Francine: Seeking Your Advice !


Hi Francine! I just read an indepth post you wrote about your diet. I also read where you had gone to a trainer and was informed you weren't eating enough. I'm wondering how many calories approximately do you take in a day? Does it depend on your workouts?
I currently am doing the Total Body Rotation adding cardio(35mn-1 hour) on the Pyramid days and Muscle Endurance day. I'm eating 5-6 small meals a day,adding more protein in. I only eat about 50-60 grams of carbs getting them mostly from fruits and veges. I seem to average about 1300-1400 calories daily. I looking to lean out, decrease the body fat a bit. I'm at about 19.5% right now. I'm wondering if I'm not eating enough? For some reason I have it in my head that I shouldn't eat over 1400 or I'll gain weight. When I write out my meal plan for the day and it gets to about 1400 calories I think I should decrease it a bit so I'll scratch some things off. I have it in my head that if I eat more I'll gain instead of lose.
Do you have any suggestions? I'll leave a short version of a meal plan so you can see where I am at. Thanks so much for any advice.

Meal1: 1 egg, 3 egg whites, 1 slc. fat free cheese and 1 slice whole wheat toast.

Meal2: 1/2c Fat Free cottage cheese and 6 oz of Fat Free yogurt mixed.

Meal3: 1 cup frozen veges( asparagus or broccoli etc.) 5 oz chicken or tuna.

Meal4: Protein Bar or 1/2 banana and some string cheese

Meal5: small tossed salad with 5 oz lean meat

Meal6: Protein bar or drink. I also drink at least a gallon of water daily. :)
Hi Susan ! I'm curious at what post your read? I think you have me confused with someone else! Regardless though I'd be happy to help;) I'll get back to you! Just recheck and maybe you still want to post this to who you read about-hey the more info the better right;) TTYS
Francine - I think that she may be talking about the post you made in response to my question a week or two ago. I think that it was titled "Francine-diet & rotation" or something like that. I'll try to find it, but I don't know how to add links in these messages.
Sara :)
>Francine - I think that she may be talking about the post you
>made in response to my question a week or two ago. I think
>that it was titled "Francine-diet & rotation" or something
>like that. I'll try to find it, but I don't know how to add
>links in these messages.
>Sara :)
I found it - it is on the 5th page of the open discussion forum titled " Francine - diet." I hope that this is the one she was referring to! :)
>Yes, that's the one! Thanks Sara!:) Susan

#41983, "RE: Francine - diet"
In response to Reply #0

Hi Sara! Thank you for the kind words! I do various rotations as you will see if you check out the rotation list I started to list on the new forums! I really switch it up with plenty of variety! I personally love CTX as is and circuit training! My body responds well to this training and gives me a lean physique!AS for my eating ~I love to eat! I thought the only thing that I didn't like was liver til my DH (chef carson-not a chef but I call him that-he's soo into it especially when he has his amstel in stock) made me a liver marsala sauteed! He tricked me into eating it and it was yummy! Now everything's a GO food wise!Luckily though, I do have good eating habits My stomach is on a serious food schedule! It tells me when to eat and I accomadate it by having food on me at all times! I brown bag it to work for my snacks and meals ! I keep a cooler in my car always with a bottle of water when doing errands or shopping! I love oatmeal,fruits,veggies,brown rice,pasta,steak,chicken,seafood to name a few :> !I eat usually 6 x a day spaced out (no less than 5)Typical day with variety- I start off my morning as soon as I wake up with OJ,cup of grean tea, 2 slices or 1(rarely)of 12grain wheat bread with Strawberry jam or I can't believe it's not butter spray (or oatmeal), walk my 3 akitas,then workout and an hour after my workout I'll have a protein shake 20 oz(usually 2 bananas 2 apples with ice cubes), 2 hours later I'll have a nice size bowl of kashi(or omellete or tuna /chicken salad on pita), then I'll have grapes, and handful of almonds for snack 2 hours later(or steamed veggies w/brown rice or a salad 2 hrs before my dinner including lotsa spring mix, lil lettuce(love the yellow parts)carrots,red onions,sundried tomatoes,plum tomatoes,yellow or orange peppers with balsamic vinegar(NJ tomatoes if they are in season)), then onto my dinner filet mignon,baked potato, whole corn and salad,(or pasta dish with meatballs) my pm snack is hot air popcorn-maybe a hot chocolate with skim milk only(that's all I drink) ,or Turkeyhill yogurt-sherbert w/ FF coolwhip, or if DH mad me an apple pie I eat a piece save a piece for during the week and bring the rest to work! We also have a 5lb fryer that my husband will fry food in canola evry blue moon or we hit chi chis(his favorite) fried ice cream(my favorite) I honestly do watch what I eat for 4 days maybe 5(sometime the urge isn't there yet)then have a cheat treat(not a whole day binge) treating me to something I want but if I don't want it I'll do it when I want it and have no guilt because it's not all the time!
In a nutshell! Everything in moderation and meals should be reasonable portions ! Exercise and plan your meals around your activity for the day! Try to include carbs,protein and fats with every meal/snack ! I "personally" lean towards eating more %protein meal's towards the night and eat more carbs throughout the day where my body uses it up as fuel right away and at night my muscles recuperate and repair themselves with my last meal! You should know your BMR and AMR to know how many calories your body needs(are you eating too much or too little)It's better to start healthy eating habits now ! I don't know if you have a particular inquiry about nutrition (how or when to eat) or want to stop eating the wrong things! To simply answer that question when to eat-ask your self-"what will I be doing for the next 2-3 hrs? Fuel yourself for that event,exercise or activity(ex if you are gone to the movies you wouldn't want to eat pasta(high carbs) since you will be doing something sedantary but if you are gonna be working out than up your carbs)!If you are eating the wrong things you'll notice your cravings will diminish and you may find you eat certain things out of habit rather than hunger! Once you start eliminating certain foods your body will get use to not having it! Remember to properly hydrate yourself throughout the day and get a good nights sleep! HTH

Your Friend in fitness~~Francine

I copied Francine's post to bring it back up, since the other one had so much blank space in it. Hope you didn't mind Francine. I love reading your's and everyone's nutritional and work out advice. Now if I can only apply it and look like you I would be one really happy camper. You look fantastic.
Hey Summer(beautiful name;-) ) Thanks for putting this all on one page! Easy reference!:p As for reaching your own goals, You can do it! Believe in yourself and Make it Happen;-)
Hi Susan! I haven't been online all weekend;( I have alot of catching up to do;) It would be helpful to me if I knew how much you weighed and how long you have been eating 1300-1400 calories! Under eating can be a setback! Restricting your caloric intake could cause your body to store food as fat versus burning it as an energy source. I have some calculations for you to get an idea of calories needed to not only function at optimal performance but to further assist you in learning when to eat more and when to eat less depending on your activity output! You will have to overcome your fear with extra food consumption, this can be done by still making healthy choices in addition to what you already eat! With this new behavior modification keep in mind that you are fueling your body while at the same time rebuilding your relationship with food intake and exercise output! Below is with moderate exercise than with heavy training days you will need to consume more calories!
Now for 125 lbs. and you have a" moderate" activity level:
Your BMR is (125/2.2)*.9*24 = 1227 calories.
Your Activity level lower limit is 797 calories
Your Activity level upper limit is 920 calories
Your calories per day = 2025 to 2147 calories.
At heavy activity
Your Activity level lower limit is 920 calories
Your Activity level upper limit is 1227 calories
Your calories per day = 2147 to 2454 calories.
Now for 130 lbs
You weigh 130 lbs. and you have a moderate activity level:
Your BMR is (130/2.2)*.9*24 = 1276 calories.
Your Activity level lower limit is 829 calories
Your Activity level upper limit is 957 calories
Your calories per day = 2106 to 2233 calories.
At heavy activity
Your Activity level lower limit is 957 calories
Your Activity level upper limit is 1276 calories
Your calories per day = 2233 to 2552 calories.
Now for 140 lbs
Your BMR is (140/2.2)*.9*24 = 1374 calories.
Your Activity level lower limit is 893 calories
Your Activity level upper limit is 1030 calories
Your calories per day = 2268 to 2405 calories.
At heavy activity
Your Activity level lower limit is 1030 calories
Your Activity level upper limit is 1374 calories
Your calories per day = 2405 to 2749 calories.

For those who have other(Lbs)to calculate you can do it easily at
As for my caloric intake it is based on my activities through the day always eating more protein towards the night! I do follow a particular method , This is my own personal preference! I hope you don't find it confusing( I went in to this awhile back and had several pm's for this info),I'll go into detail for those interested too. Just to let you all know that there's a way to lose fat and still maintain a reasonably high BMR so your fat loss process can continue smoothly. It's called the "zigzag" method of fat loss, and it works better than any fat loss method there is(IMHO). Why? It's permanent. Permanent, that is, if you continue to eat 5 or 6 smaller meals per day and exercise regularly. It also allows you to maintain (or improve) your lean muscle mass.The Zig-Zag method keeps your body off guard so it never knows what caloric level will be intaken for the day. It will burn calories as it assumes that there will be more coming in when in fact there may be only a limited amount for that day so fat stores are used for energy! You'll notice that as you reduce your caloric intake and increase your caloric burn your percent bodyfat drops correspondingly. But so does your BMR. Then, to force your BMR back to a normal level, you begin eating normally again for a brief period. What happens is that your bodyfat level again begins to climb, but not so high as it was at the beginning. Then you lower your caloric intake again; down goes your bodyfat. Eat normal again, and up the bodyfat goes - again, not so high as it was before. This process continues until your bodyfat percentage is at healthful levels(which yours are).By zigzagging your caloric intake like this, you ultimately allow periodic BMR adjustments to take place, bringing it back to a level corresponding to your new (lower) body weight. Then it's easy to begin losing fat again, and again. If you simply trying going down, down down in bodyfat, your BMR never has a chance to adjusted and your fatloss efforts become harder and harder until, in thorough frustration, you binge out and get fat again - forever
The key to the entire process, is weight training. Without the weight training your lost weight will be from lean tissue, NOT only fat! And don't try to do it too quickly! Even with weight training starvation diets will cause too much lost muscle rather than only fat. Walking is OK for those considered "chronically" fat. For those of you who are only slightly overweight other forms of aerobic exercise are excellent for maintaining great cardiovascular fitness. Even for such people weight training stands out as the single best method there is for ensuring that gradually lost weight will come from fat stores, and not hard-won muscle tissue. This is because aerobic training simply does not build muscle to the extent that weight training can. When you couple the zigzag method and weight training with moderate aerobic exercise and a careful diet and proper supplemenatation, you will be amazed at how easy it is to lose fat, and how enjoyable it is to keep it off or just maintain your current weight. So to put it all in a nutshell, you have 7 days in a week, out of the 2 days during the week choose which ones you want high calorie(of course around family functions,hanging with friends or eating out) then the other 5 days eat cleaner and lesser calories! This is "my" guideline, you can have 3 higher calories days(hopefully on high active days ;) and the other 4 varying in lower caloric intake! No more than that if you want to maintain current weight or lose weight! You don't want to jeapordize your metabolism by undereating over a long period of time!You'll be surprised how the high calorie days shock your metabolism and improve your bodyfat composition!Just an added note- For someone who wants to lose weight safely 2 lbs max is recommended by dropping 7000 calories from your caloric intake during the week-you can minus that factor into your caloric needs! HTH;)
Hi Francine,

Great information! I would LOVE to lose 2 lbs. a week. :D I have a question on figuring out the calories, though.

I am in the 140 lb. range and want to lose 2 lbs a week. You already know the amount/level of exercise I am doing. ;-) I'm not sure which range of calories to use in order to subtract the 7000 from for the week.

Also, what is considered a high calorie day? Increasing by 100, 200, 300? It seems to me if you are subtracting 7000 calories a week, you cannot go very high in calories on a few days or you won't have very many calories left for the other days.

I really appreciate your help. :)

Wow Francine ! That was really nice of you to give out so much info! You are a very smart lady!;) I have heard of that zigzag method before but never put it to use. I did go to the web site you had for figuring out my caloric needs. It did say I needed over 2000 a day! So, I am going to sit down and re-figure this stuff out. I am going to try your method. It sure sounds a lot simpler than others. I also read in a book I have over the weekend to try to get most of my carbs in during the day and to limit them in the evenings.
I have a physical this afternoon so I will also be running some questions past my Dr.
Thank you, thank you, thank you, for all your advice!! Susan :D
Hi Jenni! I just emailed you;) You want to always have a plan, but you also want a plan that is suitable for your needs without added confusion or frustration! For the zigzag, you'll always have to go off of current weight calculations for the week! Since workout intensities vary throughout the week, it's basically planning your calories around your activities for the day and spreading them out thoughtfully throughout the week!Start off with 1lb as a goal then slowly manifest the other deductions in later if you are comfortable with this format!Your high calorie days can be considered as cheat days or just high calorie consumption day(your high activity AMR calculations) throughout your 6 meals that day to fuel the body from it's output!HTH;) Good luck on counting calories or WW counting points;)
Hi Susan! My pleasure! It surpises me that the zigzag method is not more well known! I personally have great success with it and so have my clients to where it's just a way of life for me and easy to factor in cheat days! Not too mention it throws out the Yo-yo- dieting, keeps the metabolism functioning at it's peak , and you never go hungry!;) As for what you read about carbs soo true!A good rule of thumb is always ask your self the question -what will I be doing in the next 2-3 hrs? It's easier to make your adjustments that way! Carb up before workouts of course and throughout the day added with proteins and good fats! Your last meal should consume mainly protein and then fast 2 hrs prior to sleeping(JMHO)!Your protein will last for 14 hrs and repair muscles during your rest ,you will also be improving your body's ability to produce growth hormone--a function that occurs primarily when we sleep! A sound nights rest has been shown to contribute to better growth hormone production! By working toward increasing your body's natural growth hormone production you will find your natural energy replenished and your natural fat-burning abilities rejuvenated! Eat right,Train Smart and get your beauty sleep! Let us know what the dr says, see if he has a Tanita scale that measures bodyfat,water composition,weight etc! Good luck!
Thanks Francine - as always, excellent advice! I really have to plan out my meals better to have multiple smaller meals. I have some work to do... :)

You can do it! Use that determination as a motivation tool to get what you want! Take control, make a plan, be commited and put it all into affect!;)
Hi Francine! Well, the Doc says I'm in fine health though she does want to take a blood test next week to check my thyroid. I have some symptoms of a hypothyroid and it does run in my family(Mom and sister) so we'll see about that. Otherwise she said to push myself harder during my workouts! I had to laugh and asked her if she ever heard of Cathe and she said no. Well, I explained that she had to trust me on how hard I push myself - I Do!! Cathe makes sure of it!!
I asked her about the zig zag method and she said she had heard of it and it wouldn't hurt to try it.
So , I am starting it and I will keep you posted on how it works. Again I thank you for all of your help and advice. I truly appreciate. Take care- Susan
Great check up news;-) Please keep me posted,You can't go wrong with Cathe and a healthy eating program! I wish you luck in reaching your fitness goals!
I just read you post and am really interested in trying the zig zag method, but I am really confused. Is there a web-site or book that goes into greater detail about this?
Thank you,
Hi Ashley! I don't know of any books available on the zigzag method(which I learned from ISSA(International Sports Sciences Association) I'll inquire for you! But this website will go further into it for you! Definitely check this out! Very Informative!
Also, Here is an article that I found , that I thought you would be interested in reading!
Is There A Safe, Healthy Way To Sustain Weight Loss?
Some of us feel that we only have to look into the fridge to put weight on. Many of us have tried diets, possibly too numerous in number to remember, only to find that we gain weight as soon as we start eating normally again. It can be very frustrating and many give up believing that nothing will ever work to help them keep excess weight off for good.
Dr Charles Jones, Chiropractor at the Gulf American Clinic and Euro Gulf Medical Centre, believes that more education is needed to teach people how to lose weight in a safe and healthy way. “Today many women and men, and unfortunately many teenagers as well, are trying to lose weight by constantly dieting. There are numerous diets around all promising to make a leaner, thinner more confident you. What many people do not realize however is that continuous dieting is actually a self defeating process,” he says. He believes that by educating people on how the body weight process works it will encourage safer more effective practices towards weight loss.
Ahmed Abbas and Helga Bergsteinsdottir are Sports Rehabilitation Counselors and assist Dr Charles Jones, at the centre. They are also Certified Fitness Trainers and Specialists in Performance Nutrition. The two counselors assist Dr Jones and work with patients to develop personalized programmes for them. The programmes are designed to help them lose weight safely and permanently and develop an exercise routine that suits their body type, their lifestyles and their personal goals. Their philosophy is based on promoting an understanding of the true biological process in response to weight loss activities and developing individual programmes which are realistic and sustainable.
Ahmed explains the biological process of dieting, “When you lower your calorie intake alone to lose weight, your body will respond by burning some fat, but only for a short period of time. After a certain period your body will start to slow down your metabolism (calorie burning process) to adjust to the reduced calorie intake level.” Our bodies have a natural inbuilt mechanism to adjust to different conditions and when you continue to reduce your calorie intake without exercise, your body will defend by lowering its metabolic rate (the amount of calories your body burns whilst resting). Basically it will eventually adjust to the new calorie level intake, sacrificing its metabolic rate in the process.

“For example,” Ahmed says, “let’s say that you were consuming 2000 calories a day then you drop it down to 1500 per day. Your body will burn some fat to compensate for the caloric reduction but only for a short period of time. The average person who loses 6kg due to dieting, actually loses less than 3kg of fat. The remainder is due to loss of water and some muscle tissue. After a few weeks of dieting your body will slow down its metabolism and learn to live with only 1500 calories per day. In other words you will not be losing weight any more.”

Ahmed continues, “If you decide to reduce your calories even further, say by 300 calories (ie down to only 1,200 per day) your body will react in the same way”. Again your body will initially sacrifice some body fat but will further reduce your muscle tissue and adjust its metabolic rate to cope with the further reduced caloric intake. Now you are faced with an even lower metabolic rate.

If you are particularly stubborn, the counselors claim, and reduce your calories even further, your body will continue to react in the same manner over and over again until you give up and are left with a crashed down metabolism. When you start to eat normally again you will gain all the weight back and are likely to end up even heavier than when you first started dieting!

Helga says that fortunately science has discovered the most effective way to lose weight without starving and without crashing down your metabolism. “Quite simply you reduce your calories for a few days, say 4-5 days, then before your body has time to adjust, and slow the metabolic rate, you increase your calories for 2 or 3 days. We call it the “zigzag method for fat loss”. It is very effective and it’s permanent,” she adds.

For safe and healthy results however the team believe that this zigzag method should only represent one piece of the overall puzzle. Another important factor for weight loss is your activity level. This activity should include both aerobic and muscle building exercises. Muscle building is useful because muscles burn calories even at rest. Therefore by building muscle mass you will help to speed up your metabolic rate, even when you are not exercising. So instead of burning muscles to lose weight you should build lean muscle to burn fat and let the muscles do the work for you. The remaining pieces of the puzzle should number of meals, timing of meals and the type of food you are eating. This should then be balanced against your body type and your own personal goals.

Helga asks, “Would you be happy if you had everything you wanted in life but not your health?” She strongly believes that exercise improves your quality of life and that we owe it to ourselves to take charge of our health and fitness. Achievable, she says, only by making health and fitness a dominant goal in out lives. “Many people spend time and money investing for their personal futures and focus on monetary activities to prepare for this. However without good health how can you enjoy the pleasures you have financially invested so heavily for?” She advocates, “ if you invest in your body today your body will thank you tomorrow”.

* I hope this added info was helpful to you! ;-)
HI Francine-just out of curiousity..what do you think of the blood type diet?I have a friend who went thru issa and she kind of pushes that.I personally think it sounds weird that you have to cut out so much healthy foods.what are your thoughts??

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