<--- Gobble Gobble


<--- thinks it's going to be quiet around here today
<--- will be at work, thinking of y'all
<--- wishes everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
<--- might even get some work done today!
<-- is up early to finish some last minute preparations
<-- leaving for MIL's house in a couple of hours
<-- is beyond excited and a little emotional that my whole family will be together for the first time since 2000. (son was in the military)
<-- is thankful for all the blessings in my life
<-- thanks Shelley for her well wishes for Thanksgiving
<-- wishes all Catheites a wonderful and safe Thanksgiving
<---says good morning to Shelley and Jane and all who follow.
<---hopes she gets some work done.
<---wonders if Shelley got snow??
<---is happy that Jane is so excited!:+
<---wishes all Catheites a wonderful day today!
<---will be hangin' around the forum for a while this morning.
<---doesn't have to leave until after DS is up and fed, etc.
<---has nothing to prepare this morning for dinner.
<---made a dessert last night.
<---dessert will probably taste good :9 but it doesn't look pretty like it was supposed to!x(
<---dessert is waaaay UNCLEAN!}(
<---will shut up now.:p
<---Happy Turkey Day to all
<---have to lift weights today
<---plan on a veggie buffet before leaving<---M.I.L. likes to veggies in butter, not down with that
<---feels terrible the folks overseas will not get to see family today<---wish the news would stop rubbing it in
<---mmmm deep-fryed turkey<---watching that on Today show
<---better get it in gear<---need to cook ham,cranberry sauce,maybe some sauteed broccoli with garlic<---in-laws hate garlic LOL<---just like vampires
<---have a great all<---don't eat to much now


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<----LOOOOVES veggies in butter!}( :9
<----doesn't eat them very often though.:-(
<----LOOOOVES garlic even more!!!:9 :9 :9
<----is thankful that garlic is good for <----!
<---garlic good for the heart<---keeps sickness at bay
<---makes boring broccoli taste much better
<---says M.I.L's veggies need a white sheet over them<---its death by drowning in butter LOL
<---just wants some veggies and turkey and sugar free cranberry sauce :9


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<----wants stuffing, mashed potatoes,turkey w/gravy, biscuits, and dessert!!!!}( }(}(
<----eats veggies all of the time...BORING!:p LOL
<---might eat some mashed potatoes IF cardio is done
<---not sure if regular stuffing will be avialable(they put sausage in theirs) unless hubby makes it<---well we are fresh out LOL
<---loves to eat her veggies EVERYDAY<---its a good goal for now LOL


When they discover the center of the universe, a lot of people will be
disappointed to discover they are not it -- Bernard Bailey
<---says g'morning girlies
<---Happy Thanksgiving to all (okay, well most Shellers :p)
<---is very thankful for all the wonderful friends & family in <---life
<---won't be going anywhere until around 1pm so will hang around a bit
<---is right there w/ Wendy on the eating olympics - bring it on!
<---is waiting for DH to get back from Dunkin Donuts w/ morning coffee! Woo!
<---says later chicas :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---waves wildly at Debbie!
<---tells her <--had a mocha almond latte from Dunkin' last night!}(
<---:9 :9 :9 is all that needs to be said about THAT!
<---wiping away drool on screen from Wendy's latte
<---says we're coffee soulmates ;)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

<---LOL @ Debbie!
<---thinks Debbie needs to call DH on cell and have him change her order to the Latte in the extra ginormous size!!!:+
<---- figures to join in :)
<---- got SNOW last night!!
<---- may not have to travel to MIL's because they are getting up to 3 feet of snow :p
<-- wishes everyone happy thanksgiving!

<---Wants to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving!
<---Even you Shelley:) Who cares if you are in canada :)
<---Hopes Shelley doesn't get bored at work and hopes the day goes fast for her
<---Tells Debbie we need to hook up on IM soon :)
<---Says to Wendy enjoy Joey's first Thanksgiving!
<---says OH great to whoever had the latte now I want one

<----tells Terri it was <----who had the latte ofcourse!;)
<----tells Terri she MUST go get one!}(
<----asks Terri what she is waiting for!?!
<----GO GO GO NOW NOW NOW!!!!!:p
<---hopes everyone has a wonderful turkey day!
<---is going to try not to eat too much. Sike!!
<---feels bad that shelley has to work today.
<---knows she will eat alot of dessert today!
<---will have to visit addicted to desserts anonyomous.
<---has to cook some pecan pie,turkey,mashed pot.,deviled eggs,carrot cake.
<--- is having a healthy menu huh?
<---other family members don't care for healthy food
<---is off to cook some food now

<---wants to rent private jet to make stops at all Catheites houses today to eat some of the YUMMY food and meet everyone!:+
<---wonders who <---should visit first? ;)
<--- thinks Wendy should come here first and rescue her from work!
<--- thanks everyone for their well wishes :)
<--- was using 20's for some bicep work in GS BSB last night:eek:
<--- has nice DOMS today
<--- can't believe Christmas Even is one month today
<--- better get her butt in gear shopping
<--- wishes it was Friday
<--- is uber-super-bloated today
<--- blargh


<--- tells Wendy we didn't get nearly as much snow as predicted but north and east is getting blasted
<---peeking in to wish everyone a Happy Thanksgiving:)
<---is looking forward to sitting down with friends for dinner tonight
<---can't say she'll be eating clean today;-)
<---can't say she'll be working out today either
<---hopes y'all have one memorable holiday

<---wishes everyone in CatheLand a Happy Thanksgiving
<---can't believe it is snowing here
<---can't believe it is supposed to snow here all day
<---hopes everyone has a blessed, bountiful day


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