine's coffee is kicking in
<--- is feeling super chatty for some reason
<--- is off to pick DD up from school
<--- will bbl as has to work this evening! :(
<---agrees with Beavs about the same old same old posts
<---is also very tired of posts discussing medical issues that should be discussed with a doctor
<---thinks more posters need to attend to Catherine's signature statement
<---wants a little joy and frivolity, instead of workouts and blah, blah, blah....
<---thinks she will accept the position of Cathenation Post Approver
<---will give thumbs up only to unique, up-lifting, or clever posts that can't be answered by doing a search of old threads
<---thinks maybe a little flaming would be a good thing....
<--^^5s Ronne on knocking out those pushups!!
<--is glad to see Ronne
<--understands Beavs about same ole threads and ?s
<--is just not creative enough to come up with any interesting banter :cool:
<--wonders how Robin feels about hemorroid threads :p
<--should restrain herself
<--points finger at Beavs and says "It was all her fault"
<--:eek::eek: and exits the thread
<---thought the 'roids thread was brilliant
<---has to wonder how so many people confuse www.cathe.com with www.webmd.com
<---waves hi to super chatty Ronne! :)
<---thinks Anne deserved those super cute shoes!
<---shakes her head at Robin's administrator's idea of mental stimulation
<---thinks all work does is stimulate a person to become "mental"
<---LOL at the 'roids thread
<---missed it originally and had to go search for it after visiting an alternative site
<---thinks sometimes Catherine's humor is a tad dry to translate to forums
<---either that or forum readers are just DUMB
<---can't believe that:rolleyes:
<--LOL at <--'s dry humor:D
<--yes <--'s wit needs some work
<--would call it more sarcasm
<--has had lunch and is now ready for a nap!!
<--but will not be getting one:confused:
<-- waves hi
<-- had a fantastic weekend ;)
<-- likes that guy we call DH
<-- desperately needs a job
<-- doesn't want a job, <-- just want $$
<-- hates that those two go together
<-- doesn't want threads about hemorroids in Catheland
<-- is very frustrated and saddened by all the repetition as new folks come in almost every day it seems
<-- doesn't get why it seems so many are new to exercise and hanging out with Cathe
<-- couldn't have done that
<-- doesn't care in the long run, but <-- agree it used to be more frivolous
<-- tells Robin one shameful thing <-- have never told her before
<-- wouldn't know a Jimmy Buffet song if it hit <-- in the nose
<-- doesn't know a lot of songs, but <-- know it's the lack of knowledge of Mr. Buffet in particular that would most shock our beloved resident lab rat
<-- doesn't get saying goodbye to a pool
<-- guesses that's what we pay the big bucks for in CA
<-- is still LOL at Beavs saying "her $300k mansion"
<-- should post a photo of what $300k would buy you around here
<-- says if you add $2m to that figure then maybe you'd get a mansion, but not likely
<-- appreciates Beavs' comment nonetheless ;)
<-- gets to train the 17 yo again today
<-- gets to meet with her mom tomorrow
<-- is excited about that
<-- is thinking of it as <-- is a Diabetes Coach
<-- has to get the mom to reeeee-laaaaax
<-- has a big job ahead ;)
<-- is off to find the 'roids thread since <-- missed it while <-- was away
<--- is back at work
<--- says DD missed her swimming lesson as she was feeling rough (Evil mum made her go to school today even though she wasn't 100%!!)
<--- is finding it difficult to concentrate so thought <--- might as well pop back
<--- is going to cruise the boards to see what yucky threads <--- can find!:eek:
<--- waves hi to AmyG and tells her that her novel is a lot more interesting than what <--- is doing at the moment!

(<-- also thinks OMG YOU GUYS ARE FREAKING AWESOME :rolleyes:)
<--comes in to respond to Ame
<--shrugs shoulders and says **What? What?**
<--has no idea what you are talking about!!

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