Getting back to it after injury


Dear Cathe or Educated Crowd,

I hope that you are doing well and 2007 is starting off great! I have a question/favor to ask you. Just before Christmas I pulled, possibly tore a ligament in my back and have just today been cleared to go back to high impact exercise. Yeah!!! :D

I was wondering what would be a good rotation for these next two weeks to kind of ease me back into working out (I have been walking but it's not the same) and get me ready to jump back with the February rotation. I have all of your DVD's and videos except for Step Heat and the two very first ones and I do not have the beginner workouts that you recently made - probably wouldn't be a bad idea but I'm not sure I want to spend the money for just the next two weeks, as I plan to never injure myself again. :p

Anyway, any ideas would be appreciated.

Thanks so much!!!

Hi Steph,

Back in May 2006 I was diagnosed with a herniated disc/sciatic pain, which I thought was a glute strain. I went through some vigorous physical therapy, stretching, core strengthening before I went back to my (somewhat) normal routine. While you have a different injury than I have, I still believe the best bet is to make sure your stabilizers/core are good and strong before jumping back into your regular routine. Do you do Pilates/ core program? If not, I would highly recommend you to start. Best thing I ever did was to incorporate pilaes into my weight/fitness training. I am a former professional athlete , and was very skeptical of anything outside of weight/sprint/cardio/stretching programs. But once I started to do pilates, it ahs made the other facets of my training better and more productive! Godd luck with your training! John in Colorado

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