Getting back in the groove

jen buck

Hi Cathe,

I need your advice. I've been 5-6 day a week exerciser for the past 7 years. Mostly at home videos and classes at the YMCA. For the past 4 months I've been distracted by LIFE and got off the exercise track. I didn't realize until today how much endurance I've lost. (I did Bootcamp today and I couldn't finish):-( What would be a safe progressive program to get me back on track? I have quite a few of your videos including the new ones. Should I do a whole or just half of work out to get my stamia back? HELP ME PLEASE!!!


Just modify, thats all. Keep up the pace without overdoing it until you get into a routine again. Gradually you will get stronger, sometimes it happens all at once because of muscle memory. Go at your own speed. You'll get there.


The idea is to die young as late as possible.
Yeah, that's absolutely right. I, too, had lost endurance and strength from irregular working out.

I just jumped back in with the Cathe's I had until the new ones came. When I get winded, I march in place and just jump back in when I can. And it's okay if I go lighter on weights, or miss a few reps. I do most of Cathe's workouts on a 6in step, but I'm doing high impact on a lot of moves. As time goes on, I'll raise my step to 8in and keep it low impact until I get stronger.

I don't let myself get intimidated by Cathe and her crew. They are my GOAL. Reaching any goal takes patience, time and committment.

Do not give up. Keep pressing. Get your rest to keep positive thoughts flowing. Clean eating and water, water, water.

Good luck.
Heck! I have been a 6 day a week-er since last January, but I was super sick for about 7 days last week and I totally have to modify!!! I tried doing LIC/BM2 mish mosh I came up with on a step with a single riser and I could only make it through 25 min!!! I used to be able to do Imax 2 with a 6" height, but after how sick I was, I know now that I will be a good 2 weeks before I am back to 100%! Just modify and it will come to you!! Congratulations on "coming back"!
Thanks for the advice and encouraging words. It's frustrating but I need to be patient with my progress and just keep movin'!


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