Friday check-in (5/16)


Hello ladies. Hope everyone is doing well. It was a hectic week for me, so workout wise...things didn't happen as planned. Hopefully I'll be able to step it up next week. I did manage to make a few diet switches that helped keep me more on track and I didn't OVER indulge nearly as much. I had no fast food, which is a bonus and I ate those Edy's 100% fruit bars or a fat free pudding as a late night snack to tame the sweet beast.

My workout week from last week
Saturday - Winsor Bun & Thigh
Sunday - Muscle Endurance
Monday - worked late no workout
Tuesday - worked late no workout
Wednesday - Leaner Legs
Thursday - got amnio done so I'm taking it eeeeeeasy!

Marci, regarding the was fine. Try not to worry. It's more uncomfortable than it is actually painful and it happens pretty fast. I would have to say that your comfort level with your choice of doctor is soooooo important. My doctor was fabulous and made it all very easy. I was terribly nervous and honestly, could hardly feel the needle go in. It was the switching the tubes, which moved the needle around a little, that felt uncomfortable. I think it's a very mental procedure, meaning that it's more the idea of what is happening that is difficult than the act itself. Afterwards I felt the tiniest bit of mild soreness, but today I feel completely fine. I can't say it was the most enjoyable way to spend the afternoon, but it wasn't nearly as bad as you might think. Now the wait for the results is another story.

I have an ultrasound in two weeks and it will be my next time on the scale. My goal is to stay under a 5 pound weight gain since my last appointment 5 weeks ago. Don't know if I can do it, but I'm going to try.

How is everyone else doing????
Hi- I'm checking in even though I didn't officially join the workout workouts have been pretty sparse. All I do now is powerwalk, which somehow feels like enough! I'm 31 weeks and am feeling good! Being at this stage of pregnancy is pretty fun- big enough to get attention :) but not so big that I am immobilized!
Congrats on getting through your amnio. Keep us posted on the results!

Friday check time. I did "OK" this week. I managed to get in all my workouts but the sweets got the best of me a couple of times.

Sat: Fit for 2 Pregnancy Step tape
Sun: Keri Anderson Step tape (about 40 min cardio) CTX Bicep & Tricep
Mon: leaner legs (without weights) and walked 3 miles at lunch
Tues: 30 min bike and CTX chest & shoulders
Wed: walked 3 miles at lunch
Thurs: leaner legs
Friday: walked 3 miles

This is pretty much my regular routine now. I still do the same weight amounts for upper body that I did before but I have a hard time maintaining form on the leaner legs tape with any weights at all. It still seems to be a good workout with just my extra baby weight!

Went to doc. on Thurs, all is well and I gained 6 lbs in 4 weeks. This is high but I was OK with it because of being on vaca for 1 week and totally pigging out. I actually expected the gain to be 8 or 9 so 6 seemed great!

Hope everyone else is doing great!
Hi everyone,

Workoutwise I did pretty well last week. I already listed it on the other thread so I won't do it again. But as far as eating goes, it was not very good at all. I just get so hungry. Anyway today I am ravenous again, but instead of the big bowl of ice cream with fudge sauce and nuts that I have been obsessing about all day, I had a snack of left over steamed vegetables and chicken (healthy, but so boring). Now, if I can just get the ice cream vision out of my head and not indulge:). I like this accountability thing. Thanks.

This week wasn't too bad for me. At least no worse than last week- although I have still been eating my left over brownies! I am accepting the fact that I am on target for maybe a 45 pound weight gain. Other than a treat or two a day, I think I eat nutrient packed foods, so I feel that I will let my body do what it needs to, and worry about losing the weight after I have my healthy baby.

Monday- Energy Sprint
Tuesday- moderate 40 minute walk
Wednesday- Power Hour
Thursday- Energy Sprint
Friday- Muscle Endurance
Saturday- Still Jumpin'

Letswork, I'm glad your amnio went well. Take care of yourself.

Can I just add that I love feeling my baby move around! It is so amazing. Since I have felt movement, I really KNOW that there is life in there. It is so exciting.

:+ my first - a boy - due Sept 4th

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