good news!


I had another ultra-sound today and the placenta previa I had earlier has fully resolved. We also found out we are having a girl. We thought it was a boy on the last ultra-sound, but things looked very female this time around. I am relieved and happy. (not about the sex of the baby. I really didn't care one way or the other.)I am so glad this resolved itself. We were looking at having to stay home over the holidays, and now are free to visit family!!! wr
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy YEAH!!! :-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
That's great, that could have been a little scary and now that's wonderful that you can visit family over the holidays!!!
congrats :D
SO GLAD to hear your good news!!!! The holidays will certainly be more festive now that you know you can get out and visit!
A baby girl! How exciting! Take care
Oh that the best holiday gift you could ever have asked for! So happy that you'll be spending a worry free holiday with your loved ones. Take Care:)!
I'm so happy for you! It will be a relief to take one worry off your mind.
Thanks for all your sweet comments. The people on this forum are so helpful I often wish they were my neighbors. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving! Paula

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