Getting Started Again - sorry long!!



I need advice, tips etc... I used to be extremly dedicated to working out and eating right. I had a huge passion for it. Then I got diagnosed with Graves Disease. Before I got that under control I spent most of my time in bed and lost alot of muscle mass. Since this time I am going through a divorce and started working again after staying home with my kiddo's for 5 years. I CANNOT seem to get back to where I was. I have good intentions but never follow through. I love to work out in the mornings but can not seem to push myself out of bed anymore. Then in the evenings I am so drained and by the time I get my kids off to bed there is not much left of me. I maybe work out 2 days a week if I am lucky. I eat okay maybe 50% of the time but the other time it is really bad. I know what to do with working out. However, I am lost when it comes to food and working. When I was home I had access to my kitchen all the time and could prepare healthy meals/snacks. I like to eat 5-6 small meals a day but can not seem to plan all of this to bring to work.

So any suggestions from any of you who have fallen off and gotten back into it, eating at work ideas/suggestions and fitting it all in as a single working mom.

I only need to drop about 5 lbs. I am naturally more on the musclar side but have lost some of that along with the definition and gained a layer of fat. I am also interested in Freestyle and can not figure how to fit it all in.

Thanks in advance for any input.
Hi Boydi-

I think I speak for many of us when I say that we all fall off the workout wagon from time to time. Don't get down on yourself because it really happens to us all. Plus you have some pretty darn good reasons.

What works best for me when I'm in a funk is to write down a schedule of exercise times and small rotations. I start easy and work my way up to more challenging rotations. For example, I write down in my calendar (IN INK!!) what time I will be working out and how long I plan to do it for the week to come. I'd start out with 15-20 minute intervals 3X a week. I'll plan to do one day of weight training and 2 days of cardio(this is just an example), and work up from there. I think the key to starting a consistant workout program is to write down and schedule in your workout. That way, you're not trying to figure out everyday what you should do, it's already planned for you.

Anyway, that's my 2 cents. I'm sure you'll get some good advice about diet and freestyle from the others!

Good luck,

Hi, Boydj -

First of all, I'm sorry for your recent troubles. You certainly have a lot on your plate. But speaking from experience being a single mom, it can definitely be done if you take time to plan!

Plan your menus and bring healthy snacks to work. I find eating regularly 5 meals/day keeps me from feeling stuffed or hungry! It will definitely help your metabolism also.

I'm not familiar with Graves disease. Have you got clearance from your doctor to begin exercising again?

As far as working out, I would start out slow and easy, as Carolyn mentioned. And like she said, plan ahead by writing out your rotations and marking when you are going to workout. Keep these appointments with yourself like you would keep an appointment with a friend. Exercising more will give you more energy and soon you will be ready for greater challenges.

And keep coming back to these forums for help and motivation!



I am hyperthyroid (Graves disease) I was not able to work out for some time b/c my pulse was around 112. I would get very shaky and throw up every time I worked out. However, now I am under control with medication.

Thanks for both of your suggestions. I guess that is part of my problem I feel if I don't work out 6 days a week for an hour that it is all a waste.

Question for Angie - what do you take to work? I know the key is preperation but I am clueless and therefore I am never prepared.

Thanks again for the reply's.


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