

I wonder how many germs are on money? Probably too many. Well I have been wanting to go to Panda Express which is this chinese buffet that you can eat in or take out. I had Isaac my almost 7 year old w/ me due to him not feeling good. We are waiting about 5 minutes for them to open (we are inside the building). The manager is up front getting everything ready. She wasn't there when I initially got there and most of the food was already out. She got the cash drawer (which was empty), counted the change into it and then started putting clean pans out for food to go into (touching the inside of each pan). Then she went back and counted the bills into her drawer and then turned around and set out more clean pans and the ladles for the food. I did not say a word until I saw her cough into her hand. She had on NO gloves and did not turn her head when she coughed. When she was ringing me out I told her that she shouldn't have touched the money/coughed and then went and dealt w/ the pans w/out washing her hands. She just smiled and said "It's okay , your food free today!". What the #%&!. The only other people in the store were 3 other workers and 2 firemen in line behind me. When I got home I called their 1-800 # and the guy said that "She will be talked to" and is mailing me 4 free coupons for their entrees. I think that is gross and by her being a managaer she should have definitely known that what she did was BIG no no. :(
I am a cook/manager for a local elementary school. If the health department saw us do something like that we would have had some serious violations written up. I can't tell you how many times we change our gloves a day. I have been told it's a little excessive,
( by other people in the district) but the children are going to have to eat there. We also wear gloves while running the register. The children sneeze, cough, etc. and then hand us their money. We change them whenever we walk away to do ANYTHING else. Those gloves are black from the money.Free coupons? I'm afraid I would not have even thought of going there again. I am very glad you called the 800 number and reported her. I wish more people would.
I was hitting the used book stores, that's why I went to that PE. There is another one north of me and that is the one I normally go to. I wonder why the firemen didn't say anything, they were there the whole time.

Have you ever thought about the person in the drive thru? They just touched someones money, they fill your drink and then you touch the cup while eating.:-(

The baggers in the grocery stores out here used to wear gloves. Now all of a sudden,they don't anymore.:-(

Any time I get a drink like that I fill my own cup at the gas station.:)
I was at the mall the other day and I needed to use the ladies room. On my way there my kids saw Aunt Annie's Pretzels and wanted to get one, but I said not until I go to the bathroom first.

In the stall next to me, I could tell that the women was...lets say doing a number two. I heard her get up and head straight out the door without washing her hands. I did get a glimpse of her and she had an apron on. I asked my kids if she was wearing an Aunt Annie's pretzels apron and they said "yes." I told them exactly what happened. It sure did prevent them from getting anything there.

When I was in college I worked at a pizza/sub restuarant place. I saw dough hit the floor many times and then picked up quickly and used. The floor was disgusting!!!

I think a lot thinks are gross and if you thought about it too long we would be prisoners in our own homes. I try not to go over board with the germ thing. I do however avoid situations that I do catch like the above.

Isn't money printed on some bacteria resistant paper? I seem to recall seeing that somewhere.

Actually, many dollar bills in circulation have traces of cocaine on! (I read that, too!)

You come up with the neatest stuff! Never thought of that one. I will try to keep my bills at waist level and not too close to my nose. I don't want that kind of a high.

My probation officer when I was 17 put me in jail for 3 weeks "to show me she could", her own words to my bf,now husband. Anyways, they take you down town to this old jail for 24 hours. I was in the holding tank w/ prostitutes. One was on the toilet puling money out of a "conspicuous area" and rinsing it off in the sink. She said she had to hide it "because they weren't taking her hard earned money".
I live near Toronto - we went through the SARS crisis a few years back and let me tell you - I'm crazy about hand washing. It is a must. My kids hate me for constantly washing their hands. I also carry purell and travel wipes in my purse. I just can't stand the thought of the germs everywhere. the one thing I learned during SARS was that frequent hand washing was a must. I'd get off the subway in the morning - the first thing I'd do when I got into work was wash my hands. Everyone in my office did the same thing. we got into the habit of constantly washing our hands. Its beyond me how anyone could go to the washroom and leave without washing thier hands - especially food handlers.....x(
My dad is a retired food scientist - he used to do health inspections for the FDA - and DH is an ex-chef. The things they have told me about restaurant nastiness would make you never want to eat out again.


An ex of mine in high school used to work at KFC. They would be back there w/ sweat dripping off their noses all over the food while they were cooking it. I never did like their food, so I didn't have to worry about eating there.

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