From walking to CTX


Hi, all:

Just wanted to put in a plug for walking for anyone who's going through rehab or starting over, etc. I had back surgery in mid-December and had to wait three months to put any impact into my exercise routine. I was told to walk, walk, walk, and I was allowed to do some light weight work (<25lbs).

So, I walked my legs off, and did my "wimpy" weight work. When I passed that three month mark, I decided I'd give All-step (CTX) a try, and just not get disappointed if I only made it ten minutes or so. Well, I made it through the whole tape with some modification, and then went on over the next two days to do 10-10-10 and Kickboxing!! I was amazed at how well walking had prepared me for Cathe. The bonus is, it had been so long since I had done the series before my surgery that it's almost like having new tapes!!

Thank you, walking! It's great to be doing Cathe workouts again, too!


good for you and thanks for the testimony. I am having a week or two off high impact because my achilles tendon has been complaining and i decided i had to walk as a best alternative even though it is a "wimpy" one!

On Saturday I power walked my butt off and was amazed at the intensity i could reach. My legs and butt were aching afterwards as proof of the effectiveness and it was a joy to be outside enjoying a sunny and windy day that relly blew the cobwebs away.

So, everyone, walking that really guns it can be a great thing!

And I am glad to hear that when I come back to Cathe again, I won't be starting from scratch! Thanks for the words of encouragement.

Ann - Ditto what Clare said! People, including yours truly, really underestimate the kind of workout you can get with walking, especially if you go at a good clip and can build some really good hills into your route.

In fact, I'm fortunate enough to live near a park that has a short but very steep bunny slope, and in the summer and fall of 2000 I made it into a real interval workout by power-walking to the slope and then just going up and down, up and down! Lost half a skirt size that summer/fall. I called it the Interval Workout For The Brain-Dead, and I still call the slope Musclebutt Mountain. :) Your little testimonial may get me back into doing it again this season.

Glad to hear you're on the mend!


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