
C'mon -- we know you're tired, but we need lots and lots of details and funny stories and (more) pictures....

You laughed, you cried, you worked, you ate...we need to roadtrip vicariously through you! No detail is too small....

:7 :7 :7

I'll jump in w/some details (b/c I don't have a pciture trail yet to show pics). It was a whole lot of fun!

Cathe & the crew were just wonderful to meet and as spunky, sweet and genuine as they are in our DVD workouts. I was surprised that they were as excited and nervous as we were to be there! A lot of people were surprised when seeing the crew that they are all about Cathe's height (five two). Everyone looked fantastic! Everyone was just so sweet and outgoing and friendly!

All of the road trippers were great too! Everyone was friendly and excited to meet one another and very supportive. We all had a really great time chatting and learning more about each other. It was so much fun putting names to faces!

The gym was HUGE and very nice! There were two class rooms and the filming studio was right in the building. The coolest part of the gym were these huge fans (I noticed when they weren't running that they were called "Big A$$ fans," by the way) that Cathe put on when the class started (and they didn't seem to work as well once we got going b/c we were dying from the workouts...)!!!!!!!!!!

Cedie joined us for the first class (step) on Saturday morning. There were four combinations with all the favorite steps and it was a great routine.

We all went to a yummy lunch and came back to find Cedie, Brenda and Lorraine to help with the "15 minutes of fame." This was done in the filming studio. After that we did the stability ball class with Cathe. Cathe took requests for our favorite moves and incorporated them into the workout.

American Idol was next and some road trippers showed off some good talent and some class A humor ;) All participants got a nice little treat from Cathe (photo).

Kickboxing was next and Cathe really got our heart's pumping! Mid-class she ran us around the room and stopped us in a big circle to break the class up a little bit. Cathe tok requests on this one and we did KPC combo #1. I think that we all broke a pretty serious sweat. Then off to the showers...

There was no tour of the Sony factory but I don't think that anyone had the energy!

The pizza party was fun. We had a relay, Cathe gave out some fun awards, we gave Cathe a present, the coordinators received a present....WE ATE LOTS OF PIZZA! We each received a little gift bag with a water and some goodies (granola bars, etc), a TShirt, a Group photo and a "Who's Who" book. Cathe treated us great!

This morning we did the High step class. Cathe took requests for this one too and beat us up good for our trip home. God my shoulders are still in pain :eek: This class was kind of like High Step Challenge. We showered up fast and headed off to breakfast! Adn itw as yummy! It was nice to be back in Jersey and have a Diner breakfast ;)

This weekend was just wonderful! If I had more energy, I'd write more but my couch calls...!

Christine really said it all. The only other thing I'd add (maybe because it involved cake) was that they brought in a cake for Cathe since her BDay is this Wednesday.

What really surprised MANY of us was that the folks that belong to her gym, AND the folks in the town of Glassboro, don't really KNOW "who" Cathe is. They don't know she's this "star who puts out workout DVDs". Seriously! When Jean and I got there early Friday to workout on the machines, we met a trainer that works there and she had NO idea why we were there and hadn't heard about the Road Trip.

The Pizza Party Friday night had a little treat for us single women. Mark Moore from Boot Camp was the DJ for the party, and Cathe introduced him and put him on the spot and asked that he show us some of his moves...he's a Black Belt in Karate (if I remember correctly). He came out and really kicked butt! This man's got MOVES!

If they ONLY KNEW!

"The Pizza Party Friday night had a little treat for us single women. Mark Moore"

Um, for the record...Mark was a treat for the married women too!!!!!!!!! :D

PS -- The road trip was awesome, but I'm too tired to post details just yet. I just dragged myself off the couch and did part of stretch max in a probably fruitless attempt to be able to move tomorrow morning!!
>"The Pizza Party Friday night had a little treat for us
>single women. Mark Moore"
>Um, for the record...Mark was a treat for the married women
>too!!!!!!!!! :D
>PS -- The road trip was awesome, but I'm too tired to post
>details just yet. I just dragged myself off the couch and did
>part of stretch max in a probably fruitless attempt to be able
>to move tomorrow morning!!

LOL!!!}( }( }(

OK...I'm sooooo tired, too! But I've got to add one more was probably the highlight of the trip for me...

Those of you on the 90-MPH PARTY BUS (we survived!!!) on Saturday night will remember that special impromptu "Q & A" session we got from Cathe before departing. (She came outside, popped her head in and talked to us folks waiting for the coordinators to gather last minute items for a good 15 minutes or so...) We learned that Cathe is not only tiny, cute, gracious, talented, etc....but COMPLETELY modest and a bit shy, too!! She wanted us to know how much she appreciated the gift we gave her and that, although she felt she may not have shown her appreciation in the gym (which she actually did), she would probably get "mushy" at home later just looking at it! She also said it was so nice for her to get our feedback and hear all our stories (because when she films the videos, the camera doesn't say much back!). What FUN it was for all of us to share in that give-and-take.

Cathe remained totally gracious and patient throughout the weekend despite the constant requests for photos, photos, autographs and more photos! She is a true class act ---- not just a great instructor...but a great soul.

I'm sure every one of us 'trippers would like to scream, "We LOVE you, Cathe! You ROCK!!"


:) meecher
Wow...I would really have loved to have been able to go. I'm so glad Cathe did this and you all had the opportunity to go. Next time...

Thank you guys for all your insights and thoughts on Cathe, the crew, the trip, etc. I suspected that Cathe would be nice, genuine, and a bit modest, and you guys have described her just as I pictured her. It's hard to believe that she is not known at the gym or the area - she seems like such a god to us! :7

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