great priced shorts


Hi All,
just wanted to share with everyone that I was at Target today, and bought two pair of shorts, very much like the ones Cathe is wearing in the new navy and one blk, both made of cool max, and fit like a dream for only 6.99 ea--regular price! I thought that was a whole lot better than what Nike wants for them.

Now everyone, run to Target-hee hee

Have a great weekend
Hi Jayne
Thanks a lot!
I will run to Target this weekend, before they're all gone.
WHERE ARE THESE SHORTS?????????????????????

I have looked at my Target here and I can't seem to find them!!! Are they in the "fitness" area or what? I don't find anything even kinda resembling what Cathe is wearing in the new series!!! Sherry....can you help me???

I went to wal-mart and bought my boycut athletic shorts that look like cathe's, except they have white stripes on the sides, mine cost 3.98 plus tax. .... Rhonda :7

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