Getting frustrated no weight loss


So my lo is 3 m. I am ebf. I eat clean n wo asuch as I can! I am doing jillians 30 day shred alternating with cathe kickboxing. I try to get at least 30 min to hour most days of the week. I allow my self one treat meal a week, this helps me stay on track. With my first I was not attempting to loose weight untill her was 5 or 6 m. I had joined a gym n worked my butt of. But now with two kids it's harder to get to the gym. I ordered all the beginners tapes n necessary equipment. I am going to follow cathe beginner rotation. Any adv or thoughts y I have yet to drop any weight?
First congrats to you on your new baby!

I wrote this same post about 4 weeks ago. I began to excercise again when my daughter was 3 weeks old and didnt lose a pound. The weight didnt start coming off until she was 9 weeks old. I guess my body wasnt ready for all that yet. I had just had a baby and my poor body was traumatized for lack of a better word. Lol and here I am trying to pound it with weights and cardio.
I still dont have a workout routine like I use to 6 days a week its sometimes hard to fit it in so I do it when I can.
I really feel like it will be a while before that happens. Its tough when you also have other little ones at home but I do watch what I eat.
My baby is now 12 weeks and I have 10 pounds to go.
Just have patience your body will no what to do.....
I was told not to start exercising (besides taking walks) until 4-6 weeks post partum. It was a long slow tough journey for me and I didn't have a ton of weight to lose but in the end I lost all of my pregancy weight plus a few extra pounds by the time my son was 9 months old. What took 9 moths to put on took 9 months to take off...I can live with that! So be will happen!:)
A couple of thoughts.

1. If you're breastfeeding, your body will hold only some extra weight to keep up your milk production. Especially with your second child.

2. Be sure you're eating enough. I went off the deep end with clean eating and calorie reduction after having my second a few weeks ago. I noticed that once I boosted my calories every few days, the weight just fell off and I got my shape back much faster. I'm 11 weeks post partum now and back to normal.

3. What does your body respond to fitness wise? For me, it's circuit work, so I've done a few different rotations lasting 4-5 weeks. (I started working out 1 week pp).

4. Don't focus on your weight. Focus on your shape and how your clothes fit.

5. Hit your abs HARD, daily. You can do this while playing with the baby, standing upright (pull up on your abs, belly button to your spine), giving your other kiddo a bath, etc... Planks are your best friend right now. Your transverse is what gets totally blown during pregnancy, and it's the muscle that will pull everything back flat for you again the fastest. Crunches won't be very helpful until you have your transverse strength back.

And patience, of course. I've had to remind myself that 1000 times, and I'm finally back to normal now after weeks of panicking that I'd lost my shape forever. You'll get there. Just give your body time to respond.
A couple of thoughts.

1. If you're breastfeeding, your body will hold only some extra weight to keep up your milk production. Especially with your second child.

2. Be sure you're eating enough. I went off the deep end with clean eating and calorie reduction after having my second a few weeks ago. I noticed that once I boosted my calories every few days, the weight just fell off and I got my shape back much faster. I'm 11 weeks post partum now and back to normal.

3. What does your body respond to fitness wise? For me, it's circuit work, so I've done a few different rotations lasting 4-5 weeks. (I started working out 1 week pp).

4. Don't focus on your weight. Focus on your shape and how your clothes fit.

5. Hit your abs HARD, daily. You can do this while playing with the baby, standing upright (pull up on your abs, belly button to your spine), giving your other kiddo a bath, etc... Planks are your best friend right now. Your transverse is what gets totally blown during pregnancy, and it's the muscle that will pull everything back flat for you again the fastest. Crunches won't be very helpful until you have your transverse strength back.

And patience, of course. I've had to remind myself that 1000 times, and I'm finally back to normal now after weeks of panicking that I'd lost my shape forever. You'll get there. Just give your body time to respond.

OMG - I love this post! There's so much in here that I agree with (I'm still pregnant). I'm afraid of becoming obsessed with losing weight once I give birth and it's one of the reasons I don't own a scale. I plan to stick to a good eating and exercising regimine for at least three months before I even consider whether I'm losing weight or not. Then again, I've never been concerned with weight --- more so with the fit of my clothes and the tone of my body. I will give myself at least a year to get back to where I was. Good luck to you all!
Slow and not even steady...

Erin I feel your pain. My youngest is two months old now and I am still SO HEAVY. My kids are 13 months apart. I try to remember that I spent almost 2 years pregnant or post partum so it should take a while to firm back up. My personal appearance is a constant disturbance to me. I hate the way I look and none of my clothes fit. If I restrict calories then I lost some of my breastmilk supply and have to supplement with bottles.

I lost about 6 pounds in the last month. It came off painfully slowly and I can't even see a difference in the way I look. I don't know if it's just from breastfeeding or from my first attempts at working out again.

I am travelling a bit right now so I have Circuit Blast, Core Max, and a few others with me. I also just ordered a Cathe cardio/core fusion DVD. I'm also starting to jog again. I am committed to working out and not over indulging during these holidays. I think maybe the final insult is that my brother gets married here soon and I will look awful at his wedding. I'm trying to just relax and enjoy the chance to see my extended family and show off my babies but the thought of pictures and everything else is hard to get out of my mind. My husband is so nice about everything but I'm sure he is ready to have his wife back!

I hope I posted this in the right place and am not committing any forum faux pas... I am new to this and so excited to find a group facing similar challenges.
Same here, my boy is 4 months I gained 25 pounds I only loose 9 after delivery, I'm stuck at 174, I been exersicing for 2 weeks, my pants are loose now, but my weight is the same. I feel horrible, my breast are huge, I'm breastfeeding. But in the other hand I'm happy every time I see my little one. My mother told me to be patient;)
I gained 60+ pounds with my second baby who was born last March...I exclusively breastfed him up until just a few weeks ago (10 months)...and struggled to get the weight off even though I walked daily, ate right, etc. Not until recently, when i stopped nursing completely and began to get serious with my workouts, that I'm beginning to see some some fast and serious results. Here's what i do...

Eat Clean
Lift Weights with Cathe 3 times a week
Do Hiit Training twice a week
...and throw in cardio workouts 20-30 minutes whenever I can, which is sometimes hard having two small children...but I make it work...everytime they nap..I workout, everytime my husband is home and is able to watch the kids...I workout! You get the picture! i've been pretty much obsessed with fitting in a workout whenever I can...because I really want the last few pounds Gone!

However, I've been working on this weight loss for over 10 months's been slow at times and frustrating, but slow and steady wins the race everytime! Good luck to you and congrats on the new baby!

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