Getting Back In the Workout Groove



Hi Everybody-
My doctor said I can start working out again (if I take it slowly) next week.
I wanted to pick all of your brains to see what you all have done as far as getting back into a regimen.. What worked, suggestions, etc.
Any advice sure will be appreciated!!
Thanks a bunch in advance
Really? Good for your Dr!

If you have a treadmil, that may be the perfect place to start. Maybe adding in a few sets of upper body work....things like that. Now I tend to be pretty cautious especially while you're still in the post partum period so this advice is pretty conservative. Don't over do it and remember to get plenty of rest.

Hugs to baby Sam!
Mommy to Zachary, Jillian and Baby Katie due February 24, 2002​
Hey Lynn,

Have you actually figured out when you're going to be able to fit in a workout during your day already?? I am so impressed if you have and you'll have to let me in on your secret.

Actually though, I have been wondering the same thing. When Justin was a week old a started taking 1 1/2 mile walks outside each day with him because the weather was so nice, but now that its getting colder I am wondering what now?

I did recently buy one of Leslie Sansone's walking tapes, which I just started doing this past weekend. Its actually not bad. I thought it would be totally boring being such an easy workout, but with the continued recovery and not to mention the sleep deprevation its about all I can handle. Hope to step things up a bit in the next few weeks though.(As long as I can find the time!!)

When I got pregnant I had just found Cathe so all I have are some of her earlier tapes, I'll have to purchase some others for motivation.

How is baby Sam?? How are you??? Hope all is well with everyone!

Hi Linda-
It was good to hear from you! How is recovery going? Are you still pretty sore from your c-section?
You are right about sleep deprivation, it does takes it toll..However, I am not breastfeeding so I am back to caffeine ( I am a java junkie!) so that seems to get me through some of the fatigue. (Bad, I know, but I can't help it!).
I did start back to working out last week.. am taking it pretty slow .. Right now I am doing some treadmill time (thanks Alli for your suggestion!) along w/ the weight portions of Cathe's CTX series. That seems to work well for me right now.
I have had pretty good luck putting Sam in a Bouncy Seat and bringing him next to my treadmill and VCR. The "white noise" of the treadmill and the noise of the videos seem to put him to sleep. Fortunately, he seems to be a pretty good sleeper at this point, I hope it holds out. Is Justin a good sleeper? I think that is pretty huge!..
Overall, I am pretty happy w/ how quick my body is coming back. Except for my stomach, which is obviously pretty trashed.. Any suggestions for a good "comeback program."?
Its pretty cool doing this "mom" thing, don't you think?

Hey Lynn,

Thanks for the reply. Recovery is going pretty well, matter of fact, my doctor gave me the okay to start working out again minus ab work for a couple more weeks. I still have some healing to do. Amazingly, even though my incision is still swollen, it really isn't that sore, unless you press on it (so I don't do that, ha,ha)
I am breastfeeding, so I don't get any relief from my husband for the nighttime feedings. But even if I wasn't breastfeeding, I gave up coffee two years ago, so I am pretty exhausted!!!
But anyway, how does Sam sleep at night? Justin use wake up to feed every two hours now I have him down to every three hours, but he doesn't miss a single one. I can hardly wait for the first time that he sleeps for five or six hours straight. (Sometimes I think he would actually sleep for five or six hours during the day if I let him).
I would agree with you that overall I am also pretty happy how quickly my body is returning. Most people I meet can't believe I had a baby a month ago, but I am painfully aware of the extra 15 pounds that I am carrying around. Now that I can bump up my workouts I am hoping the weight will start moving. Wish I knew what exactly to do about the "comeback program" but since like you this is my first I just kind of feeling my way through like you. Fortunately, I never reaaly got that big during my pregnancy(Justin was only 5lbs 14 oz), so my stomach came through looking pretty good, just not quite as flat as before(yet), but I was really happy yesterday when my doctor told me that during my c-section he did not cut my ab muscles (ya!).
Yes the "mom" thing is wonderful. Really can't wait till Justin is more aware of things and really starts to react to them.

Happy one month birthday to Sam! (Can you believe its been a month!) Is he getting big already? Justin was putting on over a pound a week in the beginning.

Hi Linda-
It sounds like you are really hitting your stride. I am glad your recovery is going so quickly. Hopefully Justin is starting to sleep longer at night for you? Sam has his good nights and bad.
So far the workouts are going pretty well. I started back doing higher intensity step and bumping up my weight training. I have been encouraged by how quickly it is coming back. My cardio fitness is actually pretty good..endurance and strength is what I am trying to work on. I started back w/ the Pure Strength Series and BodyMax, which I am doing at decreased intensity and will build back up.
I am able to fit into some of my looser prepregnancy clothes, which is nice. I too get alot of people who can't believe I had a baby, but ... I also wear alot of black and navy clothing!!!
It is amazing how quickly this month has gone by.. Do you to go back to a job soon?
PS.. if you want to correspond via email instead of posting on the board, my address is: [email protected]

Take care,

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