Gotta Brag!


I just received the new Intensity seris last week and wanted to share my excitement! I just did IMax2 this morning on a 6 inch step with only 2 modifications....I couldnt quite do the tuck jumps and my body wasnt havin' the plie jumps either! I did Muscle Endurance yesterday, and used the same weights as Cathe for upper body except I went lighter on biceps (she's an animal!)and I'm not sore today! Anyone else experience this?? I'm just recovering from a knee injury so I went really light for the leg presses and still can barely walk today, but no knee pain, lol. Thanks for listening!

That's great Stacy! Can you believe that bicep section??? Oh my gosh, Cathe only uses 20 #'s! I used 20 the first time and usually can match all her weights. I was DYING by the end & I just could not squeak out the last few reps so I used my 18# BB this past time and made it thru. Hard to believe how an endurance tape can FRY those muscles, huh? Good for you and glad to hear your knee was HAPPY! Keep up the good job!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
Way to go, Stacy!! As I recall, I used a 4" step with IMAX 2 and I've yet to do ME...cuz the reviews of the bicep section is scary!!!!

You're a better woman than I am!!!! You GO!:7

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