

Does anyone know about taking Glucosamine/Chondroitin while pregnant? What about while trying to get pregnant? Just curious. Thinking of starting to try (I'm 38 and the clock is ticking...) and wondered about this, as my knees really have improved through taking this supplement but I wouldn't want to hurt my chances of conceiving or of hurting the baby if and when I do conceive..

Thanks, Kathleen

I have a GREAT resource regarding such supplements and have e-mailed them for some guidance. I'll post their feedback as soon as I receive it. It could take up to a week though...
Thanks so much. Also, If I do get pregnant, I would immediately stop taking EVERYthing until I consul w/my doc... I await your response. K--
Well, the beauty of the company I use is that they are very ethical. There only reply was that you should consult with your doctor before using glucosamine while trying to get pregnant or if you are pregnant. Is there a way to go to a private chat room? Otherwise I'll just give you my e-mail address and that way we can talk more about this. I agree with telling doctor's but because most are NOT knowledgeable enough on supplementation, I find they tend to say "don't take that" not necessarily because it's harmful but because of their lack of knowledge. I have a lot of information on such products.
Hi Tammy. Thanks for your reply. If you would like to e-mail me directly, my address is: [email protected]. But I understand the necessity of checking w/doc above and beyond... Thanks for all of your input!
Hi - I just found out that I am pregnant and my doctor let me take glucosamine while I was trying to conceive and he says that I can still take it now.

Check with yours to be sure.

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