<--got an easy, peaceful feeling


<---doesn't really have an easy, peaceful feeling
<---is a great believer in fake it till you make it
<---sends out big GO TEAM AME vibes for the last day of testing
<---hopes the essay's are easy and peaceful
<---sends hugs and prayers for all you other OALers facing difficulties - TeTe, Shelley, Kel, Liann, Carola, etc, etc.
<---is facing the difficulty of having to pack for yet another vacation
<---sigh, life is sooooo hard
<--Waves good morning to Robin
<--is up early preparing to babysit
<--also sends out hugs to all the OALers going through difficult times
<--needs to get a easy, peaceful feeling
<--know her monthly visitor is just around the corner becasue<--has a been a total B*#^*the last couple of day:mad:
<--can't stay on her eating plan either:(
<--did get in an hour of cardio yesterday:)
<--also yells GO AME!!!
<--wonders of anybody here got the nutrition software plan?
<--needs MUCH NEEDED coffee
<--- doesn't know what a peaceful, easy feeling feels like
<--- isn't sure she's EVER had one!
<--- is sending massive hugs to Robin for having to go on yet ANOTHER vacation :p
<--- got two packages yesterday, one she knew was coming and one she didn't
<--- says one of them was incredibly surprising and made her cry:confused:
<--- yells GO TEAM for good measure
<--- hopes all those suffering trials and tribulations can find that peaceful, easy feeling for a few minutes
<--loves the song for today
<--waves to Robin, Amelia, Shelley and all who follow
<--is so glad it's Thurday
<--has a busy weekend coming up
<--needs to shop and pack for the RT
<--is also going to see Beth Moore on Friday and Saturday
<--sending Mega Hugs and love to all in need
<--hopes everyone has a great day!!!
<--waves good morning to Robin, Ameila and Shelley
<--sends coping vibes to all the girlies who need them:(
<--knows TEAM AME will breeze through her essays with ease
<--feels soooo badly for Robin having to pack for yet ANTOTHER vacay:p
<--hopes Shelley's deliveries were good and that she shed tears of joy
<--hopes Ameila has an uneventful babysitting day
<--says today is <--DD's 28th birthday
<--will be forced to have a piece of cake:eek:
<--hopes all youse have a great day

<--waves to Catherine
<--says enjoy your shopping!
<--is perplexed by the words "easy" and "peaceful" and wonders if anyone can provide a definition ;)
<--yells, GO TEAM AME!!!
<--hopes robin gets done quickly with packmax
<--tells amelia that <--signed up fopr the one-mopnth trila of nutrition software and really likes it
<--just doesn't like having to enter inso many "custom foods" (like quinoa)
<--is glad shellers got a surprise in the mail and hopes it was a happy cry
<--also needs to pack and shop for the rt
<--wonders if roomie wil come do it for <--? ;)
<--hopes elaineee enjoys her dd's bday cake
<--hopes that <--'s other school does not also block the forums or <--will not know what to do with <--self!!!
<--really needs to get organized for the rt
<--would like to purchase some new workout outfits
<--is lazy this moring and hating af!
<---wave GM to the OAL'ers
<---will work on faking that peaceful easy feeling too
<---was happy to have some lyrics she recognized ;)
<---is going to get a trim today and de-whitetrash her roots
<---will probably bring the hair up to her chin to give her some more time between cuts
<---is sorry that AF is being a butt for Lorie :(
<---tells Elaineee that there is a cake here at work that she will probably be forced to have a piece of ;)
<---sends Robin and Catherine happy packing vibes
<---also needs to pack this weekend
<---really needs to figure out what to wear next week
<---plans to be casual, but then sees the outfits Cathe and gang are wearing and <---'s wardrobe seems suddenly inadequate and boring
<---says hooray for surprise packages!
<---can't imagine Amelia being a b##*% ;)
<---is off to peruse Cathe-land and get some more coffee
<-- waves hey
<-- is unimaginably stiff from sitting all day and not moving :mad:
<-- has been doing a little stretching in the morning and evening but it isn't helping
<-- also needs to review how smart <-- is before this last day :eek: :confused:
<-- is super glad someone did something NICE for Shelley because that hasn't happened nearly enough lately!
<-- can't believe youse are all packing ALREADY, dear <-- you still have a week!!! ;)
<-- won't be nearly as cute as Ms. Cathe
<-- will try and get over that one, but it's hard
<-- also probably shouldn't be thinking about THAT one TODAY
<-- thanks for all the cheers
<-- yells GO TEAM
<--is very envious that Robin is going on another vacay!
<--wonders where she's going???
<--is with Amelia on not being able to stick to a good eating plan
<--wonders if Shelley's surprise package was in some way related to the RT?
<--feels sorry for elainee because she has to eat cake ;)
<--agrees with Liann that packing for the RT seems like a daunting task
<--says it seems from looking at the pics that people were wearing 4 cute outfits every day and then cute pjs at night! :eek:
<--wonders if all the tans were real sun tans or that Dave's stuff everyone was raving about on the boards?
<--needs to get some of that stuff but can't remember the name of it
<--finds it interesting that <-- is not the only one who doesn't know what "peaceful" or "easy" are
<--should find out soon as <-- has several new bottles of Peaceful Easy from the doc
<--hopes the peaceful easy pills don't have fat flabby side effects :confused:

<--shouts GO TEAM AME!!!!
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<---waves Happy Friday Eve to all
<---is tarred
<---'s grandma is in the hospital and it doesn't look good :(
<---just lost her other grandma last summer *sigh*
<---will stop being self-absorbed now
<---yells GO TEAM!!!
<---feels so bad for Robin having to pack for another vacay :p
<---is in the same place as Amelia - a hungry, bitchy place, waiting for AF to arrive
<---needs chocolate and needs it NOW
<---thinks if anyone deserves some wonderful, surprising packages, it's Shelley (((HUGS)))
<---asks Catherine if Beth Moore is an author?
<---may have read one of her books a long time ago... can't remember
<---sings Happy Birthday to elaineee's DD!
<---wonders if <--- can have a slice of cake too ;)
<---also hopes Lorie's school doesn't black the forums - what a tragedy that would be!!
<---would quit if <---'s work blocked the forums :p
<---okay, maybe not...
<---understands what Liann means about trying to choose outfits for the RT after seeing what Cathe and crew wear - they always look stunning, no matter what they wear!
<---has probably reached <---'s smiley limit, so <--- will quit while <---'s ahead
<--sheds a tear for the vacationing Robin
<--passes Amelia a piece of chocolate and tells her it's in the nutrition software
<--doesn't have time to analyze nutrition
<--thinks it's just easier to make smart choices
<--thinks packing this weekend is a smart choice
<--will buy some unfashionable items from Target to publicly sweat in
<--yells Go Team Ame for the hell of it
<--thinks Poor Ame must be pretty tired
<--can't believe elainee has a 28 year old daughter..
<--thought elainee was 28 ;)
<--wonders what Shelley's cool package contained....Fage?? :D
<--wonders who Lorie's roomie is
<--will join Liann in being unfashionable and boring
<--wonders if Catherine is packing the tequila
<--will require drinks to be warm and fuzzy on RT
<--spent yesterday thinking about niece who would have been 18
<--is trying to decide on a way to honor her and cannot decide between donation to the library for teen books or donation to animal shelter
<--says Danielle was an avid reader bookaholic who loved dogs, cats, rabbits, hamsters,a nd other fuzzy critters
<--- wanders into the OAL with a warm and hearty hello for all
<--- hasn't been here in AGES!
<--- wants to join Ame's team
<--- yells GO TEAM AME!!!
<--- also wants to give a big hug to Liann
<--- read Liann's post about her dad and is so sorry
<--- promises to keep him at the top of her prayer list, along with Shelley's sister
<--- gives hugs and smooches, along with prayers and positive vibes to all in need
<--- wishes she could go on vacation with Robin
<--- needs a vamn dacation in the worst way!
<--- wishes you all a happy Thursday :)
<--- edits to say hello to BEavs, and that she knows Beavs will figure out the perfect way to honor her niece ;)
<--- suggests donating books about animals to cover all the bases
<--- edits once more to hug Evily
<--- promises to add Evily's grandma to her prayer list also
<--- waves wildly at everyone else!!!
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<---runs back in and hugs Em
<---will also add her grandmother to her prayer list
<---is sorry to hear that so many OAL'er are going through such painful stuff :(
<---thinks a donation to an animal shelter would be a very nice way to honor Beav's niece
<---tells Nancy that she thinks most of the tans were real
<---has to wonder to herself if we're sending out the right message with some of the more extreme tans though
<---thinks all the muscles in the world will not matter if we are all suffering from melanoma
<---is preaching to herself here

<---waves a HUGE hello to Michele!!!
<--- is baa-aack... finally
<--- waves enthusiastically to everyone
<--- has surely missed you all
<--- is sad to hear about all sad stuff going on, though
<--- sends lots of hugs to all in need
<--- hopes she gets the hang of this new forum soon
<--- used "quick reply" & doesn't know if that's right or not
<--- will try to figure it all out soon... but may need help
<--- needs to run & take a shower now
<--- tells ya'll to hold yer noses while I run by - LOL
<--- will BBL & try to set up my profile pic & other stuff
<---Slinks into the thread this am
<---Hopes all are ready for Friday-eve...lord knows <---is
<---Sends huggies to all the OAL
<---Waves and scoots off to get some work done!
<---Says ta ta until later! :)
<--smiles a the thought of a Catherine hug
<--hopes Liann will join <-- in being Whitey White
<--doesn't find cancer of any sort fun
<--waves wildly to the blur that is the HipChick
<--sends Melissa a rootbeer and a plush snoopy to hug
<--is delighted as always to see Miss Lee
<---Thanks to Beavs...AWWWW <---needed that! :)
<---Wonders if she remembers sarsaparillas?
<---Drank them as a tot along with others from the "Pop Shoppe"...
<---Thinks <---am aging myself! :)
<---Waves an enthusiastic hello to Melissa and Kel. Is glad to see the hippychick back among us. ;)

<---tells Beavs to check her FB PM's

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