great buns and legs


Active Member
just wandering if anyone with a big, saggy, celluite covered buns achieved great results working out with cathe and if so which tapes i want to have a firm shapely behind and great legs and was wandering what tapes would achieve that (i want to get Dvds)

Leaner Legs and Leg & Glute would be a great behind workout:) Also The Pyramid lower body is great.
interesting you posted this is when I was doing BB I felt my legs and butt were the best ever. OVerall I"m in pretty good shape but still have stubbborn cellulite on my legs.

I'm doing Intensity Series and just last nite added in L&G. I'll let you know how it goes. I also found the following helped: Imax or IMax2 or running. Eating clean and water. Believe it or not the over the counter cellulite cream did help firm up a bit too.

I'm just trying to get it all off - but really have made great strides. I'm a small size but for some reason have that darn cellulite.

best to you
I got the best results when I followed the Zone diet strict, drank lots of water, cutting back on the light beer..:), and lifting similar to the Slow & Heavy series. I just got that DVD and love it! Although a combo of Cathe's legs DVD's would be good. Like the other posts I think Leaner Legs , Legs & Glutes and the Pyramid series are great too...Carole

I love youur description of the "big, saggy, overweight butt!" It made me laugh! I'm in the same boat as you, but have noticed a big difference since using Cathe, especially using PLB and LL. I've also tried to increase my weights and that's helped really firm things up. I went to the doctor on Monday and got weighed for the first time in about two years. I'm 5'5" and weigh 123 pounds, but carry most of that in my rear and legs! Very discouraging!x(

Good luck!
I agree.:) All of Cathe's lower body weight and endurance workouts have slimmed my thighs and given me muscle on the upper part of my gluteals, right where my lower back ends and my butt begins, thanks to PLB, PS-Legs and LL. Haven't tried L&G, but I will soon. Can't wait.:) Sometimes I also combine S&H Legs, with the heaviest weights I can manage, then end the workout with PH squats and lunges using half the weights. It produces a great burn in my quads.

I find that the most effective moves specifically for the glutes are floor work like bridges and "donkey kicks" and step ups. Applying that to Cathe workouts, I'd recommend tring Legs and Glutes 2x/week, and a heavier weight lower body workout that includes step ups (the most effective, I find, for fighting against gravity), on a third day.

Also, you might want to incorporate some kickboxing on cardio days. I found that kickboxing really leaned out my butt (which, for me, was not that good a result because if I do kickboxing without balancing it with step ups and kickbacks, my butt is a bit lower and flatter than I like. But that's just my experience, and I know of others who have had good luck with kickboxing their butt into shape!)
I don't have a great butt or legs, but they are definitely more toned and defined since Cathe. The things that worked best for me were Imax and PLB.
Darn that cellulite! I've been working out for years, and yet I'm stuck with stubborn cellulite. I am pretty thin and in good shape, and basically I just figure that I'm doing the best I can. So when I put on a bathing suit over the summer, I just tell myself not to worry too much about how I look. I just keep trying to improve my overall fitness level, and nothing is better than Cathe's workouts for that!

I haven't answered the original question, though, which was results for legs and glutes. I have Leaner Legs (new to me), Pyramid Lower Body, and Legs & Glutes. All are great, and I've been working my lower body hard for so long that I shudder to think what my rear end would look like without all the exercise. I would recommend those three for sure - results all but guaranteed! It's hard to say which one would be best, because they're all a bit different. Take a look at the video clips online. Good luck and best wishes to all.

>I have not a clue what "bridges" and "donkey kicks" are.
>thanks Rhonda

They may go by different names, but "bridges" are when you are on your back, with heels on a step, on the floor, or on a stability ball, and you press up through your heels, so you are a bridge! You can also put a weight (a dumbbell or medicine ball) over your hip area to add resistance. Cathe does a ball version of these in PUB and a 1-legged step version of these in "Legs and Glutes".

"Donkey kicks" (this is the old name for them, but I can't think of what they are usually called) are when you are on all fours, and you raise and push(not really a "kick" like back in the Jane Fonda days, more like a donkey kicking in slooow motion) one leg to the back. You can vary these by lifting a straight leg or a leg bent at 45 degrees, or engaging the hamstrings more by lifting straight, then bending at the top. You can also pulse, or cross your knee over your calf at the bottom of the move to hit the gluteus medius area a bit more.
What are doing for step ups? Are you stepping on the step with weights? Can you elaborate? Thanks!

Also, I used to love to do fire hydrants!
>What are doing for step ups? Are you stepping on the step
>with weights? Can you elaborate? Thanks!
>Also, I used to love to do fire hydrants!

I do step-ups with Firm workouts and Cathe workouts like ME that have them in. For the Firm, I use a 14" step (the high step or the "fanny lifter") and 15# dumbells at most. I think this is a very effective exercise even without heavy weights. I make sure to "dip down" a bit at the bottom and press up through the foot on th step.
Oh, okay, so these are the same as leg presses, right? I thought these were something different. Thank you, that clarifies it for me.

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