Good Stepping Shoe?


I have just started stepping with Cathe and her moves are definitely more complicated than the Firms choreography. My knees are starting to bother me and I think it is the carpet/rug.
I have heard that the Capezio Dansneaker is good for pivoting etc on all surfaces. Has anyone used these or could make a recommendation other than mats?
Do you know if the Capezio runs true to size?
I tried taping my shoes, anidea I read, but it made me very unstable with weight work involving lower body.
Thanks for the input.
:) I myself wear Ryka's aerobic sneakers. If your foot is wide I do not know if this would be your best bet since they run narrow and snug:D
My daughter is a dancer--she's worn Capezio Dansneakers. They are the same as any other sneaker--rubber soled, therefore won't turn well on carpet. They sure look cool, though!

Oh, they do run true to size. Ryka's run "different." I've read they run small, I found them too big for me. I bought a size smaller & LOVE them.

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