

I've noticed that Cathe and the ladies wear gloves for some workouts. What is their purpose and do these gloves have a special name?

When they're weightlifting, gloves are used to make the grip on the bar easier (less chafing and hand strain; less problem with sweaty hands). Name: "weight-lifting gloves". When they're doing cardio, their purpose is to make the exerciser look cool; name "Don't-I-Look-Cool gloves".

They are to keep the weights from slipping out of your hands. When your sweating up a storm it's nice to have some friction.
I've noticed that they helped me in preventing callouses, which I did get long ago when I first started weights. Also, a good brand: Harbinger.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
You can buy these gloves in any store that carries fitness equipment...Target, Shopko, Wal Mart...these will probably be your best places to buy them at a bargain price.

I use gloves on the days I am weight lifting for the reasons the others mentioned...when you're sweating your hands get slippery and you have to grasp the weight 'harder' which you really don't want to do because it takes the focus off of the muscles you're working and makes you grip the weight harder with your hands. You never want to squeeze the weight that is in your hand but rather it should merely be resting in your fingers. So, gloves are necessary equipment for weight lifting, imho. :)
I think their names are Laverne and Shirley. I wear gloves while working out, but the hat and scarf prooved too constricting.
Hey Deb!!
Weider makes great gloves too. In fact I destroyed two sets of Harbingers before I discovered Weiders and so far so good.
Thanks to all who answered. I had wondered about the name because I've found that the obivious answer isn't always the correct one. So rather than run around looking for them under the wrong name I thought I'd get the right information from the start.

Kathy S. I saw them using the gloves on TV. Sometimes with weights, sometimes with dumbbells. I can't lift weights but from what you mention about stabilizing the wrist I will be shopping for them to help my wrist when I use the dumbbells.

Thanks everyone,


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