Funk Busters?


In light of my most recent spiral into a HUGE funk -- I started wondering how other people pull themselves out. So what are your tips/rituals/secrets to getting out of it?

And please don't respond with "oh...I never get into a funk"...'cause that means this thread isn't for YOU and then I'll just have to wish one on ya.
Sounds kinda corny, but when I'm in a funk I:

~ Count my blessings and thank the Lord for them all.

~ Kim

"Welcome the challenge...Embrace it...Don't fear it." -Cathe Friedrich
Hi. I try a few things.
1.Read my Bible.
2.Rent some stupid comedies.
3.Aerobic exercise.
4.Call friends &/or family.
5.When all else fails, wait it out & sleep alot.
Sorry you don't feel well. It will get better! I don't know you, but will remember you in my prayers! Coleen
I am probably the funk master. Actually what gets me out of a funk usually hurts my wallet. Typically once a year I get into one and the only way out for me is to change things up. It's all about getting excited about something different. A couple of years ago my funk buster was taking up spinning (LOVE IT!). Last year I changed to a new gym. This year I started in on Cathe DVD's. The most important factor for me is changing it up and trying something new. Even new music can really change my attitude. Also trying to workout at different times (am instead of pm or vice versa) has given me enough of a change of scenery to recharge my batteries. Sometimes even watching a movie with a hardbody in it gives me the incentive to work hard again. There are so many little things that can make a difference.

If all else fails then I pick a body part and really concentrate on improving it. Once I start seeing improvement I usually get the spark back and start hitting everything hard again. The key is that this fitness craze of ours has to be FUN. You have to seek out a new fun factor and build back up from there. Good luck to you! You are not alone!
i change things up too, but i don't mean in a workout related way. i make new goals, get new hobbies...try to get a different outlook on everything. i get bored really easily and that always triggers a funk if i don't do something about it.

go shopping

get myself a new bag or imagine doing so... you know what this means, sister:)

eat lots of chocolate, Snickers preferably:9

get drunk

when working out, do a push/pull routine and imagine pulling myself out of hellfire and pushing myself into a room full of hunks;-)

change the order of things in the bedroom/around the house

read women's literature, not chick lit -- the latter only makes me more depressed

talk to Sandy because she's funny in e-mails and very philosophical:)

do photo illustrations of things I REALLY want to do in Photoshop

We should talk about our next GTG, Shonie. And if you want, I can bring you black balloons this weekend. Just say when.

Do you know what's causing the funk?

I usually try to identify what the problem is, tell myself that it isn't as much of a consequece as I'm allowing it to be then I do something to distract myself from what it is.

I might spend the day cleaning the house, or a day of shopping. In any case, it's something that takes up a good portion of the day, is productive and leaves me tired when I'm done.

After that I resolve to let go of whatever it is that's bugging me, focus on what's good and get on with life as usual. During one of those funk periods my eating has usually gone off the deep end as well so I also get back to clean eating and work out a bit harder.

I really do hope you're feeling better soon. :)
really my vice is just to have one hell of a hard workout so i have such an endorphin rush and i'm so tired i just can't think about being in a funk. That usually does it for me :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

I have many different types of funks! If it's a workout funk then I usually just try to get focused on walking on my treadmill or reading fitness magazines or just watching a Cathe video (which I then HAVE to get up and workout!). If it's just something where I'm feeling crappy about everything and me included...nothing does if for me like getting a make-over. That always gets me inspired to make a change and then things improve from there...and it doesn't necessarily cost me any money (I know sounds silly huh?)! Something else I might do is pick up the phone and call someone I haven't talked to in ages - that usually gets me feeling pretty good to reconnect with someone!

Nap with the cats
Talk to Mommy (she's 8 states away)
Clean the house

There's something about the smell of baking that mellows me out...

Retail Therapy!

For workout funk/slump, I start with something kind of easy and work my way back up. I read in a training book that you can't stay in performance condition 100% of the time and to relax for a few months once in a while. The few pounds you pick up will give you incentive to work even harder on your comeback.

unforunatly...I'm kinda in the same boat and have always had trouble unfunkin'.
My is usually cause by the portion of life I dont have much control etc. So what sometimes works for me is avoidance, sounds bad I know but try like for example on the weekend to forget about all of life's crud and make it like a mini get away. Sometimes its camping out in the living room with my baby and watching movies and sometimes the beach or shopping. If I can relax enough on the weekend sometimes it carries over a little into the work week.
Good luck and I hope you find something that works for you
My funks usually happen because all day long I take care of others, aka my kids, and often times forget myself. When I feel that way I try to do something nice for someone that is having a hard time and for some reason that always makes me feel better.
Or I will think of others less fortunate than I am, which let's face it there are a lot of unfortunate people.
I will make a list of all the things that are great about my life and then thank God for each and every thing on my list.
Sometimes a take a walk outside just to hear the sounds of nature. That is pretty incredible, too.
There is a family down the road who has 7 kids, so I will bake them some cookies or bread and take it over for the kids.

I have found that when I am in a funk, even when caused by not giving time to myself, I get out of it by giving to others, praising God or surrounding myself with nature. Strange, isn't it?

I love to go antiquing. Even if I can't afford to buy anything I love the atmosphere and I can get lost, psychologically, in it. I just love looking at everything and trying to imagine who previously owned it, what did it mean to them, what purpose did it serve--it's just a nice diversion.

I also like to read--mostly biographies. I like the stories of historical figures or of people who have triumphed over adversity. It inspires me, and sometimes helps me to see what I have to be thankful for. This summer I read Founding Mother's by Cokie Roberts and I would highly recommend it. The wives and mothers of our founding fathers were smart and courageous women and we owe much to them!

>My funks usually happen because all day long I take care of
>others, aka my kids, and often times forget myself. When I
>feel that way I try to do something nice for someone that is
>having a hard time and for some reason that always makes me
>feel better.
>Or I will think of others less fortunate than I am, which
>let's face it there are a lot of unfortunate people.
>I will make a list of all the things that are great about my
>life and then thank God for each and every thing on my list.
>Sometimes a take a walk outside just to hear the sounds of
>nature. That is pretty incredible, too.
>There is a family down the road who has 7 kids, so I will bake
>them some cookies or bread and take it over for the kids.
>I have found that when I am in a funk, even when caused by not
>giving time to myself, I get out of it by giving to others,
>praising God or surrounding myself with nature. Strange,
>isn't it?

No Missy, that's not strange--that's really lovely. I think you have the right idea.

Shonie, would you like me to come down there & bust your funk for you? ;-)

I've been having a pretty rough time myself personally lately. What has helped has been lots & lots of exercise (always a great stress reliever), spending time with my friends & family when I can, & truthfully just spending time at home on my couch with my dogs just letting it all out, if you know what I mean. It's OK to feel down, it's natural & it does happen to everyone. Sometimes a good cry every few days really can make you feel better.

And if you want to talk or email you know what to do........cheer up honey, remember there are a ton of people out there who care about you, us included.........:)

ETA: oh yeah, & a new pair of shoes or purse doesn't hurt either.....;-)

You're lucky I love you and can appreciate some good humor. Otherwise, you'd be finding yourself in a funk right now (due to my "wishing it so". Thanks, BTW, for making me laugh. I'm thinking LAUGHTER is a good de-funker for me.

I appreciate everyone's input.

Funk? Yikes!
Defunking strategies:
1. Clean out your closet and go shopping for either A. one luxury item or B. A really great non trendy wardrobe booster Like a great fitting white blouse with frech cuffs or C. new make up

2. Write youself a letter

3. Call on your friends - well you just did on this forum! Good job!

4. Take a really nice bath with lavendar baby oil in the water and brign along a good book to read. I highly recommend The Time Travelers wife which was recommended on this forum not long ago.

If it is a workout funk:
1. Change things up a bit. Try a class that you ordinarily wouldn't go for. I myself am dabbling in Pilates. And, while I didn't care for DVD's or one intsturctor, I did hook up with an instructor that I like.

2. Change up your cardio. If you normally do several interval workouts per week. Try doing circuits or steady state inseead. If you are used to doing 5 60" cardios per week try 3-4 very intense 30" sessions, followed by prolonged sdtretching.

3. I second the suggestion to try to focus on one body part for a while.

My thoughts are with you. Please feel free to PM or e-mail me anytime, We've never met, but all my Cathe freinds are real friends to me.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

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