Golf is not for sissies!



[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Aug-05-02 AT 03:08PM (Est)[/font][p]I really never thought of golf as being particularly athletic, but now I know better!!!! I sort of put the cart before the horse taking the Golf Conditioning Specialist course before really learning how to play, but now I know what all the important golfing muscles are and how they play their part in the game. It's made it easier to learn a proper swing, which I could tell right away is the big key.

I completed the course and will go out tonight to hit my first bucket of balls.

In case any one wants to know, the "tools" for golf conditioning are a fitball, hand weights, and resistance tubing (you could use an Xertube and a door attachment)- all inexpensive stuff. I've learned how to work on posture problems and what exercises to do for general and sports specific conditioning and for correcting swing faults. Cool, huh?!

I really like the Gary Player Golf Gym by Spri Products (got one on e-bay).

Hey, if you'd told me a year ago I'd be learning golf, I'd have told said you were off your rocker. It helps to have a son who can the equipment cheap and provide free lessons.

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