Green Tea


Hello there. Do any of you drink Green tea? I've read about all the benefits of green tea, and have been trying to drink a cup a day. If you have been drinking it for awhile, what benefits have you noticed?


I drink several mugs of green tea a day. I really enjoy the citrus flavored Salada brand. I don't know if I have noticed any benefits except for things like it being soothing and it warms me up when I'm cold.

Take care,
I have at least one 16-oz. bottle of green tea per day (though home-brewed would be best, because it would have no added sweeteners). I think it gives me a bit of "mild" energy (not hyper, like coffee might). I think the benefits of green tea aren't necessarily that overt, because it works as an antioxident to protect your cells. In the long run, it might help prevent some illnesses (but you'd never know, because you can't prove that something "would have happened" if you hadn't done X).

FYI (if you didn't know): when brewing green tea, do NOT use boiling water, but water that is below the boiling point (either before it boils, or left to cool a bit before pouring it over the tea bag). Don't steep for over 3 minutes (some say 4, but some say 2, so I'll take the middle ground). Agitating (dunkig) the teabag while it steeps releases up to 5x as many antioxidants, but covering the cup while it steeps retains more of the vital properties that otherwise can go "up in smoke" so to speak.
I think the benefits come with aging. In other words, all those antioxidants found in green tea are supposed to prevent cancer. I don't know of any immediate benefits, however. I've been drinking tea since I was a child, never liked coffee. I also drink a cup of decaf green tea before going to bed. Hopefully I'll live to be 100!
I start my day w/ a latte but if I crave something hot or a 2nd caffeine fix, I drink green tea. No noticeable benefits though it's supposed to speed the metabolism & there's the anti-oxidants.

I'm wondering about Kathryn's post. I read that one should steep the tea for at least 3 minutes to extra the anti-oxidants. Anyone else??

I used to drink gree tea but found to too astringent, especially on an empty stomach. I stick to Earl Grey or Chamomile now.

I have not noticed any benefits, but I do enjoy drinking green tea when the weather is cold.

I don't know if it has the same antioxidant properties, but has anyone ever had green tea ice cream? Yum, yum, yum!:9

Thanks for the great link! I want to print some of this stuff out for my boyfriend to read. I'm forever trying to get him to eat more healthfully. He's so stubborn about food (and may I also add he is finishing off the majority of the leftover Halloween candy - good for me, not for him!).

I drink a fusion tea from stash. It called green-white fusion. I found the taste is milder than green tea. And actually white tea has even more antioxidants than green tea. The only thing because this tea is so light, I would put a tea bag in a cup for at least a minute and then I drink this tea.

Elena, I have never heard of white tea so I looked it up and you are right. It is the least processed of the teas and packs a real health punch. I'll have to try to locate some to try it.

SnowBee, getting your loved ones to eat properly is hard. Mine are very stubborn about getting their junk food! Some of my favorite powerhouse foods are blueberries, another high antioxidant food, nuts, salmon and avacados. I try eat them on a weekly basis. I eat a lot of whole grain foods like tortillas and pasta but prepare good old fashioned white stuff for the hubby and kids since they turn their noses up at the good stuff! I do eat white pasta and tortillas sometimes because cooking two meals is a pain in the behind. When I do I make sure that no trans fats are present. I also buy lots of vegetarian foods, particualrly waffles that contain omega-3's and soy. I like to make sure I eat lots of different stuff and it makes my diet both healthy and interesting.
Chicks's Rule! Bobbi
>I start my day w/ a latte but if I crave something hot or a
>2nd caffeine fix, I drink green tea. No noticeable benefits
>though it's supposed to speed the metabolism & there's the
>I'm wondering about Kathryn's post. I read that one should
>steep the tea for at least 3 minutes to extra the
>anti-oxidants. Anyone else??

I've always heard that steeping green tea for too long makes it bitter (also using boiling water). The 'dipping" of the tea bag is supposed to help release more antioxidants. 3 minutes seems o.k., but more than that might make the tea bitter.
Thanks for the info, Kathryn. I'll be more careful tomorrow morning when I get my one cup of green tea (instead of coffee) with my breakfast!!
Have you ever read about mate/yerba mate? It has terrific health benefits, too. It is popular in South America--Argentina, Uruguay, Paraguay, etc.

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